This Intune Win32 app queries Azure Active Directory as the signed in user and creates Signatures in Outlook for the user.
- Requires Windows 10 Azure AD Joined devices managed with Microsoft Intune.
- Application must be deployed to run in User context.
- The app leverages the -AccountId parameter of the Connect-AzureAD cmdlet for Single Sign-On. Please note that this has only been tested on Azure AD Joined devices.
Replace or update the files in the Source\Signatures folders with one or more Signature template(s) you would like to use. For example you can create a Signature in Outlook and obtain the files from %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures.
Modify the Signature files to include placeholder values. Supported placeholder values for the templates are listed below. Note: It is important that the actual values are available on the Azure AD user, either managed from Active Directory or directly in Office 365 / Azure AD.
Package the source folder with the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool, for example:
IntuneWinAppUtil.exe -c '.\Source' -s '.\Source\install.ps1' -o '.\Package'
Deploy the .intunewin app with Microsoft Intune to your users!
- %DisplayName%
- %GivenName%
- %Surname%
- %Mail%
- %Mobile%
- %TelephoneNumber%
- %JobTitle%
- %Department%
- %City%
- %Country%
- %StreetAddress%
- %PostalCode%
- %Country%
- %State%
- %PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName%
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -File "install.ps1"
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -File "uninstall.ps1"
- Manually configure detection rules
- Rule type: File
- Path: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures
- File or folder: Default signature.htm
- Detection method: File or folder exists
You can change the signature's display name in Outlook by changing the file names in the Source\Signatures folder. Make sure to translate the changes into the detection rules!