A web app for exploring grapheme-color synesthesia.
According to Wikipedia, grapheme-color synesthesia is "a form of synesthesia in which an individual's perception of numerals and letters is associated with the experience of colors."
I had to look that up, because even though I (Kaija) have had this type of synesthesia all my life, I'm only just starting to learn about what it is and how it works.
I built this app as a way of demonstrating to my friends what letters and numbers "look like" to me (i.e. what colors I associate with them--I don't literally see these colors, although some synesthetes do!).
The app was heavily inspired by Bernadette Sheridan's website synesthesia.me, but I wanted individuals to be able to input their own colors.
The app is currently deployed to https://kaijagahm.shinyapps.io/greenT/. Feel free to play around with it!
Please feel free to submit an issue if something is broken or if you'd like to suggest an enhancement! We welcome input.
This app is a collaboration of Kaija Gahm and Jonathan Trattner.