This branch was a child fork of JamieMagee teams-for-linux repo, that was itself a fork of Ivelkov teams-for-linux.
Jamie did express his desire to refactor this project in Typescript and to support it, but he has archive the project and I suspect that means he doesn't have the time to support it.
I have tried to contact Ivelkov for a few months but haven't receive any answers.
For that reason, decided to refork it and fix a few things that where not working. The list has grown since then to support many features and to fix most of the bugs.
To be able to use a few github functionalities, it was decided to unfork the project #87.
Ideally this project will die when Microsoft implements a desktop client for linux. Please do vote for it in the Microsoft Suggestions Forum
Currently, the project is in a stable condition, and should continue as long as needed. Non stable versions are released as pre-release.