This is the Dockerfile for the latest version of SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition for Windows Containers.
You can build the container with the following command.
docker build -t mssql-server-developer:latest .
You can run the container with the following command.
docker run --name sqldev -d -p 1433:1433 -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e sa_password=MyPass!23 mssql-server-developer:latest
-p HostPort:containerPort is for port-mapping a container network port to a host port.
-v HostPath:containerPath is for mounting a folder from the host inside the container.
This can be used for saving database outside of the container.
-it can be used to show the verbose output of the SQL startup script.
Use this to debug the container in case of issues.
The image provides two environment variables to optionally set:
accept_eula: Confirms acceptance of the end user licensing agreement found here
sa_password: Sets the sa password and enables the sa login
attach_dbs: The configuration for attaching custom DBs (.mdf, .ldf files).
This should be a JSON string, in the following format (note the use of SINGLE quotes!)
[ { 'dbName': 'MaxDb', 'dbFiles': ['C:\\temp\\maxtest.mdf', 'C:\\temp\\maxtest_log.ldf'] }, { 'dbName': 'PerryDb', 'dbFiles': ['C:\\temp\\perrytest.mdf', 'C:\\temp\\perrytest_log.ldf'] } ]
This is an array of databases, which can have zero to N databases.
Each consisting of:
dbName: The name of the database
dbFiles: An array of one or many absolute paths to the .MDF and .LDF files.
Note: The path has double backslashes for escaping! The path refers to files within the container. So make sure to include them in the image or mount them via -v!
This example shows all parameters in action:
docker run -d -p 1433:1433 -v C:/temp/:C:/temp/ -e sa_password=<YOUR SA PASSWORD> -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e attach_dbs="[{'dbName':'SampleDB','dbFiles':['C:\\temp\\sampledb.mdf','C:\\temp\\sampledb_log.
ldf']}]" microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer
docker build --memory 4g .
For more information, see these articles: