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Push Notification

Push Notification is a notification that is forcibly sent by the server to the client so that the notification sent to the client without waiting for the client to request it. In order for the notification to be accepted by the client, the client and server must always be connected through socket communication.

The notification server can be part of the application server and can also be provided by third parties.

Currently, there are many companies that provide push notification services, both free and paid. Some people choose to use their own push notification server for various reasons. If you are among those who want to have their own push notifications that you can install on your online and offline networks, then this application might be for you.

The application server must know the device ID of each user. When the application server sends notifications to users, the application server sends notifications to the notification server that is addressed to the user's device.

When the pusher address filter is applied, the pusher address must be registered in the database in order to send notifications to the destination device. When a new address tries to send a notification, the server records the new address and sends an email to the administrator to approve the address. If the address is approved by the administrator, pusher can send notifications accordingly. This address can be activated and deactivated at any time.

User can modify the mail template. See file mail-template.html


  1. Unlimited Notification
  2. Notification Group
  3. Device Registration
  4. Push Source Filter
  5. Auto Reconnect Database
  6. HTTP and HTTPS Pusher
  7. HTTP and HTTPS Remover
  8. Production Mode
  9. Encrypted Database Configuration
  10. Encrypted Keystore Password
  11. End-to-End Encryption
  12. Send Mail for Pusher Approval

HTTP and HTTPS port is different. So pusher can choose one of them.


Features Free Premium
Unlimited Notification
Notification Group
Device Registration
Push Source Filter
Auto Reconnect Database
MariaDB Database Support
MySQL Database Support
PostgreSQL Database Support
HTTP and HTTPS Pusher
HTTP and HTTPS Remover
Native and SSL Socket
Commercial Use
Production Mode
Encrypted Database Configuration
Encrypted Keystore Password
Send Mail for Pusher Approval


  1. Operating System

Supported operating system is Windows and Linux

  1. Environment

Push Notification Server need Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8

  1. Database Management System

Push Notification Server require MySQL database server, MariaDB database server or PostgreSQL database server


Database Preparation

For MySQL and MariaDB Database

  1. Create MySQL or MariaDB database
  2. Import notification.sql database into your database
  3. Open createapi.sql, replace passclient with your client password and passpusher with your pusher password
  4. Execute createapi.sql on your database

For PostgreSQL

  1. Create PostgreSQL database
  2. Import notification-postgresql.sql database into your database
  3. Open createapi-postgresql.sql, replace passclient with your client password and passpusher with your pusher password
  4. Execute createapi-postgresql.sql on your database


Basic Configuration

To modify configuration, open config.ini, modify and save it.

SMTP Configuration

You can use SMTP with authentication and also without authentication. For SMTP without authentication, use localhost. In this way, emails will be sent faster.

Configuring SMTP with authentication on localhost is as follows:

MAIL_HOST                    =
MAIL_USE_AUTH                = TRUE
MAIL_USERNAME                = user
MAIL_PASSWORD                = password

Configuring SMTP without authentication on localhost is as follows:

MAIL_HOST                    = localhost
MAIL_USE_AUTH                = FALSE
MAIL_USERNAME                = 
MAIL_PASSWORD                = 

On production mode, user MAIL_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED to store the password and let MAIL_PASSWORD

Encrypt Configuration

To create encrypted database configuration, please do steps as follow:

  1. Modify Configuration
TABLE_PREFIX                 = push_

#mysql for MySQL and MariaDB database server
#postgresql for PostgeSQL database server
DATABASE1_TYPE               = mysql
DATABASE1_HOST_NAME          = {db-host}
DATABASE1_PORT_NUMBER        = {db-port}
DATABASE1_USER_NAME          = {db-user}
DATABASE1_USER_PASSWORD      = {db-pass}
DATABASE1_NAME               = {db-name}
DATABASE1_USED               = TRUE

#mysql for MySQL and MariaDB database server
#postgresql for PostgeSQL database server
DATABASE2_TYPE               = mysql
DATABASE2_HOST_NAME          = {db-host}
DATABASE2_PORT_NUMBER        = {db-port}
DATABASE2_USER_NAME          = {db-user}
DATABASE2_USER_PASSWORD      = {db-pass}
DATABASE2_NAME               = {db-name}
DATABASE2_USED               = TRUE

#mysql for MySQL and MariaDB database server
#postgresql for PostgeSQL database server
DATABASE3_TYPE               = mysql
DATABASE3_HOST_NAME          = {db-host}
DATABASE3_PORT_NUMBER        = {db-port}
DATABASE3_USER_NAME          = {db-user}
DATABASE3_USER_PASSWORD      = {db-pass}
DATABASE3_NAME               = {db-name}
DATABASE3_USED               = TRUE

KEYSTORE_PASSWORD            = {keystore-pass}
MAIL_PASSWORD                = {mail-pass}

TABLE_PREFIX must be appropriate with the table name. For example, the table name listed bellow:

  • push_api
  • push_api_user
  • push_client
  • push_client_group
  • push_notification
  • push_pusher_address
  • push_trash
  • push_user

So the TABLE_PREFIX will be push_. You can change the TABLE_PREFIX according to your table name. With the TABLE_PREFIX, you can integrate the push notification server database with your own application.

  1. Run Service in Console
java -jar pushserver.jar config=config.ini

  2. Remove properties bellow

DATABASE1_TYPE               = mysql
DATABASE1_HOST_NAME          = {db-host}
DATABASE1_PORT_NUMBER        = {db-port}
DATABASE1_USER_NAME          = {db-user}
DATABASE1_USER_PASSWORD      = {db-pass}
DATABASE1_NAME               = {db-name}

DATABASE2_TYPE               = mysql
DATABASE2_HOST_NAME          = {db-host}
DATABASE2_PORT_NUMBER        = {db-port}
DATABASE2_USER_NAME          = {db-user}
DATABASE2_USER_PASSWORD      = {db-pass}
DATABASE2_NAME               = {db-name}

DATABASE3_TYPE               = mysql
DATABASE3_HOST_NAME          = {db-host}
DATABASE3_PORT_NUMBER        = {db-port}
DATABASE3_USER_NAME          = {db-user}
DATABASE3_USER_PASSWORD      = {db-pass}
DATABASE3_NAME               = {db-name}

KEYSTORE_PASSWORD            = {keystore-pass}
MAIL_PASSWORD                = {mail-pass}

Please don't remove

DATABASE1_USED               = TRUE
DATABASE2_USED               = TRUE
DATABASE3_USED               = TRUE
  1. Modify config.ini to

Now your database configuration is safe.


Service is CLI application. User only can control application by using the command line when start it. However, user can stop the service by using the command line too.

Argument Meaning
-h Show Help
--help Show Help
action=stop Stop Service
action=start Start Service
config={config-path} Set Configuration Path
debug-mode=true Run Service in Debug Mode

Start Service

Normal Mode

java -jar pushserver.jar config=/etc/pushnotif/config.ini

Debug Mode

java -jar pushserver.jar config=/etc/pushnotif/config.ini debug-mode=true

Stop Service

java -jar pushserver.jar action=stop

Create SSL Centificate

  1. Go to your JAVA home
  2. Create key file
  3. Create certificate file
  4. Copy key file and certificate file to your destination directory
  5. Edit KEYSTORE_PATH on config.ini to point to the key file

The command to generate a Java keystore and keypair:

keytool -genkey -alias -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.jks -keysize 2048

The command to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) for an existing Java keystore:

keytool -certreq -alias -keystore keystore.jks -file

The command for importing a root or intermediate certificate to an existing Java keystore:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file Thawte.crt -keystore keystore.jks

The command for importing a signed primary certificate to an existing Java keystore:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias -file -keystore keystore.jks

The command to generate a keystore and a self-signed certificate:

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048

The list of above commands will assist in generating a keypair and certificate signing request for a certificate.

We also gathered the list of Java Keystore commands to validate the generation process for certificates and CSRs.

The command for checking a standalone certificate:

keytool -printcert -v -file

The command for checking which certificates are in a Java keystore:

keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks

The command for checking a particular keystore entry using an alias:

keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.jks -alias

Additionally, there are few crucial processes where you need Java Keytool commands. Let’s have those commands for further validation.

The command for deleting a certificate from a Java Keytool keystore:

keytool -delete -alias -keystore keystore.jks

The command for changing a Java keystore password:

keytool -storepasswd -new new_storepass -keystore keystore.jks

The command for exporting a certificate from a keystore:

keytool -export -alias -file -keystore keystore.jks

The command to view a list of trusted CA certs:

keytool -list -v -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

The command for importing new CAs into your trusted certs:

keytool -import -trustcacerts -file /path/to/ca/ca.pem -alias CA_ALIAS -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

We are sure that this list of commands will definitely save developers' time while implementing a certificate for an existing application or a website.

For more information, visit

KeyStore Application

Another way to create keystore is by using KeyStore Explorer. KeyStore Explorer is an open source GUI replacement for the Java command-line utilities keytool and jarsigner. KeyStore Explorer presents their functionality, and more, via an intuitive graphical user interface.

Download KeyStore Explorer from

API Documentation

Assume that:

  • Domain : yourdomain.tld
  • Pusher Port (Accessed by Your Application Server) : 8080
  • Notification Port (Accessed by Mobile Devices) : 9090


$YourAPIPusherPassword = "PASSWORD123";
$CanonicalRequestBody = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t", " "), "", $RequestBody);

$UnixTimestamp = time(0);
$YourToken = sha1($UnixTimestamp . $YourAPIKey);
$YourSignature = sha1(sha1($YourAPIPusherPassword)."-".$YourToken."-".$YourAPIKey); 
$DataIntegrity = sha1(sha1($YourAPIPusherPassword)."-".$YourToken."-".$CanonicalRequestBody); 

$YourAPIKey = urlencode($YourAPIKey);
$YourGroup = urlencode($YourGroup);

Create Group

Before application send notification, user must create a notification user group on push notification server. Notification user group usefull if application has more than one level user that receive push notification. Aplication must send device ID and notification user group when it send notification.

POST /create-group HTTP/1.1
Host: yourdomain.tld:8080
Autorization: Bearer key=YourAPIKey&token=YourToken&hash=YourSignature&time=UnixTimestamp&group=YourGroup
X-Integrity: DataIntegrity
X-Application-Name: Your Application Name
X-Application-Version: Your Application Version
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "create-group",
    "data": {
        "groupKey": "GR1",
        "groupName": "Group 1",
        "groupDescription": "This is the description of the group 1"

Register Device

Before application send notification, user must register user device. Application must save the user's device on its database. When aplication send notification for any user, aplication must send it to all user devices. Aplication must send device ID and notification user group when it send notification. If device ID not registered on the group, push notification server will ignore the notification without push it to the device or save it into the database.

POST /register-device HTTP/1.1
Host: yourdomain.tld:8080
Autorization: Bearer key=YourAPIKey&token=YourToken&hash=YourSignature&time=UnixTimestamp&group=YourGroup
X-Integrity: DataIntegrity
X-Application-Name: Your Application Name
X-Application-Version: Your Application Version
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "register-device",
    "data": {
        "deviceID": "1345632163"

Unregister Device

When the user has ended using the application and no longer wants to receive notifications, the user must unregister the device. This action will remove the device on user notification group. Application must also remove the pair or user ID, group and device ID on its database.

POST /unregister-device HTTP/1.1
Host: yourdomain.tld:8080
Autorization: Bearer key=YourAPIKey&token=YourToken&hash=YourSignature&time=UnixTimestamp&group=YourGroup
X-Integrity: DataIntegrity
X-Application-Name: Your Application Name
X-Application-Version: Your Application Version
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "unregister-device",
    "data": {
        "deviceID": "1345632163"

Send Notification From Application Server

POST /pusher HTTP/1.1
Host: yourdomain.tld:8080
Autorization: Bearer key=YourAPIKey&token=YourToken&hash=YourSignature&time=UnixTimestamp&group=YourGroup
X-Integrity: DataIntegrity
X-Application-Name: Your Application Name
X-Application-Version: Your Application Version
Content-Type: application/json

    "data": {
        "deviceIDs": ["DeviceID1", "DeviceID2", "DeviceID3"],
        "data": {
                "message": "Notification message",
                "title": "Title",
                "subtitle": "Subtitle",
                "tickerText": "Ticker text",
                "uri": "http://yourdomain.tld/your-path?args1=val1&args2=val2",
                "clickAction": "open-url",
                "type": "info",
                "miscData": {},
                "color": "#FF5599",
                "vibrate": [200, 0, 200, 400, 0],
                "sound": "sound1.wav",
                "badge": "badge.png",
                "largeIcon": "large_icon.png",
                "smallIcon": "small_icon.png"

Delete Sent Notification From Application Server

POST /remover HTTP/1.1
Host: yourdomain.tld:8080
Autorization: Bearer key=YourAPIKey&token=YourToken&hash=YourSignature&time=UnixTimestamp&group=YourGroup
X-Integrity: DataIntegrity
X-Application-Name: Your Application Name
X-Application-Version: Your Application Version
Content-Type: application/json

    "command": "remove-notification",
    "data": {
        "id": [1, 2, 3, 4]