A little game designed to help young children learn to read. The idea is to familiarise the student with common words (in Swedish, as this game is implemented for a Swedish-language learning platform).
The student can drag-and-drop words to connect them with the correct illustration. In addition, typing skills are fostered by having the student type in the words as well.
The application is written in Clojure and ClojureScript and is based on the duct web application template.
When you first clone this repository, run:
lein setup
This will create files for local configuration, and prep your system for the project.
To begin developing, start with a REPL.
lein repl
Run go
to initiate and start the system.
user=> (go)
By default this creates a web server at http://localhost:3000.
When you make changes to your source files, use reset
to reload any
modified files and reset the server. Changes to CSS or ClojureScript
files will be hot-loaded into the browser.
user=> (reset)
:reloading (...)
If you want to access a ClojureScript REPL, make sure that the site is loaded in a browser and run:
user=> (cljs-repl)
Waiting for browser connection... Connected.
To quit, type: :cljs/quit
Stylesheets are written as SCSS files. To compile into CSS, run the following in a background terminal screen:
lein scss :dev auto
The sassc
utility needs to be installed.
Testing is fastest through the REPL, as you avoid environment startup time.
user=> (test)
But you can also run tests through Leiningen.
lein test
These end-to-end tests in test/features
use the clj-webdriver wrapper around
Selenium which in turn drives PhantomJS. You'll need to have the phantomjs
available on your path. You can get it with the node package manager. For example:
npm install -g phantomjs
Migrations are handled by ragtime []. Migration files are stored in
the resources/migrations
directory, and are applied in alphanumeric
To update the database to the latest migration, open the REPL and run:
user=> (migrate)
Applying 001-base
To rollback the last migration, run:
user=> (rollback)
Rolling back 001-base
Note that the system needs to be setup with (init)
or (go)
migrations can be applied.
- IP address in
:bild-ord-production ansible_host=...
ansible-galaxy install -r ansible/requirements.yml -p ansible/roles
Building and deploying an uberjar:
lein uberjar
ansible-playbook ansible/prod.yml --extra-vars "app_version=0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" --tags "deploy" --private-key ... --ask-sudo-pass --ask-vault-pass
Vagrant can be used to test deployment locally:
vagrant up
# if vagrant box is already running
vagrant provision
- Johannes Staffans
- Robin Gower
Copyright © 2016 Johannes Staffans
This software is distributed under the MIT license.