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Keptn Artillery Service

Keptn service for load testing tool.


GitHub release (latest by date) Go Report Card

Compatibility Matrix

Keptn Version artillery-service Docker Image Comment
0.8.1 keptnsandbox/artillery-service:0.1.0 initial release
0.8.2 keptnsandbox/artillery-service:0.2.0
0.8.3 keptnsandbox/artillery-service:0.3.0
0.8.4-0.8.5 keptnsandbox/artillery-service:0.3.1


The artillery-service can be installed as a part of Keptn's uniform.

Deploy in your Kubernetes cluster

To deploy the current version of the artillery-service in your Keptn Kubernetes cluster, apply the deploy/service.yaml file:

kubectl apply -f deploy/service.yaml

This should install the artillery-service together with a Keptn distributor into the keptn namespace, which you can verify using

kubectl -n keptn get deployment artillery-service -o wide
kubectl -n keptn get pods -l run=artillery-service

Up- or Downgrading

Adapt and use the following command in case you want to up- or downgrade your installed version (specified by the $VERSION placeholder):

kubectl -n keptn set image deployment/artillery-service artillery-service=keptnsandbox/artillery-service:$VERSION --record


To delete a deployed artillery-service, use the file deploy/*.yaml files from this repository and delete the Kubernetes resources:

kubectl delete -f deploy/service.yaml


After deploying the artillery-service to your Keptn cluster, you can configure your test strategies by adding an artillery.conf.yaml file, allowing for more complex configurations like multiple test files for different stages.

spec_version: '0.1.0'
  - teststrategy: functional
    script: scenarios/basic.yaml
  - teststrategy: performance_light
    script: scenarios/load.yaml
  - teststrategy: functional-light
    script: scenarios/health.yaml

The configuration file can be added to the repo using the keptn add-resource command:

keptn add-resource --project=PROJECTNAME --service=SERVICENAME --all-stages --resource=artillery.conf.yaml --resourceUri=scenarios/artillery.conf.yaml

If no artillery.conf.yaml file is provided the service will try to execute the default scenario scenarios/load.yaml. You can add and update the scenarios and add them to Keptn using:

keptn add-resource --project=PROJECTNAME --service=SERVICENAME --stage=STAGENAME --resource=./scenarios/basic.yaml --resourceUri=scenarios/basic.yaml


Where to start

If you don't care about the details, your first entrypoint is eventhandlers.go. Within this file you can add implementation for pre-defined Keptn Cloud events.

To better understand Keptn CloudEvents, please look at the Keptn Spec.

If you want to get more insights, please look into main.go, deploy/service.yaml, consult the Keptn docs as well as existing Keptn Core and Keptn Contrib services.

Build yourself

  • Build the binary: go build -ldflags '-linkmode=external' -v -o artillery-service
  • Run tests: go test -race -v ./...
  • Deploy the service using kubectl: kubectl apply -f deploy/
  • Delete/undeploy the service using kubectl: kubectl delete -f deploy/
  • Watch the deployment using kubectl: kubectl -n keptn get deployment artillery-service -o wide
  • Get logs using kubectl: kubectl -n keptn logs deployment/artillery-service -f
  • Watch the deployed pods using kubectl: kubectl -n keptn get pods -l run=artillery-service
  • Deploy the service using Skaffold: skaffold run --default-repo=your-docker-registry --tail (Note: Replace your-docker-registry with your DockerHub username; also make sure to adapt the image name in skaffold.yaml)

Testing Cloud Events

We have dummy cloud-events in the form of RFC 2616 requests in the test-events/ directory. These can be easily executed using third party plugins such as the Huachao Mao REST Client in VS Code.


Please find more information in the LICENSE file.