diff --git a/grobid-core/src/main/java/org/grobid/core/utilities/TextUtilities.java b/grobid-core/src/main/java/org/grobid/core/utilities/TextUtilities.java index 4ab3117782..fd08517438 100755 --- a/grobid-core/src/main/java/org/grobid/core/utilities/TextUtilities.java +++ b/grobid-core/src/main/java/org/grobid/core/utilities/TextUtilities.java @@ -58,8 +58,12 @@ public class TextUtilities { // a regular expression for arXiv identifiers // see https://arxiv.org/help/arxiv_identifier and https://arxiv.org/help/arxiv_identifier_for_services + // three pattern types are allowed, here are examples of each + // "new style" with prefix: 'arXiv:0706.0002v3', 'arxiv: 0706.0002' + // "old style" with prefix: 'arXiv : hep-th/9901001v2', 'arxiv:hep-th/ 9901001' + // "old style" without prefix (strict): 'hep-th/9901001v2', 'math/9901001' static public final Pattern arXivPattern = Pattern - .compile("(arXiv\\s?(\\.org)?\\s?\\:\\s?\\d{4}\\s?\\.\\s?\\d{4,5}(v\\d+)?)|(arXiv\\s?(\\.org)?\\s?\\:\\s?[ a-zA-Z\\-\\.]*\\s?/\\s?\\d{7}(v\\d+)?)"); + .compile("(ar[xX]iv\\s?(\\.org)?\\s?\\:\\s??\\d{4}\\s?\\.\\s?\\d{4,5}(v\\d+)?)|(ar[xX]iv\\s?(\\.org)?\\s?\\:\\s?[ a-zA-Z\\-\\.]{3,16}\\s?/\\s?\\d{7}(v\\d+)?)|([^a-zA-Z](math|hep|astro|cond|gr|nucl|quat|stat|physics|cs|nlim|q\\-bio|q\\-fin)[a-zA-Z\\-\\.]*/\\d{7}(v\\d+)?)"); // regular expression for PubMed identifiers, last group gives the PMID digits static public final Pattern pmidPattern = Pattern.compile("((PMID)|(Pub(\\s)?Med(\\s)?(ID)?))(\\s)?(\\:)?(\\s)*(\\d{1,8})"); diff --git a/grobid-core/src/test/java/org/grobid/core/lexicon/LexiconIntegrationTest.java b/grobid-core/src/test/java/org/grobid/core/lexicon/LexiconIntegrationTest.java index 231cca1b60..1d5ac901bd 100755 --- a/grobid-core/src/test/java/org/grobid/core/lexicon/LexiconIntegrationTest.java +++ b/grobid-core/src/test/java/org/grobid/core/lexicon/LexiconIntegrationTest.java @@ -345,6 +345,18 @@ public void testInArXivPatternLayoutToken2() { assertThat(positions.get(0).end, is(15)); } + @Test + public void testInArXivPatternLayoutToken3() { + String piece = "K.R. Dienes, C. Kolda and J. March-Russell, hep-ph/9610479."; + List tokens = GrobidAnalyzer.getInstance().tokenizeWithLayoutToken(piece); + String text = LayoutTokensUtil.toText(tokens); + List positions = target.tokenPositionsArXivPattern(tokens, text); + + assertThat(positions, hasSize(1)); + assertThat(positions.get(0).start, is(22)); + assertThat(positions.get(0).end, is(27)); + } + @Test public void testInIdentifierPatternLayoutToken() { String piece = "ATLAS collaboration, Measurements of the Nuclear Modification Factor for Jets in Pb+Pb Collisionsat √ "+ @@ -396,4 +408,4 @@ public void testInEmailPatternLayoutToken() { assertThat(positions.get(1).start, is(27)); assertThat(positions.get(1).end, is(33)); } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/grobid-trainer/resources/dataset/citation/corpus/16-1708.00362.training.references.tei.xml b/grobid-trainer/resources/dataset/citation/corpus/16-1708.00362.training.references.tei.xml index 068c158814..b18f660445 100644 --- a/grobid-trainer/resources/dataset/citation/corpus/16-1708.00362.training.references.tei.xml +++ b/grobid-trainer/resources/dataset/citation/corpus/16-1708.00362.training.references.tei.xml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ P. 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