Releases: kacos2000/MFT_Browser
Releases · kacos2000/MFT_Browser
MFTBrowser.exe (x64)
[Change Log]
- Added non-system File $Data stream names (colored Green, in the form of Filename:Stream)
- Fixed (I think) adding file records with multiple $filename entries pointing to different parent records
- Improved speed a bit
- Changed the population of the tree, by using a File record ID created by the MFT record sequence number & the MFT step (order of record in the MFT file) instead using the actual MFT record nr.
MFTBrowser.exe (x64)
- Parent/child relationship is based on File Reference Number (Combination of MFT record Nr & MFT record Sequence Number)
- Speed improvements
- bug fixes
Seems to recreate the file/directory list correctly
MFTBrowser.exe (x64)
Based on $MFT Record Viewer
- Recreates the File/Directory tree structure based on an offline (extracted) $MFT file.
- Double clicking on any file/directory entry gets the full $MFT details for that record
- Clicking on any detail of the record, shows the source of the detail in a Hex view grid.
Note: Opening large $MFT records might take a lot of time (possibly hour(s)), as it needs to map each child record to it's parent, and as the structure grows, the time needed to search is grown exponentially. A couple of $MFT files s to play with can be found here