f973aef Add Dockerfile to build tailscale docker image for integration tests
d861231 Add a dockerignore file to speed up builds and make cachine better
149279f Add health endpoint
642c782 Add trace log for machine failing to parce ip in toNode
05e08e0 Added cmd to expire preauth keys (requested in #78)
226cb89 Added func to expire PAKs
54da1a4 Commit the correct integration etc files
3fa1ac9 Correct a typo in routes.go
7141e2e Fix hostname passed to join command
a43bb1b Improve Dockerfile
4e077b0 Initial work, add integration tests
3007c0e Merge pull request #79 from felixonmars/patch-1
2752149 Merge pull request #80 from juanfont/delete-pak
9c2a630 Merge pull request #81 from kradalby/integration-tests
c9e5048 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into integration-tests
91ffd10 Remove "Keys: " from create auth key output
0e1ddf9 Set longer timeout for integration tests
033136c fixed linting
0124899 fixed linting x 2