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Tezos Node Client


A Tezos Node is the main entry point to the Tezos Network. The TezosNodeClient class in TezosKit allows client applications to interact with the node via the JSON RPC API.

The TezosNodeClient API provides affordances to examine the state of the Tezos blockchain as well as to inject operations into the chain.

The TezosNodeClient functionality supports both Result style completion blocks or a promises API (via PromiseKit)

Getting Started

The TezosNodeClient supports a wide set of functionality, which includes:

  • Getting account balances
  • Getting data about the chain head
  • Getting account delegates
  • Generating and restoring wallets
  • Sending transactions between accounts
  • Sending multiple operations in a single request
  • Setting / clearing delegates
  • Registering as a delegate
  • Originating accounts
  • Examining upgrade votes
  • Invoking Smart Contracts
  • Examing smart contract storage or big maps

TezosNodeClient Client

Create a TezosNodeClient that will connect to a remote Tezos Node service.

let publicNodeURL = URL(string: "")!
let tezosNodeClient = TezosNodeClient(remoteNodeURL: publicNodeURL)

Optional Parameters

By default, TezosNodeClient provides sane defaults for most users. Some parameters in the initializer can be configured for extra functionality:

Parameter Type Default Description
remoteNodeURL URL The URL for the remote Tezos Node.
tezosProtocol TezosProtocol .athens An enum describing the protocol running on the remote node
forgingPolicy ForgingPolicy .remote A policy which dictates how operations are forged
urlSession URLSession URLSession.Shared A URL session to use for network requests
callbackQueue DispatchQueue DispatchQueue.main A queue to execute callbacks on.


Every account on the Tezos Blockchain is represented by a Wallet object. By default, wallets are created with an:

  • Address: The wallet's address on the blockchain. This is either a tz1, tz2, tz3 or KT1 address
  • Keys: A set of keys which manage the Accounts address.

Keys are decoupled from a wallets address because originated accounts are managed by the same set of keys as the implicit account which manages it.

In the case of generating a wallet, the Mnemonic field will also be generated.

Creating a Wallet

Wallets are generated with a mnemonic and a passphrase.

With no passphrase:

let wallet = Wallet()!
print("Your new wallet's mnemonic is \(wallet.mnemonic!)")

To attach a passphrase:

let wallet = Wallet(passphrase: "TREZOR")!
print("Your new wallet's mnemonic is \(wallet.mnemonic!)")

Restoring a Wallet

You can restore a wallet from either a secret key or by providing the original mnemonic and passphrase.

Mnenomic Based Restoration

Without a passphrase:

let mnemonic = ...
let wallet = Wallet(mnemonic: mnemonic)

With a passphrase:

let mnemonic = ...
let passphrase = ...
let wallet = Wallet(mnemonic: mnemonc, passphrase: passphrase)
Secret Key Based Restoration

You can restore a wallet from a secret key. Secret keys are accessible from an already instantiated wallet via the secret property in the keys property.

let myWallet = Wallet()

let secretKey = myWallet.keys.secret
let newWallet = Wallet(secretKey: secretKey)


The SignatureProvider protocol encompasses objects which can sign transactions. All Wallet objects in TezosKit are SignatureProviders.

Hierarchical Derivation Wallets

TezosKit does not yet support hierarchical derivation for wallets. This functionality will be delivered in a future update.

Secure Enclave Wallets

TezosKit does not yet support wallets that utilize the secure enclave to sign transactions. This functionality will be delivered in a future update.

Making Calls to the Network

Using the primitives provided by the Wallet and the TezosClientNode, TezosKit can make many calls to the network to determine the state of the blockchain.

Retrieve Data About the Blockchain

tezosNodeClient.getHead() { result in
  switch result {
  case .success(let result):
    guard let metadata: = result["metadata"] as? [String : Any],
          let baker = metadata["baker"]  else {
      print("Unexpected format")
    print("Baker of the block at the head of the chain is \(baker)")
  case .failure(let error):
    print("Error getting result: \(error)")

Retrieve Data About a Contract

let address = "KT1BVAXZQUc4BGo3WTJ7UML6diVaEbe4bLZA" //
tezosNodeClient.getBalance(address: address) { result in
  switch result {
  case .success(let balance):
    print("Balance of \(address) is \(balance.humanReadableRepresentation)")
  case .failure(let error):
    print("Error getting result: \(error)")

Send a Transaction

let wallet = Wallet()
let sendAmount = Tez(1.0)!
let recipientAddress = ...
  amount: sendAmount,
  to recipientAddress: recipientAddress,
  from address: wallet.address,
  secretKey: wallet.secretKey
) { (txHash, txError) in 
  print("Transaction sent. See:\(txHash!)")

Send Multiple Transactions at Once

Here's an example of how you can send multiple transactions at once. You can easily send Jim and Bob some XTZ in one call:

let myWallet: Wallet = ...
let jimsAddress: String = tz1...
let bobsAddress: String = tz1...

let amountToSend = Tez("2")!

let sendToJimOperation = TransactionOperation(amount: amountToSend,
                                              source: myWallet,
                                              destination: jimsAddress)
let sendToBobOperation = TransactionOperation(amount: amountToSend,
                                              source: myWallet,
                                              destination: bobsAddress)

let operations = [ sendToJimOperation, sendToBobOperation ]
  operations: operations,
  source: myWallet.address,
  keys: myWallet.keys
) { result in
  guard case let .success(txHash) = result else {
  print("Sent Jim and Bob some XTZ! See:\(txHash!)")

Set a Delegate

let wallet = ...
let originatedAccountAddress = <Some Account Managed By Wallet>
let delegateAddress = ...
  from: originatedAccountAddress,
  to: delegateAddress,
  keys: wallet.keys
) { result in
  guard case let .success(txHash) = result else {
  print("Delegate for \(originatedAccountAddress) set to \(delegateAddress).")

Call a Smart Contract

Assuming a smart contract takes a single string as an argument:

let operationFees = OperationFees(fee: Tez(1), gasLimit: 733_732, storageLimit: 0)
let parameter =
    arg: LeftMichelsonParameter(
      arg: PairMichelsonParameter(
        left: IntMichelsonParameter(int: 1),
        right: StringMichelsonParameter(string: .testExpirationTimestamp)

  contract: Wallet.dexterExchangeContract,
  amount: Tez(1.0),
  parameter: parameter,
  source: Wallet.testWallet.address,
  signatureProvider: Wallet.testWallet,
  operationFees: operationFees
) { result in
  guard case let .success(txHash) = result else {
  print("Called a smart contract. See\(txHash!)")

Introspect Contract Storage

self.nodeClient.getContractStorage(address: Wallet.tokenContract) { result in

Introspect A Big Map

let parameter = StringMichelsonParameter(string: "tz1RYq8wjcCbRZykY7XH15WPkzK7TWwPvJJt")
  address: "KT1BVAXZQUc4BGo3WTJ7UML6diVaEbe4bLZA",
  key: parameter,
  type: .address
) { result in

PromiseKit Variants

All RPCs can also be done with Promises. For instance, to retrieve a balance:

nodeClient.getBalance(address: "KT1BVAXZQUc4BGo3WTJ7UML6diVaEbe4bLZA").done { result in
  let balance = Double(result.humanReadableRepresentation)!
  print("The balance of the contract is \(balance)")
} .catch { _ in
  print("Couldn't get balance.")

Multiple Operations

Operations can be batched and applied in a single injection. Simply place the operations in an array and pass them to the TezosNodeClient.

let wallet = Wallet(...)
let nodeClient = TezosNodeClient(...)
let txOp = TransactionOperation(...)
let delegationOp = DelegationOperation(...)

let operationArray = [ txOp, delegationOp ]

  source: wallet.address,
  keys: wallet.keys,
) { result in 
  // result is a hash representing the injected operations.


All calls that inject an operation will run a preapply operation to ensure operation validity. A future update will make this functionality optional.


The Tezos blockchain requires a reveal operation to be performed before an operation will be accepted. TezosKit automatically adds a reveal operation when required.


All forging in TezosKit is done remotely. A future update will support local forging.

Custom RPC API

TezosNodeClient will dutifully send along any RPC that subclasses RPC. You can subclass this object to create custom queries. Read more about this in the Networking documentation.

Custom Operations API

TezosNodeClient can inject any operation which conforms to the Operation protocol. Read more about this in the Operations documentation.