diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 2ca8af0..ddc55b7 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 7eb7aa6..1989345 100755
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
@@ -48,13 +48,15 @@
@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@
@@ -101,12 +103,12 @@
@@ -145,10 +147,10 @@
@@ -156,10 +158,10 @@
@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@
@@ -236,7 +238,7 @@
@@ -246,7 +248,7 @@
@@ -263,7 +265,7 @@
@@ -296,9 +298,9 @@
@@ -314,6 +316,7 @@
diff --git a/etc/sh/bench b/etc/sh/bench
index 11e8262..9e20f0d 100755
--- a/etc/sh/bench
+++ b/etc/sh/bench
@@ -20,26 +20,26 @@ while [[ ! "$1" =~ ^(--tsv|[0-9]+) ]]; do
vmargs="$vmargs $1";
if (($#==0)); then
- execHelp
+ echo "Usage: bench [--tsv] "
+ echo "Use --tsv for tab-delimited output per etc/benchmarks/ribose.ods"
exit 0
-if [[ "$1" == "--tsv" ]]; then
+if [[ "$1" == "--tsv" ]]; then
if (($#<4)); then
- echo "Usage: bench [--tsv] "
+ echo "Usage: bench [--tsv] ..."
echo "Use --tsv for tab-delimited output per etc/benchmarks/ribose.ods"
exit 1
-shift 4
+shift 3
output="-Djrte.out.enabled=false -Dregex.out.enabled=false"
-for i in $(seq $n); do
- ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java $vmargs -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 $output -cp "$path" com.characterforming.jrte.test.FileRunner --nil "$model" $transducer "$input" "$@"|$format
+for t in $@; do for i in $(seq $n); do
+ ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java $vmargs -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 $output -cp "$path" com.characterforming.jrte.test.FileRunner --nil "$model" $t "$input"|$format
+done; done
diff --git a/logging.properties b/logging.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3dd6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logging.properties
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=%1$tF %1$tT [%4$-7s][%2$s]%n%5$s %6$s%n
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/patterns/test/DateExtractor.inr b/patterns/test/DateExtractor.inr
index 24feeb7..ac16b39 100644
--- a/patterns/test/DateExtractor.inr
+++ b/patterns/test/DateExtractor.inr
@@ -1,15 +1,30 @@
white = space | comma | tab | nl;
delimiter = '/' | '-' | '.' | '\\';
-yyyy = ((digit-'0') (digit:3)) @@ PasteAny;
-md = ('0'? (digit-'0') | '1' ('0'|'1'|'2')) @@ PasteAny;
-dd = ('1' (digit-('0'|'1'|'2')) | '2' digit | '3' ('0'|'1')) @@ PasteAny;
d0 = (delimiter, select[`~d0`] cut select);
d1 = (delimiter, select[`~d1`] cut select);
d2 = select[`~d2`] cut select;
-qy = `!_dmy`;
-yq = `!_ydm`;
+yyy = ((digit-'0') (digit:2)) @@ PasteAny;
+yyyy = ((digit-'0') (digit:3)) @@ PasteAny;
+mdy = yyy (digit, paste signal[`!_mdy`]);
+dmy = yyy (digit, paste signal[`!_dmy`]);
+dd = ('1' (digit-('0'|'1'|'2')) | '2' digit | '3' ('0'|'1')) @@ PasteAny;
+ymd = (
+ (
+ ('1', paste) ((digit - ('0'|'1'|'2')), paste)
+ | ('2', paste) (digit, paste)
+ | ('3', paste) (('0'|'1'), paste)
+ )
+ (byte, signal[`!_ymd`])
+md = ('0'? (digit-'0') | '1' ('0'|'1'|'2')) @@ PasteAny;
+ydm = (
+ (('0', paste) ((digit-'0'), paste) | ('1', paste) (('0'|'1'|'2'), paste))
+ (byte, signal[`!_ydm`])
numericDate = (
( digit+ '/' digit+ '/' digit+
@@ -17,45 +32,46 @@ numericDate = (
| digit+ '.' digit+ '.' digit+
| digit+ '\\' digit+ '\\' digit+
- white
- ( md d0 dd d1 yyyy (white, d2 signal[`!_mdy`])
- | dd d0 md d1 yyyy (white, d2 signal[`!_dmy`])
- | md d0 md d1 yyyy (white, d2 signal[qy])
- | yyyy d0 md d1 dd (white, d2 signal[`!_ymd`])
- | yyyy d0 dd d1 md (white, d2 signal[`!_ydm`])
- | yyyy d0 md d1 md (white, d2 signal[yq])
+ ( md d0 dd d1 mdy
+ | dd d0 md d1 dmy
+ | md d0 md d1 dmy
+ | yyyy d0 md d1 ymd
+ | yyyy d0 dd d1 ydm
+ | yyyy d0 md d1 ydm
day = (dd | md) {'st','nd','rd','th'}?;
month = (
- ( ({'J','j'} 'an', select[`~?`] paste[`#01`] select) 'uary'?
- | ({'F','f'} 'eb', select[`~?`] paste[`#02`] select) 'ruary'?
- | ({'M','m'} 'ar', select[`~?`] paste[`#03`] select) 'ch'?
- | ({'A','a'} 'pr', select[`~?`] paste[`#04`] select) 'il'?
- | ({'M','m'} 'ay', select[`~?`] paste[`#05`] select)
- | ({'J','j'} 'un', select[`~?`] paste[`#06`] select) 'e'?
- | ({'J','j'} 'ul', select[`~?`] paste[`#07`] select) 'y'?
- | ({'A','a'} 'ug', select[`~?`] paste[`#08`] select) 'ust'?
- | ({'S','s'} 'ep', select[`~?`] paste[`#09`] select) 'tember'?
- | ({'O','o'} 'ct', select[`~?`] paste[`#10`] select) 'ober'?
- | ({'N','n'} 'ov', select[`~?`] paste[`#11`] select) 'ember'?
- | ({'D','d'} 'ec', select[`~?`] paste[`#12`] select) 'ember'?
+ ( ({'J','j'} 'an', select[`~?`] paste[`01`] select) 'uary'?
+ | ({'F','f'} 'eb', select[`~?`] paste[`02`] select) 'ruary'?
+ | ({'M','m'} 'ar', select[`~?`] paste[`03`] select) 'ch'?
+ | ({'A','a'} 'pr', select[`~?`] paste[`04`] select) 'il'?
+ | ({'M','m'} 'ay', select[`~?`] paste[`05`] select)
+ | ({'J','j'} 'un', select[`~?`] paste[`06`] select) 'e'?
+ | ({'J','j'} 'ul', select[`~?`] paste[`07`] select) 'y'?
+ | ({'A','a'} 'ug', select[`~?`] paste[`08`] select) 'ust'?
+ | ({'S','s'} 'ep', select[`~?`] paste[`09`] select) 'tember'?
+ | ({'O','o'} 'ct', select[`~?`] paste[`10`] select) 'ober'?
+ | ({'N','n'} 'ov', select[`~?`] paste[`11`] select) 'ember'?
+ | ({'D','d'} 'ec', select[`~?`] paste[`12`] select) 'ember'?
-m0 = ((((month$2:alph) - `~?`)$(0,0))* (`~?`, `~d0`)*)*;
-m1 = ((((month$2:alph) - `~?`)$(0,0))* (`~?`, `~d1`)*)*;
+qd0 = ((((month$2:alph) - `~?`)$(0,0))* (`~?`, `~d0`)*)*;
+qd1 = ((((month$2:alph) - `~?`)$(0,0))* (`~?`, `~d1`)*)*;
alphanumericDate = (
- day (white, select[`~d0`] cut) white* 'of'? white*
- (month @ m1) white+
- yyyy (white, select[`~d2`] cut select signal[`!_dmy`])
- | (month @ m0) white+
- day (white, select[`~d1`] cut select) white*
- yyyy (white, select[`~d2`] cut select signal[`!_mdy`])
+ day (white, select[`~d0`] cut) white+
+ (month @ qd1) white+
+ yyy (digit, paste)
+ (byte, signal[`!_dmy`])
+ | (month @ qd0) white+
+ day (white, select[`~d1`] cut select) white+
+ yyy (digit, paste)
+ (byte, signal[`!_mdy`])
date = (numericDate | alphanumericDate);
@@ -68,67 +84,34 @@ conjoint = (a0 & a1) | (a0 & a2) | (a1 & a2);
'*** DateExtractor tape alphabets must be disjoint' conjoint:enum;
-SignalOrNul = {
- ({nul, _mdy}, _mdy),
- ({nul, _dmy}, _dmy),
- ({nul, _ymd}, _ymd),
- ({nul, _ydm}, _ydm),
- ({nul, eol}, eol)
+prefix = (date$0:pref) & a0;
+noise = byte - prefix;
-nullify = (AnyOrNul* SignalOrNul*)* @ date;
-prefix = utf8 & (date$0:pref);
null = (
- (nullify$(0 1 2))
- @ ((a0$(0,0))* (a1$(0,,0))* (a2$(0,,,0))*)*
- (nul, nul, clear[`~*`] select)
- (nul* a0* a1* a2*)*
+ ((AnyOrNul* @ date)$(0 1 2))
+ @ ((a0$(0,0)) ((a1$(0,,0)) (a2$(0,,,0))*)*)*
+ (nul, nul, signal[`!nil`]) (nul* a0* a1* a2*)*
-noise = (utf8 - (date$0:pref)) - white;
-dates = (
+DateExtractor = (
- white* noise*
+ (nil, clear[`~*`] select) noise*
(numericDate | alphanumericDate)
- ( (`_mdy`, out[`~d2` SLASH `~d0` SLASH `~d1` SPACE] clear[`~*`] select)
- | (`_dmy`, out[`~d2` SLASH `~d1` SLASH `~d0` SPACE] clear[`~*`] select)
- | (`_ymd`, out[`~d0` SLASH `~d1` SLASH `~d2` SPACE] clear[`~*`] select)
- | (`_ydm`, out[`~d0` SLASH `~d2` SLASH `~d1` SPACE] clear[`~*`] select)
+ (
+ (`_dmy`, d2 out[`~d2` solidus `~d1` solidus `~d0` space] signal[`!nil`])
+ | (`_mdy`, d2 out[`~d2` solidus `~d0` solidus `~d1` space] signal[`!nil`])
+ | (`_ymd`, d2 out[`~d0` solidus `~d1` solidus `~d2` space] signal[`!nil`])
+ | (`_ydm`, d2 out[`~d0` solidus `~d2` solidus `~d1` space] signal[`!nil`])
| null
- )*
+ )
- (eos, out[NL])
-map = {
- (NL, `\n`),
- (SLASH, `/`),
- (SPACE, ` `),
- (`#0`, `0`),
- (`#01`, `01`),
- (`#02`, `02`),
- (`#03`, `03`),
- (`#04`, `04`),
- (`#05`, `05`),
- (`#06`, `06`),
- (`#07`, `07`),
- (`#08`, `08`),
- (`#09`, `09`),
- (`#10`, `10`),
- (`#11`, `11`),
- (`#12`, `12`)
-identity = ((dates$2:alph) - (map$0))$(0,0);
-DateExtractor = (nil, clear[`~*`] select)? (
- dates @ (identity* map*)*
+ (eos, out[nl])
-DateExtractor$(0,1 2):prsseq `build/automata/DateExtractor.pr`;
DateExtractor:save `build/automata/DateExtractor.dfa`;
+DateExtractor$(0,1 2):prsseq `build/automata/DateExtractor.pr`;
diff --git a/reference/ASCII.PNG b/reference/ASCII.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d5485c
Binary files /dev/null and b/reference/ASCII.PNG differ
diff --git a/ribose b/ribose
index 10d2760..4f3fff3 100755
--- a/ribose
+++ b/ribose
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ execCompile() {
if (($#==4)); then
- $JAVA -ea -cp $path $vmargs com.characterforming.ribose.Ribose compile "$@"
+ $JAVA -ea -cp $path $vmargs com.characterforming.ribose.Ribose compile "$@"
elif (($#>0)); then
$JAVA -ea -cp $path $vmargs com.characterforming.ribose.Ribose compile --target com.characterforming.ribose.base.SimpleTarget "$@"
diff --git a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Assembler.java b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Assembler.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..153063a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Assembler.java
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ * Ribose is a recursive transduction engine for Java
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011,2022 Kim Briggs
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License
+ * and GNU Lesser Public License along with this program. See
+ * LICENSE-gpl-3.0. If not, see
+ * .
+ */
+package com.characterforming.jrte.engine;
+import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
+import com.characterforming.jrte.engine.Model.Argument;
+import com.characterforming.ribose.base.Codec;
+import com.characterforming.ribose.base.Signal;
+final class Assembler {
+ static final int NUL = 0;
+ static final int NIL = 1;
+ record Assembly(int[] inputEquivalents, int[][][] transitions, int[] effects) {
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() { return 0; }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(Object other) { return false; }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() { return ""; }
+ }
+ record Fst(int[] inputEquivalenceIndex, HashSet[] inputEquivalenceSets, State[] states, int[][][] matrix) {
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() { return 0; }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(Object other) { return false; }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() { return ""; }
+ }
+ private final ModelCompiler compiler;
+ private final int msumOrdinal;
+ private final int mproductOrdinal;
+ private final int mscanOrdinal;
+ private boolean instrument;
+ private HashSet[] inputEquivalenceSets;
+ private HashMap effectVectorMap;
+ private ArrayList effectVectors;
+ Assembler(ModelCompiler compiler)
+ throws CharacterCodingException {
+ this.compiler = compiler;
+ this.msumOrdinal = this.compiler.getEffectorOrdinal(Codec.encode("msum"));
+ this.mproductOrdinal = this.compiler.getEffectorOrdinal(Codec.encode("mproduct"));
+ this.mscanOrdinal = this.compiler.getEffectorOrdinal(Codec.encode("mscan"));
+ this.instrument = ModelCompiler.MIN_SUM_SIZE >= 0 && ModelCompiler.MIN_PRODUCT_LENGTH >= 0;
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ private void reset() {
+ this.inputEquivalenceSets = null;
+ this.effectVectorMap = null;
+ this.effectVectors = null;
+ }
+ Assembly assemble(final int[][][] transitionMatrix, HashMap effectorVectorMap) {
+ this.reset();
+ // compute byte|signal input equivalence classes and index
+ Fst fst = this.reduceEquivalentInputs(transitionMatrix);
+ this.inputEquivalenceSets = fst.inputEquivalenceSets();
+ int nInputs = fst.inputEquivalenceSets.length;
+ int nStates = fst.states().length;
+ // construct incoming effect vector enumeration
+ this.effectVectors = new ArrayList<>(effectorVectorMap.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < effectorVectorMap.size(); i++)
+ this.effectVectors.add(null);
+ for (Entry entry : effectorVectorMap.entrySet())
+ this.effectVectors.set(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey().getData());
+ final boolean[] markedEffects = new boolean[nStates * nInputs];
+ Arrays.fill(markedEffects, !this.instrument);
+ this.effectVectorMap = effectorVectorMap;
+ markedEffects[0] = true;
+// inject msum & mscan effectors
+ if (this.instrument) {
+ final boolean[] walkedStates = new boolean[nStates];
+ ArrayList walkResult = new ArrayList<>(32);
+ for (State state : fst.states()) {
+ for (int eq = 0; eq < nInputs; eq++) {
+ int[] transition = fst.matrix()[state.ordinal][eq];
+ if (state.isNotInstrumented()) {
+ State nextState = fst.states()[transition[0]];
+ if (nextState.isScanState()) {
+ assert nextState.outboundByte >= 0 && nextState.outboundByte< Signal.NUL.signal();
+ transition[1] = this.injectScanEffector(nextState.outboundByte,
+ fst.matrix(), state, eq);
+ } else if (nextState.isSumState()) {
+ transition[1] = this.injectSumEffector(nextState.idempotentBytes,
+ fst.matrix(), state, eq);
+ } else if (nextState.isProductState()
+ && this.walk(nextState, walkedStates, fst, walkResult).get(0) >= ModelCompiler.MIN_PRODUCT_LENGTH) {
+ assert nextState.idempotentCount >= 255;
+ transition[1] = this.injectProductEffector(this.product(walkResult), walkResult.get(1),
+ fst.matrix(), state, eq);
+ }
+ }
+ if (transition[1] < 0)
+ markedEffects[-1 * transition[1]] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // eliminate transitional states mapped to product vectors
+ int[] retainedStateMap = new int[nStates];
+ Arrays.fill(retainedStateMap, -1);
+ boolean[] markedStates = new boolean[nStates];
+ final int marked = this.mark(fst.matrix(), markedStates);
+ int retainedState = -1;
+ for (int state = 0; state < fst.matrix().length; state++)
+ if (markedStates[state]) {
+ retainedStateMap[state] = ++retainedState;
+ fst.matrix()[retainedState] = fst.matrix()[state];
+ fst.states()[retainedState] = fst.states()[state];
+ }
+ nStates = ++retainedState;
+ assert marked == nStates;
+ for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
+ int[][] transitions = fst.matrix()[state];
+ for (int eq = 0; eq < nInputs; eq++) {
+ assert retainedStateMap[transitions[eq][0]] >= 0
+ && retainedStateMap[transitions[eq][0]] < nStates;
+ transitions[eq][0] = retainedStateMap[transitions[eq][0]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // lay out effect vectors and construct vector offset index
+ int size = 0, offset = 0;
+ for (int v = 0; v < this.effectVectors.size(); v++)
+ if (markedEffects[v])
+ size += this.effectVectors.get(v).length;
+ int[] effectVectorArray = new int[size];
+ int[] vectorOffsetMap = new int[this.effectVectors.size()];
+ for (int v = 0; v < this.effectVectors.size(); v++)
+ if (markedEffects[v]) {
+ final int length = this.effectVectors.get(v).length;
+ System.arraycopy(effectVectors.get(v), 0,
+ effectVectorArray, offset, length);
+ vectorOffsetMap[v] = offset;
+ offset += length;
+ }
+ assert effectVectorArray.length > 0 && effectVectorArray[0] == NUL;
+ assert effectVectorArray[effectVectorArray.length - 1] == NUL;
+ // rewrite effect vector ordinals in kernel matrix with offsets
+ for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++)
+ for (int eq = 0; eq < nInputs; eq++)
+ if (fst.matrix()[state][eq][1] < 0) {
+ assert -1 * fst.matrix()[state][eq][1] < vectorOffsetMap.length
+ : String.format("state:%d; eq:%d; action:%d; length:%d",
+ state, eq, fst.matrix()[state][eq][1], vectorOffsetMap.length);
+ fst.matrix()[state][eq][1] =
+ -1 * vectorOffsetMap[-1 * fst.matrix()[state][eq][1]];
+ }
+ // reduce kernel matrix and input equivalence modulo input product vectorization
+ int[] finalEquivalents = null;
+ int[][][] finalMatrix = null;
+ if (this.instrument) {
+ int[][][] transposedMatrix = new int[nInputs][nStates][2];
+ for (int eq = 0; eq < nInputs; eq++)
+ for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++)
+ transposedMatrix[eq][state] = fst.matrix()[state][eq];
+ Fst finalFst = this.reduceEquivalentInputs(transposedMatrix);
+ HashSet[] equivalentInputs = this.allocateHashSetArray(finalFst.inputEquivalenceSets().length);
+ finalEquivalents = new int[this.compiler.getSignalLimit()];
+ for (int eq = 0; eq < finalFst.inputEquivalenceSets().length; eq++) {
+ equivalentInputs[eq] = new HashSet<>();
+ for (int e : finalFst.inputEquivalenceSets()[eq])
+ equivalentInputs[eq].addAll(this.inputEquivalenceSets[e]);
+ for (int token : equivalentInputs[eq])
+ finalEquivalents[token] = eq;
+ }
+ finalMatrix = new int[nStates][nInputs][2];
+ for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++)
+ finalMatrix[state] = Arrays.copyOf(finalFst.matrix()[state], finalFst.matrix()[state].length);
+ } else {
+ finalEquivalents = fst.inputEquivalenceIndex();
+ finalMatrix = fst.matrix();
+ }
+ return new Assembly(finalEquivalents, finalMatrix, effectVectorArray);
+ }
+ private Fst reduceEquivalentInputs(int[][][] transitionMatrix) {
+ // factor matrix modulo input equivalence
+ int[] index = new int[transitionMatrix.length];
+ final HashMap> equivalenceSets = new HashMap<>((5 * index.length) >> 2);
+ for (int token = 0; token < transitionMatrix.length; token++) {
+ assert transitionMatrix[token].length == transitionMatrix[0].length;
+ final IntsArray transitions = new IntsArray(transitionMatrix[token]);
+ HashSet equivalentInputOrdinals = equivalenceSets.computeIfAbsent(
+ transitions, absent -> new HashSet<>(10));
+ if (equivalentInputOrdinals.isEmpty()) {
+ equivalenceSets.put(transitions, equivalentInputOrdinals);
+ }
+ equivalentInputOrdinals.add(token);
+ }
+ // group equivalent inputs
+ int equivalenceIndex = 0;
+ final int nInputs = equivalenceSets.size();
+ HashSet[] equiv = this.allocateHashSetArray(nInputs);
+ for (HashSet equivalents : equivalenceSets.values()) {
+ for (int token : equivalents)
+ index[token] = equivalenceIndex;
+ equiv[equivalenceIndex++] = equivalents;
+ }
+ // construct transposed states x input groups transition matrix
+ final int nStates = transitionMatrix[0].length;
+ int[][][] matrix = new int[nStates][nInputs][2];
+ State[] states = new State[nStates];
+ for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
+ for (int eq = 0; eq < nInputs; eq++)
+ matrix[state][eq] = transitionMatrix[equiv[eq].iterator().next().intValue()][state];
+ states[state] = new State(state, matrix[state],
+ equiv, this.compiler.getSignalLimit());
+ }
+ return new Fst(index, equiv, states, matrix);
+ }
+ private int mark(int[][][] matrix, boolean[] markedStates) {
+ Arrays.fill(markedStates, false);
+ StateStack stack = new StateStack(matrix.length);
+ stack.push(0);
+ int marked = 0;
+ while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
+ int state = stack.pop();
+ markedStates[state] = true;
+ for (int[] transition : matrix[state])
+ if (!markedStates[transition[0]])
+ stack.push(transition[0]);
+ ++marked;
+ }
+ return marked;
+ }
+ private int injectEffector(int action, int effector, int parameter) {
+ if (action == NIL)
+ return Transducer.action(effector, parameter);
+ int[] key = null;
+ if (action > 0x10000) {
+ key = new int[] {
+ -1 * Transducer.action(action),
+ Transducer.parameter(action),
+ -1 * effector, parameter, 0 };
+ } else if (action > NUL) {
+ key = new int[] {
+ action, -1 * effector, parameter, 0 };
+ } else if (action < NUL) {
+ key = this.effectVectors.get(-1 * action);
+ key = Arrays.copyOf(key, key.length + 2);
+ key[key.length - 3] = -1 * effector;
+ key[key.length - 2] = parameter;
+ key[key.length - 1] = 0;
+ } else key = null;
+ if (key != null) {
+ action = -1 * this.effectVectorMap.computeIfAbsent(
+ new Ints(key), absent -> this.effectVectorMap.size());
+ if (this.effectVectors.size() < this.effectVectorMap.size())
+ this.effectVectors.add(key);
+ }
+ return action;
+ }
+ private int injectScanEffector(int idempotentByte, int[][][] matrix, State state, int eq) {
+ assert idempotentByte >= 0 && idempotentByte < 256;
+ byte scanByte = (byte)(idempotentByte & 0xff);
+ Argument argument = new Argument(-1,
+ new BytesArray(new byte[][] { { scanByte } }));
+ return this.injectEffector(matrix[state.ordinal][eq][1], mscanOrdinal,
+ this.compiler.compileParameters(mscanOrdinal, argument));
+ }
+ private int injectSumEffector(long[] idempotentBitmap, int[][][] matrix, State state, int eq) {
+ int selfCount = 0;
+ byte[] selfBytes = new byte[256];
+ for (int word = 0; word < idempotentBitmap.length; word++)
+ for (int bit = 0; bit < 64; bit++)
+ if (0 != ((1L << bit) & idempotentBitmap[word]))
+ selfBytes[selfCount++] = (byte)(64 * word + bit);
+ Argument argument = new Argument(-1,
+ new BytesArray(new byte[][] { Arrays.copyOf(selfBytes, selfCount) }));
+ return this.injectEffector(matrix[state.ordinal][eq][1], msumOrdinal,
+ this.compiler.compileParameters(msumOrdinal, argument));
+ }
+ private int injectProductEffector(byte[] product, int endpoint, int[][][] matrix, State state, int eq) {
+ Argument argument = new Argument(-1,
+ new BytesArray(new byte[][] { Arrays.copyOf(product, product.length) }));
+ matrix[state.ordinal][eq][0] = endpoint;
+ return this.injectEffector(matrix[state.ordinal][eq][1], mproductOrdinal,
+ this.compiler.compileParameters(mproductOrdinal, argument));
+ }
+ private ArrayList walk(State nextState, boolean[] walkedStates, Fst fst, ArrayList walkResult) {
+ walkResult.clear();
+ walkResult.add(0); walkResult.add(-1);
+ ArrayList walkStates = new ArrayList<>(16);
+ Arrays.fill(walkedStates, false);
+ while (nextState.isProductState() && !walkedStates[nextState.ordinal]) {
+ assert nextState.outboundByte == (nextState.outboundByte & 0xff);
+ walkResult.add(nextState.outboundByte);
+ walkedStates[nextState.ordinal] = true;
+ walkStates.add(nextState.ordinal);
+ int eq = fst.inputEquivalenceIndex()[nextState.outboundByte];
+ nextState = fst.states[fst.matrix[nextState.ordinal][eq][0]];
+ }
+ if (walkStates.size() > 1) {
+ walkResult.set(0, walkResult.size() - 2);
+ walkResult.set(1, walkStates.get(walkStates.size() - 2));
+ }
+ return walkResult;
+ }
+ private byte[] product(ArrayList walkResult) {
+ byte[] p = new byte[walkResult.size() - 3];
+ for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++)
+ p[i] = (byte)(walkResult.get(i + 2).intValue() & 0xff);
+ return p;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ private HashSet[] allocateHashSetArray(int size) {
+ return (HashSet[])new HashSet>[size];
+ }
diff --git a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Chain.java b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Chain.java
index 1a0a611..09d3ab8 100644
--- a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Chain.java
+++ b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Chain.java
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
* Ribose is a recursive transduction engine for Java
- *
+ *
* Copyright (C) 2011,2022 Kim Briggs
- *
+ *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
- *
+ *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
+ *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program (LICENSE-gpl-3.0). If not, see
* .
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ int getOutS() {
boolean isEmpty() {
- return this.effectVector.length == 0;
+ return this.effectVector.length <= 1;
boolean isEffector() {
diff --git a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Model.java b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Model.java
index 9df5199..c2244e9 100644
--- a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Model.java
+++ b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Model.java
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public record Argument(int transducerOrdinal, BytesArray tokens) {}
protected boolean deleteOnClose;
protected RandomAccessFile io;
protected File modelPath;
private ArrayList> effectorParametersMaps;
private Transductor proxyTransductor;
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public Model() {
this.targetClass = this.getClass();
this.deleteOnClose = false;
/** Live compiler model loading to compile new target model */
protected Model(final File modelPath, Class> targetClass, TargetMode targetMode) throws ModelException {
this.targetClass = targetClass;
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ public ITransduction transduction(ITransductor trex) {
* Commit model to persistent store
- *
+ *
* @param effectorParameters the union of all effector parameters
* @return true if model saved
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ public boolean map(PrintStream mapWriter) {
signalIndex[m.getValue() - Base.RTE_SIGNAL_BASE] = m.getKey();
for (int i = 0; i < signalIndex.length; i++) {
- mapWriter.printf("%1$6d signal %2$s%n", i + Base.RTE_SIGNAL_BASE,
+ mapWriter.printf("%1$6d signal %2$s%n", i + Base.RTE_SIGNAL_BASE,
Bytes[] fieldIndex = new Bytes[this.fieldOrdinalMap.size()];
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ public boolean map(PrintStream mapWriter) {
transducerIndex[m.getValue()] = m.getKey();
for (int transducerOrdinal = 0; transducerOrdinal < transducerIndex.length; transducerOrdinal++) {
- mapWriter.printf("%1$6d transducer %2$s%n", transducerOrdinal,
+ mapWriter.printf("%1$6d transducer %2$s%n", transducerOrdinal,
Map fieldMap = this.transducerFieldMaps.get(transducerOrdinal);
Bytes[] fields = new Bytes[fieldMap.size()];
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ protected boolean checkTargetEffectors(ITarget target, IEffector>[] boundFx) {
boolean checked = true;
if (boundFx.length != this.proxyEffectors.length) {
this.rtcLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, () -> String.format(
- "Proxy effector count (%1$d) does not match target %3$s effector count (%2$d)",
+ "Proxy effector count (%1$d) does not match target %3$s effector count (%2$d)",
this.proxyEffectors.length, boundFx.length, target.getName()));
checked = false;
} else {
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ protected Argument[][] compileModelParameters(List errors) throws Effect
if (this.proxyEffectors[effectorOrdinal] instanceof BaseParameterizedEffector,?> parameterizedEffector) {
if (parametersMap != null) {
- assert parametersMap != null: String.format("Effector parameters map is null for %1$s effector",
+ assert parametersMap != null: String.format("Effector parameters map is null for %1$s effector",
Argument[] arguments = new Argument[parametersMap.size()];
IToken[][] tokens = new IToken[arguments.length][];
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ protected int getLocalField(int transducerOrdinal, int fieldOrdinal) {
protected int addSignal(Bytes signalName) {
final int mapSize = this.signalOrdinalMap.size();
- return this.signalOrdinalMap.computeIfAbsent(signalName,
+ return this.signalOrdinalMap.computeIfAbsent(signalName,
absent -> Base.RTE_SIGNAL_BASE + mapSize);
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ protected int readInt() throws ModelException {
return this.io.readInt();
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new ModelException(String.format(
- "Model.readInt() IOException reading int at file position %1$d",
+ "Model.readInt() IOException reading int at file position %1$d",
this.getSafeFilePosition()), e);
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ protected long readLong() throws ModelException {
return this.io.readLong();
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new ModelException(String.format(
- "Model.readLong() IOException reading long at file position %1$d",
+ "Model.readLong() IOException reading long at file position %1$d",
this.getSafeFilePosition()), e);
@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ protected byte[] readBytes() throws ModelException {
if (read >= 0 && read != bytes.length) {
throw new ModelException(String.format(
- "Model.readBytes expected %1$d bytes at file position %2$d but read only %3$d",
+ "Model.readBytes expected %1$d bytes at file position %2$d but read only %3$d",
bytes.length, position, read));
return bytes;
@@ -1014,23 +1014,23 @@ protected void writeString(final String s) throws ModelException, CharacterCodin
protected void writeTransitionMatrix(final int[][][] matrix) throws ModelException {
final long position = this.getSafeFilePosition();
try {
- final int nInputs = matrix.length;
- final int nStates = nInputs > 0 ? matrix[0].length : 0;
+ final int nStates = matrix.length;
+ final int nInputs = nStates > 0 ? matrix[0].length : 0;
for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
int transitions = 0;
for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- if (matrix[input][state][1] != 0) {
+ if (matrix[state][input][1] != 0) {
for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- if (matrix[input][state][1] != 0) {
+ if (matrix[state][input][1] != 0) {
- this.io.writeInt(matrix[input][state][0]);
- this.io.writeInt(matrix[input][state][1]);
+ this.io.writeInt(matrix[state][input][0]);
+ this.io.writeInt(matrix[state][input][1]);
diff --git a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/ModelCompiler.java b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/ModelCompiler.java
index 4f69410..d299126 100755
--- a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/ModelCompiler.java
+++ b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/ModelCompiler.java
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
@@ -62,11 +61,14 @@ public final class ModelCompiler extends Model implements ITarget, AutoCloseable
private static final long VERSION = 210;
private static final String AUTOMATON = "Automaton";
private static final String AMBIGUOUS_STATE_MESSAGE = "%1$s: Ambiguous state %2$d";
- private static final int MIN_PRODUCT_LENGTH = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("ribose.product.threshold", "12"));
- private static final int MIN_SUM_SIZE = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("ribose.sum.threshold", "128"));
+ static final int MIN_PRODUCT_LENGTH = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("ribose.product.threshold", "10"));
+ static final int MIN_SUM_SIZE = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("ribose.sum.threshold", "128"));
+ static final int MIN_SCAN_SIZE = 255;
private Bytes transducerName;
- private int transducerOrdinal;
+ int transducerOrdinal;
+ private final Assembler assembler;
private ITransductor transductor;
private HashMap inputStateMap;
private HashMap> stateTransitionMap;
@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ public final class ModelCompiler extends Model implements ITarget, AutoCloseable
private int[] inputEquivalenceIndex;
private int[][][] kernelMatrix;
private int transition;
record Transition (int from, int to, int tape, Bytes symbol, boolean isFinal) {}
@@ -174,13 +176,15 @@ public int invoke() throws EffectorException {
public ModelCompiler() {
+ this.assembler = null;
private ModelCompiler(final File modelPath, Class> targetClass, TargetMode targetMode)
- throws ModelException {
+ throws ModelException, CharacterCodingException {
super(modelPath, targetClass, targetMode);
assert super.modelPath.exists();
assert super.targetMode.isLive();
+ this.assembler = new Assembler(this);
this.transductor = null;
this.inputStateMap = null;
this.stateTransitionMap = null;
@@ -354,7 +358,7 @@ private boolean createModelFile(File riboseModelFile, Logger rtcLogger) {
} catch (IOException e) {
rtcLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, e, () -> String.format("Exception caught creating model file : %1$s",
- }
+ }
return false;
@@ -390,8 +394,10 @@ private boolean compileTransducer(File inrFile) {
assert !this.transductor.status().isRunnable();
} catch (Exception e) {
- this.addError(String.format("%1$s: Failed to compile '%2$s'; %3$s",
- this.transducerName, inrFile.getPath(), e.getMessage()));
+ String msg = String.format("%1$s: Failed to compile '%2$s'",
+ this.transducerName, inrFile.getPath());
+ this.rtcLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e);
+ this.addError(msg);
assert this.transductor.status().isStopped();
return true;
@@ -438,7 +444,7 @@ private boolean validate() {
if (super.transducerOrdinalMap.isEmpty()) {
this.addError("Error: The model is empty");
@@ -452,12 +458,12 @@ void saveTransducer() throws ModelException, CharacterCodingException {
fields[e.getValue()] = e.getKey();
super.writeTransducer(this.transducerName, this.transducerOrdinal, fields, this.inputEquivalenceIndex, this.kernelMatrix, this.effectorVectors);
- int nInputs = this.kernelMatrix.length;
- int nStates = this.kernelMatrix[0].length;
+ int nStates = this.kernelMatrix.length;
+ int nInputs = this.kernelMatrix[0].length;
int nTransitions = 0;
- for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++)
- for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++)
- if (this.kernelMatrix[input][state][1] != 0)
+ for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++)
+ for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++)
+ if (this.kernelMatrix[state][input][1] != 0)
final int transitionCount = nTransitions;
final int fieldCount = super.getFieldCount(this.transducerOrdinal);
@@ -469,7 +475,7 @@ void saveTransducer() throws ModelException, CharacterCodingException {
- private String getTransducerName() {
+ String getTransducerName() {
return this.transducerName.asString();
@@ -585,7 +591,10 @@ void putAutomaton() throws CharacterCodingException {
- this.factor(transitionMatrix);
+ Assembler.Assembly assembly = this.assembler.assemble(transitionMatrix, effectorVectorMap);
+ this.inputEquivalenceIndex = assembly.inputEquivalents();
+ this.kernelMatrix = assembly.transitions();
+ this.effectorVectors = assembly.effects();
private boolean hasErrors() {
@@ -602,437 +611,6 @@ private List getErrors() {
return this.errors;
- private void factor(final int[][][] transitionMatrix) throws CharacterCodingException {
- // factor matrix modulo input equivalence
- final HashMap> rowEquivalenceMap =
- new HashMap<>((5 * transitionMatrix.length) >> 2);
- for (int token = 0; token < transitionMatrix.length; token++) {
- assert transitionMatrix[token].length == transitionMatrix[0].length;
- final IntsArray row = new IntsArray(transitionMatrix[token]);
- HashSet equivalentInputOrdinals = rowEquivalenceMap.get(row);
- if (equivalentInputOrdinals == null) {
- equivalentInputOrdinals = new HashSet<>(16);
- rowEquivalenceMap.put(row, equivalentInputOrdinals);
- }
- equivalentInputOrdinals.add(token);
- }
- // construct kernel matrix from input equivalents
- this.inputEquivalenceIndex = new int[transitionMatrix.length];
- this.kernelMatrix = new int[rowEquivalenceMap.size()][][];
- int equivalenceIndex = 0;
- for (final Map.Entry> entry : rowEquivalenceMap.entrySet()) {
- final IntsArray row = entry.getKey();
- for (final int inputOrdinal : entry.getValue()) {
- this.inputEquivalenceIndex[inputOrdinal] = equivalenceIndex;
- }
- this.kernelMatrix[equivalenceIndex++] = row.getInts();
- }
- // instrument sum and product traps, compress kernel matrix and extract effect vectors
- final int nInputs = equivalenceIndex;
- final int nStates = transitionMatrix[0].length;
- final int nulSignal = Signal.NUL.signal();
- final int nulEquivalent = this.inputEquivalenceIndex[nulSignal];
- final int msumOrdinal = super.getEffectorOrdinal(Codec.encode("msum"));
- final int mproductOrdinal = super.getEffectorOrdinal(Codec.encode("mproduct"));
- final int mscanOrdinal = super.getEffectorOrdinal(Codec.encode("mscan"));
- final int[][] msumStateEffects = new int[nStates][];
- final int[][] mproductStateEffects = new int[nStates][];
- final int[][] mproductEndpoints = new int[nStates][2];
- final int[][] mscanStateEffects = new int[nStates][];
- Arrays.fill(msumStateEffects, null);
- Arrays.fill(mproductStateEffects, null);
- Arrays.fill(mscanStateEffects, null);
- // msum instrumentation
- byte[][] equivalentInputs = new byte[nInputs][transitionMatrix.length];
- int[] equivalenceLengths = new int[nInputs];
- Arrays.fill(equivalenceLengths, 0);
- for (int token = 0; token < nulSignal; token++) {
- int input = this.inputEquivalenceIndex[token];
- equivalentInputs[input][equivalenceLengths[input]++] = (byte)token;
- }
- for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
- int selfIndex = 0, selfCount = 0;
- byte[] selfBytes = new byte[nulSignal];
- Arrays.fill(selfBytes, (byte)0);
- boolean[] allBytes = new boolean[nulSignal];
- Arrays.fill(allBytes, false);
- for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- int[] cell = this.kernelMatrix[input][state];
- if (cell[0] == state && cell[1] == 1) {
- for (int index = 0; index < equivalenceLengths[input]; index++) {
- selfBytes[selfIndex] = equivalentInputs[input][index];
- allBytes[Byte.toUnsignedInt(selfBytes[selfIndex])] = true;
- selfIndex++;
- }
- selfCount += equivalenceLengths[input];
- }
- }
- if (selfCount >= 255) {
- assert mscanStateEffects[state] == null;
- for (int token = 0; token < nulSignal; token++) {
- if (!allBytes[token]) {
- Argument argument = new Argument(-1, new BytesArray(new byte[][] { { (byte) token } }));
- int mscanParameterIndex = super.compileParameters(mscanOrdinal, argument);
- mscanStateEffects[state] = new int[] { -1 * mscanOrdinal, mscanParameterIndex, 0 };
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (selfCount > ModelCompiler.MIN_SUM_SIZE) {
- assert msumStateEffects[state] == null;
- Argument argument = new Argument(-1, new BytesArray(new byte[][] { Arrays.copyOf(selfBytes, selfCount) }));
- int msumParameterIndex = super.compileParameters(msumOrdinal, argument);
- msumStateEffects[state] = new int[] { -1 * msumOrdinal, msumParameterIndex, 0 };
- }
- }
- // mproduct instrumentation
- int[] inputEquivalentCardinality = new int[nInputs];
- int[] inputEquivalenceToken = new int[nInputs];
- Arrays.fill(inputEquivalenceToken, -1);
- for (int token = 0; token < this.inputEquivalenceIndex.length; token++) {
- int equivalent = this.inputEquivalenceIndex[token];
- if (++inputEquivalentCardinality[equivalent] == 1
- && inputEquivalenceToken[equivalent] == -1
- && token < nulSignal) {
- inputEquivalenceToken[equivalent] = token;
- } else {
- inputEquivalenceToken[equivalent] = -2;
- }
- assert (token >= nulSignal)
- || (inputEquivalentCardinality[equivalent] == 1) == (inputEquivalenceToken[equivalent] == token);
- assert (token < nulSignal) || (inputEquivalenceToken[equivalent] < 0);
- }
- int[] exitEquivalent = new int[nStates];
- for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
- exitEquivalent[state] = -1;
- for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- if (input != nulEquivalent) {
- int[] cell = this.kernelMatrix[input][state];
- if (cell[0] != state) {
- if (cell[1] == 1 && exitEquivalent[state] < 0
- && inputEquivalenceToken[input] >= 0) {
- assert exitEquivalent[state] == -1;
- exitEquivalent[state] = input;
- } else {
- exitEquivalent[state] = -1;
- break;
- }
- } else if (cell[1] != 0) {
- exitEquivalent[state] = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- assert (exitEquivalent[state] < 0)
- || (this.kernelMatrix[exitEquivalent[state]][state][0] != state
- && this.kernelMatrix[exitEquivalent[state]][state][1] == 1);
- }
- assertKernelSanity();
- boolean[] walkedStates = new boolean[nStates];
- Arrays.fill(walkedStates, false);
- StateStack walkStack = new StateStack(nStates);
- byte[] walkedBytes = new byte[nStates];
- int[] walkResult = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
- walkedStates[0] = true;
- walkStack.push(0);
- while (walkStack.size() > 0) {
- int fromState = walkStack.pop();
- for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- int toState = this.kernelMatrix[input][fromState][0];
- if (exitEquivalent[toState] >= 0) {
- assert inputEquivalenceToken[exitEquivalent[toState]] >= 0;
- assert inputEquivalenceToken[exitEquivalent[toState]] < nulSignal;
- int nextState = this.walk(toState, walkedBytes, walkResult, exitEquivalent, inputEquivalenceToken);
- if (walkResult[0] > ModelCompiler.MIN_PRODUCT_LENGTH) {
- assert this.inputEquivalenceIndex[walkedBytes[0]] == exitEquivalent[toState];
- if (mproductStateEffects[toState] == null) {
- byte[][] product = new byte[][] { Arrays.copyOfRange(walkedBytes, 0, walkResult[0]) };
- int effects = super.compileParameters(mproductOrdinal, new Argument(-1, new BytesArray(product)));
- mproductStateEffects[toState] = new int[] { -1 * mproductOrdinal, effects, 0 };
- mproductEndpoints[toState][0] = nextState;
- mproductEndpoints[toState][1] = walkResult[2];
- } else {
- assert mproductEndpoints[toState][0] == nextState;
- assert mproductEndpoints[toState][1] == walkResult[2];
- }
- assert this.inputEquivalenceIndex[walkedBytes[walkResult[0] - 1]] == walkResult[2];
- toState = nextState;
- }
- if (walkResult[0] > 0) {
- int state = this.kernelMatrix[input][fromState][0];
- for (int i = 0; i < walkResult[0] - 1; i++) {
- assert exitEquivalent[state] >= 0;
- assert walkedBytes[i] == inputEquivalenceToken[exitEquivalent[state]];
- assert this.inputEquivalenceIndex[walkedBytes[i]] == exitEquivalent[state];
- int[] cell = this.kernelMatrix[exitEquivalent[state]][state];
- assert cell[1] == 1;
- state = cell[0];
- }
- assert exitEquivalent[state] == walkResult[2];
- assert this.inputEquivalenceIndex[walkedBytes[walkResult[0] - 1]] == exitEquivalent[state];
- assert this.kernelMatrix[exitEquivalent[state]][state][1] == 1;
- assert nextState == this.kernelMatrix[exitEquivalent[state]][state][0];
- }
- }
- if (!walkedStates[toState]) {
- walkedStates[toState] = true;
- walkStack.push(toState);
- }
- }
- }
- // effect vector construction
- assertKernelSanity();
- int vectorCount = this.effectorVectorMap.size();
- int[][] effectVectors = new int[vectorCount > 4 ? (vectorCount * 3) >> 1 : 5][];
- for (Entry entry : this.effectorVectorMap.entrySet()) {
- int[] vector = entry.getKey().getData();
- effectVectors[entry.getValue()] = vector;
- }
- effectVectors = instrumentSumVectors(msumOrdinal, effectVectors, msumStateEffects);
- assertKernelSanity();
- effectVectors = instrumentSumVectors(mscanOrdinal, effectVectors, mscanStateEffects);
- assertKernelSanity();
- effectVectors = instrumentProductVectors(mproductOrdinal, effectVectors, mproductStateEffects, mproductEndpoints);
- assertKernelSanity();
- int[] effectorVectorPosition = new int[this.effectorVectorMap.size()];
- Arrays.fill(effectorVectorPosition, -1);
- int position = 1; int size = 0;
- for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
- int effectOrdinal = this.kernelMatrix[input][state][1];
- if (effectOrdinal < 0) {
- size += effectVectors[-1 * effectOrdinal].length;
- }
- }
- }
- this.effectorVectors = new int[size + 1];
- this.effectorVectors[0] = 0;
- for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
- int[] cell = this.kernelMatrix[input][state];
- int effectOrdinal = cell[1];
- if (effectOrdinal < 0) {
- effectOrdinal *= -1;
- if (effectorVectorPosition[effectOrdinal] < 0) {
- System.arraycopy(effectVectors[effectOrdinal], 0, this.effectorVectors, position, effectVectors[effectOrdinal].length);
- effectorVectorPosition[effectOrdinal] = position;
- position += effectVectors[effectOrdinal].length;
- }
- cell[1] = -1 * effectorVectorPosition[effectOrdinal];
- }
- }
- }
- if (position < this.effectorVectors.length) {
- this.effectorVectors = Arrays.copyOf(this.effectorVectors, position);
- }
- assertKernelSanity();
- // redundant state elimination
- for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
- assert (mproductEndpoints[state] != null) || (mproductStateEffects[state] == null);
- assert (exitEquivalent[state] >= 0) || (mproductStateEffects[state] == null);
- if (mproductStateEffects[state] != null
- && mproductEndpoints[state][1] != exitEquivalent[state]) {
- int[] cell = this.kernelMatrix[exitEquivalent[state]][state];
- if (cell[1] > 0) {
- cell[0] = state;
- cell[1] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- assertKernelSanity();
- int[] stateMap = new int[nStates];
- Arrays.fill(stateMap, -1);
- Arrays.fill(walkedStates, false);
- assert walkStack.size() == 0;
- int mStates = 0;
- walkedStates[0] = true;
- walkStack.push(0);
- while (walkStack.size() > 0) {
- int state = walkStack.pop();
- stateMap[state] = mStates++;
- for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- int nextState = this.kernelMatrix[input][state][0];
- if (nextState != state && !walkedStates[nextState]) {
- walkedStates[nextState] = true;
- walkStack.push(nextState);
- }
- }
- }
- int[][][] finalMatrix = new int[rowEquivalenceMap.size()][mStates][2];
- for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- int[][] row = this.kernelMatrix[input];
- for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
- if (walkedStates[state]) {
- int[] cell = finalMatrix[input][stateMap[state]];
- cell[0] = stateMap[row[state][0]];
- cell[1] = row[state][1];
- }
- }
- }
- this.kernelMatrix = finalMatrix;
- assertKernelSanity();
- // Coalesce equivalence classes
- rowEquivalenceMap.clear();
- for (int input = 0; input < this.kernelMatrix.length; input++) {
- assert this.kernelMatrix[input].length == this.kernelMatrix[0].length;
- final IntsArray row = new IntsArray(this.kernelMatrix[input]);
- HashSet equivalentClassOrdinals = rowEquivalenceMap.computeIfAbsent(
- row, absent -> new HashSet<>(16));
- if (equivalentClassOrdinals.isEmpty()) {
- rowEquivalenceMap.put(row, equivalentClassOrdinals);
- }
- equivalentClassOrdinals.add(input);
- }
- int[] classEquivalenceIndex = new int[this.kernelMatrix.length];
- int[][][] matrix = new int[rowEquivalenceMap.size()][][];
- int equivalenceClassIndex = 0;
- for (final Map.Entry> entry : rowEquivalenceMap.entrySet()) {
- final IntsArray row = entry.getKey();
- for (final int inputOrdinal : entry.getValue()) {
- classEquivalenceIndex[inputOrdinal] = equivalenceClassIndex;
- }
- matrix[equivalenceClassIndex++] = row.getInts();
- }
- for (int token = 0; token < this.inputEquivalenceIndex.length; token++) {
- this.inputEquivalenceIndex[token] = classEquivalenceIndex[this.inputEquivalenceIndex[token]];
- }
- this.kernelMatrix = matrix;
- }
- private void assertKernelSanity() {
- for (int input = 0; input < this.kernelMatrix.length; input++) {
- assert this.kernelMatrix[0].length == this.kernelMatrix[input].length;
- for (int state = 0; state < this.kernelMatrix[input].length; state++) {
- assert (this.kernelMatrix[input][state][1] != 0)
- || (this.kernelMatrix[input][state][0] == state)
- : String.format("sanity: state[%d->%d] input[%d->%d]",
- state, this.kernelMatrix[input][state][0],
- input, this.kernelMatrix[input][state][1]);
- }
- }
- }
- private int walk(int fromState, byte[] walkedBytes, int[] walkResult, int[] exitEquivalent, int[] singletonEquivalenceMap) {
- int nulEquivalent = this.inputEquivalenceIndex[Signal.NUL.signal()];
- int[] nulTransition = this.kernelMatrix[nulEquivalent][fromState];
- int[] matchTransition = new int[] {
- nulTransition[0] != fromState ? nulTransition[0] : Integer.MIN_VALUE,
- nulTransition[1]
- };
- int walkLength = 0;
- int walkedInput = -1;
- int walkState = fromState;
- Arrays.fill(walkResult, 0);
- assert exitEquivalent[walkState] >= 0;
- int exitInput = exitEquivalent[walkState];
- while (exitInput >= 0 && walkLength < walkedBytes.length
- && this.kernelMatrix[exitInput][walkState][1] == 1) {
- assert singletonEquivalenceMap[exitInput] >= 0
- && singletonEquivalenceMap[exitInput] < Signal.NUL.signal();
- int[] errorTransition = this.kernelMatrix[nulEquivalent][walkState];
- int errorState = matchTransition[0] != Integer.MIN_VALUE ? matchTransition[0] : walkState;
- if (errorTransition[1] == matchTransition[1] && errorTransition[0] == errorState) {
- walkedInput = exitInput;
- walkedBytes[walkLength] = (byte)singletonEquivalenceMap[walkedInput];
- walkState = this.kernelMatrix[walkedInput][walkState][0];
- exitInput = exitEquivalent[walkState];
- ++walkLength;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (walkLength > 0) {
- walkResult[0] = walkLength;
- walkResult[1] = walkState;
- walkResult[2] = walkedInput;
- return walkState;
- }
- return fromState;
- }
- private int[][] instrumentSumVectors(int msumOrdinal, int[][] effectVectors, int[][] msumEffects) {
- int nInputs = this.kernelMatrix.length;
- int nStates = this.kernelMatrix[0].length;
- for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
- int[] cell = this.kernelMatrix[input][state];
- if ((cell[0] == state) || (cell[1] == 0) || (msumEffects[cell[0]] == null)) {
- continue;
- }
- int vectorLength = msumEffects[cell[0]].length;
- int vectorOrdinal = cell[1];
- if ((vectorOrdinal > 0)
- || (effectVectors[-1 * vectorOrdinal][effectVectors[-1 * vectorOrdinal].length - vectorLength] != msumOrdinal)) {
- int[] effect = msumEffects[cell[0]];
- int[] vector = vectorOrdinal > 0
- ? (vectorOrdinal > 1 ? new int[] { vectorOrdinal, 0 } : new int[] { vectorOrdinal })
- : effectVectors[-1 * vectorOrdinal];
- int[] vectorex = Arrays.copyOf(vector, vector.length + effect.length - 1);
- System.arraycopy(effect, 0, vectorex, vector.length - 1, effect.length);
- Ints vxkey = new Ints(vectorex);
- if (this.effectorVectorMap.containsKey(vxkey)) {
- vectorOrdinal = this.effectorVectorMap.get(vxkey);
- } else {
- vectorOrdinal = this.effectorVectorMap.size();
- this.effectorVectorMap.put(vxkey, vectorOrdinal);
- if (vectorOrdinal >= effectVectors.length) {
- int[][] newv = new int[vectorOrdinal > 4 ? (vectorOrdinal * 3) >> 1 : 5][];
- System.arraycopy(effectVectors, 0, newv, 0, effectVectors.length);
- effectVectors = newv;
- }
- effectVectors[vectorOrdinal] = vectorex;
- }
- cell[1] = -1 * vectorOrdinal;
- }
- }
- }
- return effectVectors;
- }
- private int[][] instrumentProductVectors(int mproductOrdinal, int[][] effectVectors, int[][] mproductEffects, int[][] mproductEndpoints) {
- int nInputs = this.kernelMatrix.length;
- int nStates = this.kernelMatrix[0].length;
- for (int input = 0; input < nInputs; input++) {
- for (int state = 0; state < nStates; state++) {
- int[] cell = this.kernelMatrix[input][state];
- if ((cell[1] == 0) || (mproductEffects[cell[0]] == null)) {
- continue;
- }
- int startState = cell[0];
- int vectorLength = mproductEffects[startState].length;
- int vectorOrdinal = cell[1];
- if ((vectorOrdinal > 0)
- || (effectVectors[-1 * vectorOrdinal][effectVectors[-1 * vectorOrdinal].length - vectorLength] != mproductOrdinal)) {
- int endState = mproductEndpoints[startState][0];
- int endInput = mproductEndpoints[startState][1];
- this.kernelMatrix[endInput][startState][0] = endState;
- this.kernelMatrix[endInput][startState][1] = 1;
- int[] vector = vectorOrdinal > 0
- ? (vectorOrdinal > 1 ? new int[] { vectorOrdinal, 0 } : new int[] { vectorOrdinal })
- : effectVectors[-1 * vectorOrdinal];
- int[] mproductEffect = mproductEffects[startState];
- int[] vectorex = Arrays.copyOf(vector, vector.length + mproductEffect.length - 1);
- System.arraycopy(mproductEffect, 0, vectorex, vector.length - 1, mproductEffect.length);
- Ints vxkey = new Ints(vectorex);
- if (this.effectorVectorMap.containsKey(vxkey)) {
- vectorOrdinal = this.effectorVectorMap.get(vxkey);
- } else {
- vectorOrdinal = this.effectorVectorMap.size();
- this.effectorVectorMap.put(vxkey, vectorOrdinal);
- if (vectorOrdinal >= effectVectors.length) {
- int[][] newv = new int[vectorOrdinal > 4 ? (vectorOrdinal * 3) >> 1 : 5][];
- System.arraycopy(effectVectors, 0, newv, 0, effectVectors.length);
- effectVectors = newv;
- }
- effectVectors[vectorOrdinal] = vectorex;
- }
- cell[1] = -1 * vectorOrdinal;
- assert vectorOrdinal > 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return effectVectors;
- }
private Chain chain(final Transition transition) {
assert transition.tape != 1 && transition.tape != 2
: "Invalid tape number for chain(InrTransition) : " + transition.toString();
@@ -1041,103 +619,87 @@ private Chain chain(final Transition transition) {
boolean fail = false;
int effectorOrdinal = -1;
- int effectorPos = 0;
- int[] effectorVector = new int[8];
- int parameterPos = 0;
+ int effectorPos = 0, parameterPos = 0;
byte[][] parameterList = new byte[8][];
- ArrayList outT = this.getTransitions(transition.to);
- while (outT != null && outT.size() == 1 && outT.get(0).tape > 0) {
+ int[] effectorVector = new int[8];
+ ArrayList outT = null;
+ for (
+ outT = this.getTransitions(transition.to);
+ outT != null && outT.size() == 1 && outT.get(0).tape > 0;
+ outT = this.getTransitions(outT.get(0).to)
+ ) {
final Transition t = outT.get(0);
switch (t.tape) {
- case 1:
- if ((effectorPos + 2) >= effectorVector.length) {
- int newLength = effectorVector.length > 4 ? (effectorVector.length * 3) >> 1 : 5;
- effectorVector = Arrays.copyOf(effectorVector, newLength);
- }
- if (effectorOrdinal >= 0 && parameterPos > 0) {
- assert((effectorPos > 0) && (effectorOrdinal == effectorVector[effectorPos - 1]));
- effectorVector[effectorPos - 1] *= -1;
- final Argument argument = new Argument(this.transducerOrdinal, new BytesArray(Arrays.copyOf(parameterList, parameterPos)));
- int parameterOrdinal = super.compileParameters(effectorOrdinal, argument);
- effectorVector[effectorPos] = parameterOrdinal;
- parameterList = new byte[8][];
- ++effectorPos;
- }
- Bytes effectorSymbol = t.symbol;
- effectorOrdinal = super.getEffectorOrdinal(effectorSymbol);
- if (effectorOrdinal >= 0) {
- effectorVector[effectorPos] = effectorOrdinal;
- ++effectorPos;
- } else {
- fail = true;
- }
- parameterPos = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (effectorOrdinal >= 0) {
- if (parameterPos >= parameterList.length) {
- int newLength = parameterList.length > 4 ? (parameterList.length * 3) >> 1 : 5;
- parameterList = Arrays.copyOf(parameterList, newLength);
- }
- parameterList[parameterPos] = t.symbol.bytes();
- ++parameterPos;
- }
- break;
- default:
- this.addError(String.format("%1$s: Invalid tape number %2$d",
- this.getTransducerName(), t.tape));
+ case 1:
+ if ((effectorPos + 3) >= effectorVector.length) {
+ int newLength = effectorVector.length > 4 ? (effectorVector.length * 3) >> 1 : 5;
+ effectorVector = Arrays.copyOf(effectorVector, newLength);
+ }
+ if (effectorOrdinal >= 0 && parameterPos > 0) {
+ assert((effectorPos > 0) && (effectorOrdinal == effectorVector[effectorPos - 1]));
+ final Argument argument = new Argument(this.transducerOrdinal, new BytesArray(Arrays.copyOf(parameterList, parameterPos)));
+ int parameterOrdinal = super.compileParameters(effectorOrdinal, argument);
+ effectorVector[effectorPos] = parameterOrdinal;
+ effectorVector[effectorPos - 1] *= -1;
+ parameterList = new byte[8][];
+ ++effectorPos;
+ }
+ Bytes effectorSymbol = t.symbol;
+ effectorOrdinal = super.getEffectorOrdinal(effectorSymbol);
+ if (effectorOrdinal >= 0) {
+ effectorVector[effectorPos++] = effectorOrdinal;
+ } else {
+ this.addError(String.format("%1$s: Unrecognized effector '%2$s'",
+ this.getTransducerName(), effectorSymbol.toString()));
fail = true;
- break;
+ }
+ parameterPos = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (effectorOrdinal >= 0) {
+ if (parameterPos >= parameterList.length) {
+ int newLength = parameterList.length > 4 ? (parameterList.length * 3) >> 1 : 5;
+ parameterList = Arrays.copyOf(parameterList, newLength);
+ }
+ parameterList[parameterPos] = t.symbol.bytes();
+ ++parameterPos;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.addError(String.format("%1$s: Invalid tape number %2$d (tape 1 or 2 expected)",
+ this.getTransducerName(), t.tape));
+ fail = true;
+ break;
- outT = this.getTransitions(t.to);
+ }
+ int outS = -1;
+ if (outT == null || outT.isEmpty() || outT.get(0).isFinal) {
+ outS = 0;
+ } else if (outT.get(0).tape == 0) {
+ outS = outT.get(0).from;
+ } else {
+ assert outT.size() > 1;
+ this.addError(String.format(AMBIGUOUS_STATE_MESSAGE,
+ this.getTransducerName(), outT.get(0).from));
+ fail = true;
if (!fail) {
- assert effectorPos > 0 || parameterPos == 0;
+ assert effectorVector.length > (effectorPos + 2);
+ assert effectorPos == 0 || effectorOrdinal == effectorVector[effectorPos - 1];
assert parameterPos == 0 || effectorPos > 0;
- int vectorLength = effectorPos + 1;
- if (effectorPos > 0 && parameterPos > 0) {
- ++vectorLength;
- }
- if (vectorLength != effectorVector.length) {
- effectorVector = Arrays.copyOf(effectorVector, vectorLength);
- }
if (parameterPos > 0) {
- assert((effectorPos > 0) && (effectorOrdinal == effectorVector[effectorPos - 1]));
- final BytesArray parameters = new BytesArray(Arrays.copyOf(parameterList, parameterPos));
- final Argument argument = new Argument(this.transducerOrdinal, parameters);
- int parameterOrdinal = super.compileParameters(effectorOrdinal, argument);
- effectorVector[effectorPos] = parameterOrdinal;
effectorVector[effectorPos - 1] *= -1;
- ++effectorPos;
+ effectorVector[effectorPos++] = super.compileParameters(
+ effectorOrdinal, new Argument(this.transducerOrdinal,
+ new BytesArray(Arrays.copyOf(parameterList, parameterPos))));
- if (effectorPos > 0) {
- effectorVector[effectorPos] = 0;
- ++effectorPos;
- }
- if (outT == null || outT.isEmpty() || outT.size() == 1 && outT.get(0).isFinal) {
- return new Chain(Arrays.copyOf(effectorVector, effectorPos), 0);
- } else if (outT.size() == 1 && outT.get(0).tape == 0) {
- return new Chain(Arrays.copyOf(effectorVector, effectorPos), outT.get(0).from);
- } else if (outT.get(0).isFinal || outT.get(0).tape == 0) {
- int outS = -1;
- for (final Transition t : outT) {
- if (t.tape > 0) {
- this.addError(String.format(AMBIGUOUS_STATE_MESSAGE, this.getTransducerName(), t.from));
- fail = true;
- } else {
- outS = t.from;
- }
- }
- if (!fail) {
- return new Chain(Arrays.copyOf(effectorVector, effectorPos), outS);
- }
- } else {
- for (final Transition t : outT) {
- this.addError(String.format(AMBIGUOUS_STATE_MESSAGE, this.getTransducerName(), t.from));
- }
+ effectorVector[effectorPos++] = 0;
+ assert effectorVector.length >= effectorPos;
+ if (effectorVector.length > effectorPos) {
+ effectorVector = Arrays.copyOf(effectorVector, effectorPos);
- return null;
+ return fail? null : new Chain(effectorVector, outS);
private Integer[] getInrStates() {
@@ -1147,7 +709,7 @@ private Integer[] getInrStates() {
return inrStates;
- private ArrayList getTransitions(final int inrState) {
+ ArrayList getTransitions(final int inrState) {
return this.stateTransitionMap.get(inrState);
diff --git a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/ModelLoader.java b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/ModelLoader.java
index 13449f2..237f194 100644
--- a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/ModelLoader.java
+++ b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/ModelLoader.java
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ private ModelLoader(final File modelPath)
this.transducerAccessIndex = new AtomicIntegerArray(size);
this.transducerObjectIndex = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(size);
* Bind target instance to runtime model.
@@ -258,14 +258,14 @@ public void decompile(final String transducerName)
for (int j = 0; j < inputEquivalenceIndex.length; j++) {
if (inputEquivalenceIndex[j] != i) {
if (startToken >= 0) {
- if (startToken < (j - 2)) {
+ if (startToken < (j - 1)) {
this.printEnd(j - 1);
} else {
+ startToken = -1;
- startToken = -1;
} else if (startToken < 0) {
startToken = j;
diff --git a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/State.java b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/State.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68220b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/State.java
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * Ribose is a recursive transduction engine for Java
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011,2022 Kim Briggs
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License
+ * and GNU Lesser Public License along with this program. See
+ * LICENSE-gpl-3.0. If not, see
+ * .
+ */
+package com.characterforming.jrte.engine;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import com.characterforming.ribose.base.Signal;
+class State {
+ final int ordinal;
+ final int signalLimit;
+ final int[][] transitions;
+ final long[] idempotentBytes;
+ final HashSet[] inputEquivalents;
+ int idempotentCount;
+ int idempotentNulBytes;
+ int idempotentByteCount;
+ int outboundCount;
+ int outboundByte;
+ int outboundEq;
+ State(int state, int[][] transitions, HashSet[] inputEquivalents, int signalLimit) {
+ this.ordinal = state;
+ this.signalLimit = signalLimit;
+ this.transitions = transitions;
+ this.inputEquivalents = inputEquivalents;
+ this.idempotentNulBytes = 0;
+ this.idempotentBytes = new long[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ this.idempotentByteCount = 0;
+ this.idempotentCount = 0;
+ this.outboundEq = -1;
+ this.outboundByte = -1;
+ this.outboundCount = 0;
+ this.setup();
+ }
+ private void setup() {
+ for (int eq = 0; eq < this.transitions.length; eq++)
+ if (this.transitions[eq][0] == this.ordinal) {
+ this.idempotentCount += this.inputEquivalents[eq].size();
+ for (int token : this.inputEquivalents[eq])
+ if (token < Signal.NUL.signal()) {
+ if (this.transitions[eq][1] == Assembler.NIL) {
+ this.idempotentBytes[token >> 6] |= (1L << (token & 0x3f));
+ this.idempotentByteCount += 1;
+ } else if (this.transitions[eq][1] == Assembler.NUL)
+ this.idempotentNulBytes += 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ final int size = this.inputEquivalents[eq].size();
+ int token = this.inputEquivalents[eq].iterator().next().intValue();
+ if (size == 1 && this.outboundCount == 0
+ && this.transitions[eq][1] == Assembler.NIL
+ && token < Signal.NUL.signal()) {
+ this.outboundByte = token;
+ this.outboundCount = 1;
+ this.outboundEq = eq;
+ } else
+ for (int t : this.inputEquivalents[eq])
+ if (t < Signal.NUL.signal())
+ ++this.outboundCount;
+ }
+ if (this.isScanState())
+ for (int word = 0; word < this.idempotentBytes.length; word++)
+ if (this.idempotentBytes[word] != 0xffffffffffffffffL)
+ for (int bit = 0; bit < 64; bit++)
+ if (0 == ((1L<= 0;
+ }
+ private boolean isProduct() {
+ return this.outboundCount == 1 && this.idempotentNulBytes == 255
+ && this.outboundEq >= 0 && this.transitions[this.outboundEq][1] == Assembler.NIL
+ && this.outboundByte >= 0 && this.outboundByte < Signal.NUL.signal();
+ }
+ boolean isScanState() {
+ assert this.idempotentByteCount != 255
+ || (!this.isSumState() && !this.isProduct());
+ return this.idempotentByteCount == 255;
+ }
+ boolean isSumState() {
+ assert this.idempotentByteCount < ModelCompiler.MIN_SUM_SIZE || this.idempotentByteCount >= 255
+ || (!this.isScanState() && !this.isProduct());
+ return this.idempotentByteCount >= ModelCompiler.MIN_SUM_SIZE
+ && this.idempotentByteCount < 255;
+ }
+ boolean isProductState() {
+ assert !isProduct() || (!this.isScanState() && !this.isSumState());
+ return isProduct();
+ }
+ boolean isNotInstrumented() {
+ return !this.isScanState() && !this.isSumState() && !this.isProduct();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/StateStack.java b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/StateStack.java
index f17e949..c73bd71 100644
--- a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/StateStack.java
+++ b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/StateStack.java
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
* Ribose is a recursive transduction engine for Java
* Copyright (C) 2011,2022 Kim Briggs
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program (LICENSE-gpl-3.0). If not, see
* .
@@ -46,4 +46,8 @@ int pop() {
return -1;
+ public boolean isEmpty() {
+ return this.tos < 0;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Transductor.java b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Transductor.java
index ed4de31..cd0fe41 100644
--- a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Transductor.java
+++ b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/engine/Transductor.java
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public final class Transductor implements ITransductor, ITransduction, IOutput {
private static final int MATCH_SUM = 1;
private static final int MATCH_PRODUCT = 2;
private static final int MATCH_SCAN = 3;
private Model model;
private final boolean isProxy;
private final ModelLoader loader;
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public final class Transductor implements ITransductor, ITransduction, IOutput {
private final ITransductor.Metrics metrics;
- * Proxy constructor
+ * Proxy constructor
Transductor() {
this.model = null;
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ public String asString(int fieldOrdinal) throws EffectorException, CharacterCodi
Value v = this.transducerStack.value(fieldOrdinal);
return Codec.decode(v.value(), v.length());
} else {
- throw new EffectorException("Not valid for proxy transductor");
+ throw new EffectorException("Not valid for proxy transductor");
@@ -436,9 +436,11 @@ public ITransductor run() throws EffectorException, DomainErrorException {
this.selected = this.transducer.selected;
state = this.transducer.state;
I: do {
- int post = input.position;
// get next input token
if (signal > 0) {
+ assert this.matchMode == MATCH_NONE || signal == SIGEOS
+ : String.format("mode=%d; signal=%d; expected mode=%d",
+ this.matchMode, signal, MATCH_NONE);
this.matchMode = MATCH_NONE;
token = signal;
signal = 0;
@@ -449,15 +451,13 @@ public ITransductor run() throws EffectorException, DomainErrorException {
token = -1;
break T;
- post = input.position;
token = input.array[input.position++] & 0xff;
int action = NIL;
S: do {
- final int trap = this.matchMode;
- switch (trap) {
+ switch (this.matchMode) {
// trap runs in (nil* paste*)* effector space
do {
@@ -466,14 +466,13 @@ public ITransductor run() throws EffectorException, DomainErrorException {
action = Transducer.action(transition);
if (action == PASTE)
- else if (action != NIL) {
- this.metrics.traps[MATCH_NONE][0] += 1;
- this.metrics.traps[MATCH_NONE][1] += input.position - post;
+ else if (action != NIL)
break S;
- }
- token = input.position < input.limit ? input.array[input.position++] & 0xff : -1;
+ if (input.position < input.limit)
+ token = input.array[input.position++] & 0xff;
+ else
+ continue I;
} while (token >= 0);
- this.metrics.traps[MATCH_NONE][1] += input.position - post;
// absorb self-referencing (msum,mscan) or sequential (mproduct) transitions with nil effect
@@ -489,37 +488,39 @@ else if (action != NIL) {
assert false;
- if (token >= 0) {
- this.metrics.traps[trap][1] += input.position - post;
- this.metrics.traps[trap][0] += 1;
- } else continue I;
- assert this.matchMode == MATCH_NONE;
+ if (token < 0)
+ continue I;
} while (true);
// effect action and check for transducer or input stack adjustment
- final int aftereffects = action < 0
- ? effect(action, token, effectorVector)
- : effect(action, token);
+ int aftereffects = IEffector.RTX_NONE;
+ if (action >= 0x10000)
+ aftereffects = ((IParameterizedEffector, ?>)
+ this.effectors[Transducer.effector(action)]).invoke(Transducer.parameter(action));
+ else if (action >= 0)
+ aftereffects = effect(action, token);
+ else
+ aftereffects = effect(action, token, effectorVector);
if (aftereffects != IEffector.RTX_NONE) {
- if (0 != (aftereffects & IEffector.RTX_INPUT)) {
+ if (0 != (aftereffects & IEffector.RTX_INPUT))
input = this.inputStack.peek();
- }
if (0 != (aftereffects & IEffector.RTX_SIGNAL)) {
signal = Transducer.signal(aftereffects);
- if (signal < SIGNUL || signal >= this.signalLimit) {
+ if (signal < SIGNUL || signal >= this.signalLimit)
signal = SIGNUL;
- }
int stackeffect = aftereffects & (IEffector.RTX_START | IEffector.RTX_STOP);
if (stackeffect == IEffector.RTX_START) {
- assert this.transducerStack.tos() > 0 && this.transducer == this.transducerStack.get(this.transducerStack.tos() - 1);
+ assert this.transducerStack.tos() > 0
+ && this.transducer == this.transducerStack.get(this.transducerStack.tos() - 1);
this.transducer.selected = this.selected;
this.transducer.state = state;
- }
- if (0 != (aftereffects & (IEffector.RTX_PAUSE | IEffector.RTX_STOPPED))) {
+ } else if (stackeffect != 0)
+ this.matchMode = MATCH_NONE;
+ if (0 != (aftereffects & (IEffector.RTX_PAUSE | IEffector.RTX_STOPPED)))
break T;
- } else if (stackeffect != 0) {
+ else if (stackeffect != 0) {
break I;
@@ -553,11 +554,6 @@ else if (action != NIL) {
private int effect(int action, int token)
throws EffectorException, IOException {
- if (action >= 0x10000) {
- return this.effectors[Transducer.effector(action)] instanceof IParameterizedEffector, ?> e
- ? e.invoke(Transducer.parameter(action))
- : IEffector.RTX_NONE;
- }
switch (action) {
case NUL:
if ((token != SIGNUL && token != SIGEOS)) {
@@ -609,11 +605,11 @@ private int effect(int action, int token)
case PAUSE:
return IEffector.RTX_PAUSE;
case STOP:
- return this.transducerStack.pop() == null ? IEffector.RTX_STOPPED : IEffector.RTX_STOP;
+ return this.transducerStack.pop() == null ? IEffector.RTX_STOPPED : IEffector.RTX_STOP;
if (action < this.effectors.length)
return this.effectors[action].invoke();
- throw new EffectorException(String.format("Effector ordinal %d is out of range (<%d)",
+ throw new EffectorException(String.format("Effector ordinal %d is out of range (<%d)",
action, this.effectors.length));
@@ -627,10 +623,10 @@ private int effect(int action, int token, int[] effectorVector)
E: do {
action = effectorVector[index++];
if (action < 0 ) {
- assert this.effectors[0 - action] instanceof IParameterizedEffector,?>;
if (this.effectors[0 - action] instanceof IParameterizedEffector,?> e)
aftereffects |= e.invoke(effectorVector[index++]);
- } else if (action != NUL)
+ else assert false;
+ } else if (action != NUL)
aftereffects |= this.effect(action, token);
else break E;
} while (true);
@@ -639,13 +635,17 @@ private int effect(int action, int token, int[] effectorVector)
private int sumTrap(Input input, int token) {
final long[] matchMask = this.matchSum;
+ final int post = input.position;
while (0 != (matchMask[token >> 6] & (1L << (token & 0x3f)))) {
- if (input.position < input.limit) {
+ if (input.position < input.limit)
token = 0xff & input.array[input.position++];
- } else {
+ else {
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_PRODUCT][1] += (input.position - post);
return -1;
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_SUM][0] += 1;
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_SUM][1] += (input.position - post);
this.matchMode = MATCH_NONE;
return token;
@@ -653,37 +653,46 @@ private int sumTrap(Input input, int token) {
private int productTrap(Input input, int token) {
final byte[] product = this.matchProduct;
byte match = (byte)(0xff & token);
+ final int post = input.position;
int mpos = this.matchPosition;
assert mpos <= product.length;
while (mpos < product.length) {
if (match == product[mpos++]) {
- if (mpos == product.length) {
+ if (mpos == product.length)
- } else if (input.position < input.limit) {
+ else if (input.position < input.limit)
match = input.array[input.position++];
- } else {
+ else {
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_PRODUCT][1] += (input.position - post);
this.matchPosition = mpos;
return -1;
} else {
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_PRODUCT][0] += 1;
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_PRODUCT][1] += (input.position - post);
this.errorInput = 0xff & match;
this.matchMode = MATCH_NONE;
return SIGNUL;
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_PRODUCT][0] += 1;
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_PRODUCT][1] += (input.position - post) + 1;
this.matchMode = MATCH_NONE;
return 0xff & match;
private int scanTrap(Input input, int token) {
final int matchToken = this.matchByte;
- while (token != matchToken) {
- if (input.position < input.limit) {
+ final int post = input.position;
+ while (token != matchToken)
+ if (input.position < input.limit)
token = 0xff & input.array[input.position++];
- } else {
+ else {
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_SCAN][1] += (input.position - post);
return -1;
- }
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_SCAN][0] += 1;
+ this.metrics.traps[MATCH_SCAN][1] += (input.position - post);
this.matchMode = MATCH_NONE;
return token;
@@ -694,7 +703,7 @@ private String getErrorInput(int last, int state) {
top.state = state; state /= eqCount; last /= eqCount;
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(256);
message.append(String.format("Domain error on (%1$d~%2$d) in %3$s [%4$d]->[%5$d]%n,\tTransducer stack:%n",
- this.errorInput, this.errorInput >= 0 ? top.get().getInputFilter()[this.errorInput] : this.errorInput,
+ this.errorInput, this.errorInput >= 0 ? top.get().getInputFilter()[this.errorInput] : this.errorInput,
top.get().getName(), last, state));
for (int i = this.transducerStack.tos(); i >= 0; i--) {
TransducerState t = this.transducerStack.get(i);
@@ -775,7 +784,7 @@ public int invoke() throws EffectorException {
public int invoke(final int parameterIndex) throws EffectorException {
for (IToken t : super.parameters[parameterIndex]) {
- if (t instanceof Token token) {
+ if (t instanceof Token token) {
if (token.getType() == IToken.Type.FIELD) {
Value field = transducerStack.value(token.getOrdinal());
if (field != null) {
@@ -785,7 +794,7 @@ public int invoke(final int parameterIndex) throws EffectorException {
byte[] bytes = token.getLiteral().bytes();
value.paste(bytes, bytes.length);
} else {
- throw new EffectorException(String.format("Invalid token `%1$s` for effector '%2$s'",
+ throw new EffectorException(String.format("Invalid token `%1$s` for effector '%2$s'",
token.asString(), super.getName()));
@@ -809,7 +818,6 @@ public int invoke() throws EffectorException {
public int invoke(final int parameterIndex) throws EffectorException {
selected = super.parameters[parameterIndex];
- value = transducerStack.value(selected);
assert selected != Model.ALL_FIELDS_ORDINAL;
if (selected != Model.ALL_FIELDS_ORDINAL) {
value = transducerStack.value(selected);
@@ -828,7 +836,7 @@ public int invoke() throws EffectorException {
assert false;
return IEffector.RTX_NONE;
public int invoke(final int parameterIndex) throws EffectorException {
int fieldOrdinal = super.parameters[parameterIndex];
@@ -902,7 +910,7 @@ public int invoke(final int parameterIndex) throws EffectorException {
public Integer[] allocateParameters(int parameterCount) {
return new Integer[parameterCount];
public Integer compileParameter(final IToken[] parameterList) throws TargetBindingException {
if (parameterList.length != 1) {
@@ -936,7 +944,7 @@ public Integer compileParameter(final IToken[] parameterList) throws TargetBindi
private final class InEffector extends BaseInputOutputEffector {
private InEffector(final Transductor transductor) throws CharacterCodingException {
super(transductor, "in");
@@ -1010,7 +1018,7 @@ public int invoke() throws EffectorException {
public int[][] allocateParameters(int parameterCount) {
return new int[parameterCount][];
public int invoke(final int parameterIndex) throws EffectorException {
assert (transducer == transducerStack.peek()) || (transducer == transducerStack.get(transducerStack.tos()-1));
@@ -1064,7 +1072,7 @@ public int invoke() throws EffectorException {
public Integer[] allocateParameters(int parameterCount) {
return new Integer[parameterCount];
public Integer compileParameter(final IToken[] parameterTokens) throws TargetBindingException {
if (parameterTokens.length != 1) {
@@ -1118,7 +1126,7 @@ public int invoke() throws EffectorException {
public long[][] allocateParameters(int parameterCount) {
return new long[parameterCount][];
public int invoke(final int parameterIndex) throws EffectorException {
if (matchMode == MATCH_NONE) {
@@ -1138,7 +1146,7 @@ public long[] compileParameter(final IToken[] parameterList) throws TargetBindin
long[] byteMap = new long[] {0, 0, 0, 0};
for (byte b : parameterList[0].getLiteral().bytes()) {
- final int i = Byte.toUnsignedInt(b);
+ int i = b & 0xff;
byteMap[i >> 6] |= 1L << (i & 0x3f);
return byteMap;
@@ -1210,7 +1218,7 @@ public int invoke(final int parameterIndex) throws EffectorException {
public byte[][] allocateParameters(int parameterCount) {
return new byte[parameterCount][];
public byte[] compileParameter(final IToken[] parameterList) throws TargetBindingException {
if (parameterList.length != 1) {
@@ -1259,7 +1267,7 @@ public int invoke(final int parameterIndex) throws EffectorException {
public Integer[] allocateParameters(int parameterCount) {
return new Integer[parameterCount];
public Integer compileParameter(final IToken[] parameterList) throws TargetBindingException {
if (parameterList.length != 1) {
diff --git a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/test/FileRunner.java b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/test/FileRunner.java
index caf9add..8fb3e5f 100644
--- a/src/com/characterforming/jrte/test/FileRunner.java
+++ b/src/com/characterforming/jrte/test/FileRunner.java
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class FileRunner {
* Shell interface.
- *
+ *
* @param args arguments from the shell
public static void main(final String[] args) {
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public static void main(final String[] args) {
assert trex.status().isStopped();
- long bytes = metrics.traps[0][1] + metrics.traps[1][1] + metrics.traps[2][1] + metrics.traps[3][1];
+ long bytes = 10 * byteLength;
double mbps = (tjrte > 0) ? (double)(bytes*1000000000l) / (double)(tjrte*1024*1024) : -1;
double mnone = (bytes > 0) ? ((double) (100 * metrics.traps[0][1]) / (double) bytes) : -1;
double mps = (bytes > 0) ? ((double) (100 * metrics.traps[1][1]) / (double) bytes) : -1;
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public static void main(final String[] args) {
String ssum = String.format("(%d/%.2f%%):msum", sum, mps);
String sproduct = String.format("(%d/%.2f%%):mproduct", product, mpr);
String sscan = String.format("(%d/%.2f%%):mscan", scan, msc);
- System.out.println(String.format("%8.3f mb/s %7.3f nul/kb %16s %16s %20s %17s",
+ System.out.println(String.format("%8.3f mb/s %7.3f nul/kb %16s %16s %20s %17s",
mbps, ekb, snone, ssum, sproduct, sscan));
assert bytes == 0 || bytes >= 10*byteLength;
} else {
diff --git a/src/com/characterforming/ribose/IModel.java b/src/com/characterforming/ribose/IModel.java
index eb326bd..8f36f2e 100644
--- a/src/com/characterforming/ribose/IModel.java
+++ b/src/com/characterforming/ribose/IModel.java
@@ -36,17 +36,17 @@
import com.characterforming.ribose.base.SimpleTarget;
- * The {@code IModel} interface provides static methods for compiling and loading
+ * The {@code IModel} interface provides static methods for compiling and loading
* ribose models into the Java runtime and encapsulates a runtime model instance.
* The model compiler assembles ribose models from collections of ginr automata.
- * The model loader implements threadsafe instantiation of {@link ITransductor}
+ * The model loader implements threadsafe instantiation of {@link ITransductor}
* for fine-grained transduction workflows and more granular methods for
* transducing input streams. A single transductor instance can be reused for
* more that one transduction, and transductions can be wrapped in a {@code
* try-with-transductor} statement using {@link #transduction(ITransductor)},
- * which returns an autocloseable {@link ITransduction} instance.
+ * which returns an autocloseable {@link ITransduction} instance.
- * Model files are compiled atomically and support multiple concurrent loaders.
+ * Model files are compiled atomically and support multiple concurrent loaders.
* Each model loader serializes one-time loading of transducers on first use in
* multithreaded contexts. In all other respects, ribose objects are not threadsafe.
* Runtime {@code IModel} instances are {@link AutoCloseable} but clients must
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ public interface IModel extends AutoCloseable {
* Compile a collection of ginr DFAs from an automata directory into a ribose model file
* and bind them to an {@link ITarget} class. Ginr compiles ribose patterns (*.inr files)
* to DFAs as the first step in building a ribose model. The ribose compiler cruches the
- * DFAs to produce ribose transducers and asembles them in a into the model file for
+ * DFAs to produce ribose transducers and asembles them in a into the model file for
* runtime use.
- *
+ *
* @param targetClassname the name of the Target implementation class will be instantiated as model target
* @param ginrAutomataDirectory directory containing DFAs compiled by ginr to be included in the model
* @param riboseModelFile path indicating where to create the model file
@@ -86,9 +86,14 @@ public static boolean compileRiboseModel(String targetClassname, File ginrAutoma
- * Load a ribose runtime model from persistent store and bind it to a model
- * target instance. A runtime model can be used to instantiate transductors.
- *
+ * Load a ribose runtime model from persistent store. A runtime model can be used
+ * o instantiate {@link ITransductor} instances and bind them to instances of the
+ * model {@link ITarget}. A transductor can run serial {@link ITransduction}s
+ * whereby syntactic cues in an input stream select effectors to reduce and
+ * ssimilate extracted data into the target. All of this is wrapped inside
+ * the IModel {@code stream()} methods, for one-off transductions that do
+ * not require fine-grained control.
+ *
* @param riboseModelFile path to the runtime model to load
* @return a live ribose runtime model instance
* @throws ModelException if the model could not be loaded
@@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ public static boolean compileRiboseModel(String targetClassname, File ginrAutoma
public static IModel loadRiboseModel(File riboseModelFile)
throws ModelException {
return ModelLoader.loadModel(riboseModelFile);
- }
+ }
* Instantiate a new transductor and bind it to a live target instance. Use
@@ -120,9 +125,9 @@ ITransductor transductor(ITarget target)
* instance may safely run consecutive transductions as long
* as each transduction is closed. Each transduction should begin by
* calling {@link ITransduction#reset()}, this will ensure that the
- * transductor is in a readty state before the transduction begins. See
- * {@link ITransductor} for an example.
- *
+ * transductor is in a ready state before the transduction begins. See
+ * {@link ITransductor} for an example.
+ *
* @param transductor The transductor that will run the transduction.
* @return the transduction instance
@@ -160,7 +165,7 @@ boolean stream(Bytes transducer, Signal prologue, InputStream in, OutputStream o
* Bind a live {@link ITarget} to an transductor and transduce a byte input
* stream onto it. The signal and input and output streams and I/O buffers are
* treated as for {@link #stream(Bytes, Signal, InputStream, OutputStream)}.
- *
+ *
* @param transducer the UTF-8 encoded name of the transducer to start
* @param target the transduction target instance
* @param prologue start signal to send to {@code transducer} (if not @link Signal#NONE})
@@ -172,9 +177,9 @@ boolean stream(Bytes transducer, Signal prologue, InputStream in, OutputStream o
boolean stream(Bytes transducer, ITarget target, Signal prologue, InputStream in, OutputStream out)
throws RiboseException;
- /**
+ /**
* Decompile a transducer to System.out
- *
+ *
* @param transducerName the transducer name as aUnicode string
* @throws ModelException if things don't work out
* @throws CharacterCodingException if encoder fails
@@ -182,9 +187,9 @@ boolean stream(Bytes transducer, ITarget target, Signal prologue, InputStream in
void decompile(String transducerName)
throws ModelException, CharacterCodingException;
- /**
+ /**
* Print the model map to an output stream
- *
+ *
* @param mapWriter the output sink
* @return true unless an uncaught exception is thrown
* @throws ModelException if things don't work out
@@ -194,7 +199,7 @@ boolean map(PrintStream mapWriter)
* Get the fully qualified name of the model target.
- *
+ *
* @return the fully qualified name of the model target
String getTargetClassname();
@@ -209,7 +214,7 @@ void close()
throws ModelException;
- * Detach thread local variables from the calling thread.
+ * Detach thread local variables from the calling thread.
static void detach() {