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康小广 edited this page Oct 27, 2019 · 22 revisions


Dependency Issue

The server depends on @brenton's ASTand Lint paclet, which can be install in Mathematica / Wolfram Kernel using the following command.

PacletInstall[{"AST", <version_number>}, "Site" -> "", "UpdateSites" -> True]
PacletInstall[{"Lint", <version_number>}, "Site" -> "", "UpdateSites" -> True]

But sometimes if the <version_numver> is not the latest one, it will fail. The reason I explicitly specify the version number here is trying to keep the dependency in a stable and consistent version with the server. But seems that the Wolfram Paclet Server doesn't save all the previous versions. So use this instead.

PacletInstall["AST", "Site" -> "", "UpdateSites" -> True]
PacletInstall["Lint", "Site" -> "", "UpdateSites" -> True]

You may also refer to @wuyudi's article (in Chinese).

Cannot start w/ Mathematica 11.2

Mathematica 11.2 doesn't have Curry function, so far, you just need to checkout the develop branch, where I implemented my own MyCurry function.