This document holds all the information that is relevant to maintain and contribute the content for each if its packages.
Pages inside Grow are stored in so called collections. A collection is established by creating a _blueprint.yaml in a directory. The following fields are evaluated by the setup:
# If true on a collection, "Get started" and "Previous chapter" and "Next chapter"
# link are automatically added to the bottom of the page
chaptered: true|false
The documents inside the pages package are Grow documents that use the built-in fields and some additional ones that are used to categorize them:
- formats [default: websites,ads,email,stories]:
- websites
- ads
- email
- stories
- status [default: production]:
- experimental
- canary
- production
- validAmp [default: true]
- true
- false
- draft [default: true]
- true
- false
- tags [default: '']
- ads-analytics
- dynamic-content
- layout
- media
- presentation
- social
- personalization
By the categorization via the formats
list in the frontmatter the user is able to filter the documentation by one of the formats. The filtered variants of each page get generated during build time but you are also able to create custom filtered ones by duplicating the document you want to filter it and append the format it is going to be filtered by. So for example a filtered version of
If the document has a specific path that is not getting inherited from the _blueprint.yaml
also make sure to set a matching path. Same example:
has $path: /category.html
needs to have $path: /
. Otherwise the build process is not able to match the base and the filtered variant. To not have double navigation items make sure to also give $hidden: true
to the filtered variant.
Documents will be relevant to multiple formats on a broad scope, but may contain sections and paragraphs that are not accurate for all formats listed in the frontmatter. You can wrap paragraphs in a filter to hide or show them, depending on what format the user has selected.
[filter formats="websites"]
This is only visible for [websites](?format=websites).
[filter formats='websites, email']
This is visible for [websites](?format=websites) & [email](?format=email).
[filter formats="stories"]
This is visible for [stories](?format=stories).
The project enables various shortcodes to extend the basic functionality of markdown.
[tip type="default|important|note|read-on"]
# Headline
The type=default
can be omitted.
[video src="" caption="This is the caption text."]
The video ID (npum8JsITQE
in the above example) will be extracted automatically.
<section class="ap--stage ap--container-fluid">
[stage format="websites|stories|ads|emails"]
## What is AMP?
# AMP is a web component framework for easily creating user first
[Get Started](/content/amp-dev/documentation/guides-and-tutorials/
The Link is optional and will create a button inside the stage.
Teaser grid
[All success stories](#)
A list of links that will expand to a row of cards that link to the document.
Arrays can contain multiple elements. The media source can be image_src
or video_src
Leave the device.direction property empty to get a flat front view. Device.layouts and their ratios:
- Desktop: 8:5
- Tablet: 4:3
- Mobile: 3:5
The order of contents' elements is equal to the order of the resulting page. Content layouts:
- media + text
- media only
- text only
- quote
- text with media + button
The stage has the ability to display three different device layouts:
- all (Three elements with devices.type desktop, tablet and mobile)
- tablet-mobile (Two elements with devices.type tablet and mobile)
- mobile (One element with devices.type mobile) Other combinations aren't allowed and can lead to broken layouts.
headline: <string>
subline: <string>
layout: [all | tablet-mobile | mobile]
- image_src: [url] | video_src: [url]
width: <number>
height: <number>
type: [mobile | tablet | desktop] (depends on the layout)
direction: [left | right | left-flat | right-flat] (optional)
alt: <string>
poster_src: [url]
artwork_src: [url]
video_title: <string>
video_artist: <string>
video_album: <string>
- value: <string>
text: <string> (optional)
#(media + text)
- layout: text-media
image_src: [url] | video_src: [url]
width: <number>
height: <number>
type: [mobile | tablet | desktop] (optional)
direction: [left | right | left-flat | right-flat] (optional)
alt: <string>
headline: <string> (optional)
text: <string>
background: [gradient | gray]
#(media only)
- layout: media
image_src: [url] | video_src: [url]
width: <number>
height: <number>
type: [mobile | tablet | desktop] (optional)
direction: [left | right | left-flat | right-flat] (optional)
alt: <string>
#(text only)
- layout: text
headline: <string> (optional)
text: <string>
- layout: quote
quote: <string>
image_src: [url]
width: <number>
height: <number>
alt: <string>
author: <string>
story_url: [url]
#(text + media + button)
- layout: text-button
image_src: [url] | video_src: [url]
width: <number>
height: <number>
type: [mobile | tablet | desktop] (optional)
direction: [left | right | left-flat | right-flat] (optional)
alt: <string>
headline: <string> (optional)
text: <string>
download_url: [url]
background: [gradient | gray]