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OpenRSC Commands

Admin Commands

  • beastmode
    • Usage: ::beastmode
    • Completes required quests and stats, then sets the player to wield top tier items. Items vary based on if custom sprites are enabled on the server.
  • fillbank
    • Usage: ::fillbank
    • Adds 50 of every item in the game to the admin's bank.
  • unfillbank
    • Usage: ::unfillbank
    • Subtracts 50 of every item in the game from the admin's bank.
  • saveall
    • Usage: ::saveall
    • Saves all users currently logged in.
  • cabbagehalloweendrop
    • Usage: ::cabbagehalloweendrop [total hours] [minute of hour to drop scythes] [drop delay in minutes after scythes to drop halloween crackers]
    • Drops scythes and halloween crackers at the specified times.
    • May be checked with ::checkholidaydrop or cancelled with ::cancelholidaydrop.
    • Should only be used on server configurations supporting custom items.
  • holidaydrop
    • Usage: ::holidaydrop [total hours] [minute of hour] [item id] ...
    • Performs a global holiday drop. More than one item may be specified by putting spaces between item IDs.
  • stopholidaydrop
    • Usage: ::stopholidaydrop
    • Alias: ::cancelholidaydrop or ::christmasiscancelled
    • Stops the currently running holiday drop.
  • getholidaydrop
    • Usage: ::getholidaydrop
    • Alias: ::checkholidaydrop or ::checkholidayevent or ::drop
    • Gets information about the currently running holiday drop.
  • restart
    • Usage: ::restart
    • Restarts the server.
  • grounditem
    • Usage: ::grounditem [id] (respawn_time) (amount) (x) (y)
    • Alias: ::gi or ::gitem
    • Puts a database entry for a ground item to spawn with specified ID, amount, and respawn time.
    • If no respawn time is supplied, then 188 seconds is used.
    • If no amount is supplied, then 1 is used.
    • If no coordinates are supplied, then the current player's coordinates are used.
  • removegrounditem
    • Usage: ::removegrounditem (x) (y)
    • Alias: ::rgi or ::rgitem or ::removegi or ::removegitem or ::rgrounditem
    • Removes from the database a ground item spawn entry.
    • If no coordinates are supplied, then the current player's coordinates are used.
  • shutdown
    • Usage: `::shutdown
    • Shuts down the server immediately.
  • update
    • Usage: ::update (reason)
    • Shuts down the server with a warning to users and a graceful timer to allow players to save their status.
  • item
    • Usage: ::item [id] (amount) (player)
    • Spawns an item for the specified player.
    • If no amount is specified, then 1 is used.
    • If no player is specified, then it shows the appearance change screen to the current player.
    • For non-stackable items, only up to 30 may be spawned at one time.
  • bankitem
    • Usage: ::bankitem [id] (amount) (player)
    • Alias: ::bitem or ::addbank
    • Spawns an item into the bank of the specified player.
    • If no amount is specified, then 1 is used.
    • If no player is specified, then it adds to the bank of the current player.
  • heal
    • Usage: ::heal (player)
    • Sets the specified player's current hits value to their maximum hits value.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player is healed.
  • recharge
    • Usage: ::recharge (player)
    • Alias: ::healprayer or ::healp
    • Sets the specified player's current prayer value to their maximum prayer value.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player is recharged.
  • sethp
    • Usage: ::sethp [name] [hp]
    • Alias: ::hp or ::hits
    • Sets the specified player's current hits value to the specified value.
    • You can not set hits of a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • setprayer
    • Usage: ::setprayer [name] [prayer]
    • Alias: ::prayer
    • Sets the specified player's current prayer value to the specified value.
    • You can not set prayer of a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • kill
    • Usage: ::kill [player]
    • Kills the specified player.
    • You can not kill a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • damage
    • Usage: ::damage [name] [amount]
    • Alias: ::dmg
    • Damages the specified player for the specified amount of hits levels.
    • You can not damage a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • wipeinventory
    • Usage: ::wipeinventory [name]
    • Alias: ::wipeinv
    • Removes all items from the specified player's inventory.
    • You can not wipe the inventory of a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • wipebank
    • Usage: ::wipebank [name]
    • Removes all items from the specified player's bank.
    • You can not wipe the bank of a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • massitem
    • Usage: ::massitem [id] [amount]
    • Spawn the specified amount of the specified item on the ground temporarily for 3 minutes.
  • massnpc
    • Usage: ::massnpc [id] [amount] (duration_minutes)
    • Spawn the specified amount of the specified NPCs for the specified amount of time.
    • If no duration is supplied, then 10 minutes is used.
  • npctalk
    • Usage: ::npctalk [npc_id] [msg]
    • Causes the specified NPC to say the specified message to all players in the area.
  • npckills
    • Usage: ::npckills [name]
    • Shows kill counts for name.
  • playertalk
    • Usage: ::playertalk [name] [msg]
    • Causes the specified player to say the specified message to all players in the area.
    • You can not talk as a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • smitenpc
    • Usage: ::smitenpc [npc_id] (damage)
    • Alias: ::damagenpc or ::dmgnpc
    • Damages the specified NPC for the specified amount of damage.
    • If no damage is specified, then it does enough damage to kill the NPC.
  • npcevent
    • Usage: ::npcevent [npc_id] [npc_amount] [item_id] (item_amount) (duration)
    • Spawns the specified number of the specified NPC. One random of the spawned NPCs will drop the specified loot. The NPCs will stay for the specified duration.
    • If no item amount is supplied, then 1 is used.
    • If no duration is specified, then 10 minutes is used.
    • NOTE that this only happens one time immediately and is not an HourlyNpcLootEvent.
  • chickenevent
    • Usage: ::chickenevent (hours) (chicken_amount) (item_amount) (chicken_lifetime)
    • Starts an hourly chicken holiday event.
    • Behaves like npcevent, but this is run every hour on the hour for the specified number of hours.
    • The NPC is chickens and the loot is coins.
  • stopnpcevent
    • Usage: ::stopnpcevent
    • Alias: ::cancelnpcevent
    • Stops the currently running HourlyNpcLootEvent.
  • getnpcevent
    • Usage: ::getnpcevent
    • Alias: ::checknpcevent
    • Gets information about the currently running HourlyNpcLootEvent.
  • wildrule
    • Usage: ::wildrule [god/members] [startLevel] [endLevel]
    • Changes the rules used for the wilderness.
    • If god is supplied as the first argument, then it determines which combat levels god spells are allowed to be cast in the wilderness.
    • If members is supplied as the first argument, then it determines which combat levels members utems are allowed to be equipped in the wilderness.
  • quickauction
    • Usage: ::quickauction
    • Displays the auction house window.
  • quickbank
    • Usage: ::quickbank
    • Displays the logged in player's bank window.
  • freezeexperience
    • Usage: ::freezeexperience [player] (boolean)
    • Alias: ::freezeexp or ::freezexp
    • Freezes the specified player's experience such that they can not gain anymore experience until the freeze is lifted.
    • If no boolean is supplied, then this command works as a toggle.
  • skull
    • Usage: ::skull [player] (boolean)
    • Gives or removes the PK skull for the specified player.
    • If no boolean is supplied, then this command works as a toggle.
  • ip
    • Usage: ::ip (name)
    • Shows the IP address of the specified player.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player's IP is shown.
  • appearance
    • Usage: ::appearance (player)
    • Shows the appearance change screen to the specified player.
    • If no player is specified, then it shows the appearance change screen to the current player.
  • spawnnpc
    • Usage: ::spawnnpc [id] (radius) (time in minutes)
    • Spawns the specified NPC with the specified walking radius for the specified amount of time.
    • If no walking radius is supplied, then 1 is used.
    • If no duration is supplied, then 10 minutes is used.
  • shootme
    • Usage: ::shootme [npc_id] (damage) (type)
    • Npc shoots player.
  • npcrangeevent
    • Usage: ::npcrangeevent [npc_id] [npc_id]
    • Npc shoots npc.
  • npcrangeevent2
    • Usage: ::npcrangeevent2 [npc_id]
    • Npc shoots current player.
  • npcfightevent
    • Usage: ::npcfightevent [npc_id] [npc_id]
    • Npc fights npc.
  • npcrangedlvl
    • Usage: ::npcrangedlvl [npc_id]
    • Returns npc ranged level.
  • getnpcstats
    • Usage: ::getnpcstats [npc_id]
    • Returns stats of npc.
  • strpotnpc
    • Usage: ::strpotnpc [npc_id]
    • Emulates giving a strength potion to an npc.
  • combatstylenpc
    • Usage: ::combatstylenpc [npc_id]
    • Returns npc combat style.
  • combatstyle
    • Usage: ::combatstyle
    • Returns own combat style.
  • setnpcstats
    • Usage: ::setnpcstats [npc_id] [att lvl] [def lvl] [str lvl] [hits lvl]
    • Sets npc's combat stats.
  • winterholidayevent
    • Usage: ::winterholidayevent
    • Turns on the winter holiday event (spawns tree objects).

Developer Commands

  • createnpc
    • Usage: ::createnpc [id] [radius] (x) (y)
    • Alias: ::radiusnpc or ::cnpc or ::cpc
    • Creates a new permanent NPC with the given details into the database.
    • If no coordinates are supplied, then the position of the current player is used.
  • removenpc
    • Usage: ::removenpc [npc_instance_id]
    • Alias: ::rnpc or ::rpc
    • Removes the specified NPC permanently from the database.
  • removeobject
    • Usage: ::removeobject (x) (y)
    • Alias: ::robject
    • Removes the object permanently from the database at the specified coordinates.
    • If no coordinates are supplied, then the current player's position is used.
  • createobject
    • Usage: ::createobject [id] (x) (y)
    • Alias: ::cobject or ::addobject or ::aobject
    • Adds the specified object to the database permanently at the specified coordinates.
    • If no coordinates are supplied, then the current player's position is used.
  • rotateobject
    • Usage: ::createobject (x) (y) (direction)
    • Rotates the object at the specified coordinates permanently in the database.
    • If no direction is specified, then the next incremental number is used looping from 0 to 8.
    • If no coordinates are supplied, then the current player's position is used.
  • tile
    • Usage: ::tile
    • Shows debug information about the tile the current player is position on.
  • debugregion
    • Usage: ::debugregion (debug_players) (debug_npcs) (debug_items) (debug_objects)
    • Shows debug information about the region the current player is located in.
    • This command has 4 debug booleans. For the ones that are not supplied, it is assumed to be true.
  • coords
    • Usage: ::coords (player)
    • Shows coordinate information about the specified player.
    • If no player is specified, then it show coordinate info about the current player.\
  • serverstats
    • Usage: ::serverstats
    • Shows statistics about the currently running server Events, including how many events are running for each Event Class.
  • droptest
    • Usage: ::droptest [npc_id] [count]
    • Returns drop outcomes of [count] executions of drops on npc [npc_id]

Super/Senior Moderator Commands

  • setcache
    • Usage: ::setcache (name) [cache_key] [cache_value]
    • Alias: ::scache or ::storecache
    • Sets a cache value for the specified player.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player's cache is modified.
  • getcache
    • Usage: ::getcache (name) [cache_key]
    • Alias: ::gcache or ::checkcache
    • Display the cache contents for the specified player.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player's cache is modified.
  • deletecache
    • Usage: ::getcache (name) [cache_key]
    • Alias: ::dcache or ::removecache or ::rcache
    • Remove the cache contents of a specified key for the specified player.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player's cache is modified.
  • setquest
    • Usage: ::setquest [player] [questId] (stage)
    • Alias: ::queststage or ::setqueststage or ::resetquest or ::resetq
    • Sets the quest stage for the specified quest to the specified stage for the specified player.
    • If no quest stage is supplied, then 0 is used.
  • questcomplete
    • Usage: ::setquest [player] [questId]
    • Alias: ::questcom
    • Sets the specified quest to completed for the specified player.
  • quest
    • Usage: ::quest [player] [questId]
    • Alias: ::getquest or ::checkquest
    • Display the quest stage for the specified user for the specified quest.
  • reloaddrops
    • Usage: ::reloaddrops
    • Reloads NPC drop tables.
  • reloadworld
    • Usage: ::reloadworld
    • Alias: ::reloadland
    • Reloads landscape.
  • summonall
    • Usage: ::summonall (width) (height)
    • Summons all currently logged in players to the current player.
    • Clears any previous summon flag.
    • Width and height define a rectangle that the summon players will be placed into.
    • If width and height is not supplied then all players are summoned to the same square as the current player.
  • returnall
    • Usage: ::returnall
    • Returns all non-staff members who have been summoned.
  • fatigue
    • Usage: ::fatigue [player] (percentage)
    • Sets fatigue of the specified player to the specified percentage.
    • If no percentage is specified, then 100 is used.
  • jail
    • Usage: ::jail [name]
    • Puts the specified player in Runescape Jail.
    • You can not jail a player who has already been jailed.
    • You can not jail a staff member.
  • release
    • Usage: ::release [name]
    • Releases the specified player from Runescape Jail to the location they were before being jailed.
  • ipcount
    • Usage: ::ipcount (name)
    • Shows the number of players connected with the same IP address as the specified player.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player's information is shown.
  • ban
    • Usage: ::ban [name] [time in minutes, -1 for permanent, 0 to unban]
    • Bans the specified player.
    • You can not ban a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • renameplayer
    • Usage: '::renameplayer [old_name] [new_name]'
    • Renames a specified player. Please note that ALL underscores will be replaced with spaces
    • Also note that renaming a player will mess up anyone's friend list that has them added, so it's best to only use this command to rename Mod players.

Moderator Commands

  • info
    • Usage: ::info (player)
    • Alias: ::about
    • Shows information about the specified player.
    • If no player is specified, then it show info about the current player.
  • inventory
    • Usage: ::inventory (player)
    • Shows inventory information about the specified player.
    • If no player is specified, then it show inventory info about the current player.
  • bank
    • Usage: ::bank (player)
    • Shows bank information for the specified player.
    • If no player is specified, then it show bank info about the current player.
  • summon
    • Usage: ::summon [player]
    • Summons the specified player to the current player's location.
    • This command sets a return point which can be used with ::return [player]
    • Moderators can not summon players into the wilderness.
    • Clears any previous summon flag.
    • You can not summon a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • say
    • Usage ::say [message]
    • Talk in global chat. This is never turned off for moderators.
  • announcement
    • Usage ::announcement [message]
    • Alias: ::announce or ::anouncement or ::anounce
    • Send an important message to every player on the server.
  • kick
    • Usage: ::kick [player]
    • Kicks the specified player from the server.
    • You can not kick a staff member of equal or greater rank.

Event Commands

  • teleport
    • Usage: ::teleport [town/player] to teleport to a specified town or player
    • Usage: ::teleport [player] [town/player] to teleport the specified player to the specified town or destination player.
    • Usage: ::teleport [x] [y] to teleport to the specified coordinates
    • Usage: ::teleport [player] [x] [y] to teleport the specified player to the specified coordinates.
    • Alias: ::tp or ::town or ::goto or ::tpto or ::teleportto
    • Teleports the specified player.
    • You can not teleport while you are jailed.
    • You can not teleport a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • return
    • Usage: ::return (player)
    • Return the player to their previous location before being summoned and clear the summoned flag.
    • Event role can only use return on themselves.
    • You can not return a staff member of equal or greater rank.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player is returned.
  • blink
    • Usage: ::blink
    • Turn on single click teleportation.
  • invisible
    • Usage: ::invisible (player) (boolean)
    • Alias: ::invis
    • Turn the specified player invisinble.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player is turned invisible.
    • If no boolean is supplied, then this command works as a toggle.
  • invulnerable
    • Usage: ::invulnerable (player) (boolean)
    • Alias: ::invul
    • Turn the specified player invulnerable.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player is turned invulnerable.
    • If no boolean is supplied, then this command works as a toggle.
  • check
    • Usage: ::check (player)
    • Shows all of the characters that were created by the same IP address.
  • togglepartyhall
    • Usage: ::togglepartyhall (time_in_minutes)
    • Alias: ::seers or ::toggleseers or ::partyhall
    • Turns on or off based on a toggle the seers party hall chest for the specified amount of time.
    • If no duration is specified, then 60 minutes is used.
    • You must be in the Seers party hall upstairs or downstairs to use this command.
    • Only enables the chest downstairs or upstairs based on the current player's location.
  • stoppvpevent
    • Usage: ::stoppvpevent
    • Stops the currently running PK event.
  • startpvpevent
    • Usage: ::startpvpevent [x] [y] [minCb] [maxCb]
    • Alias: ::setpvpevent
    • Starts a PK event with the specified location and specified min and max combat levels.
  • setgroup
    • Usage: ::setgroup [name] to read a group
    • Usage: ::setgroup [name] [group_id/group_name] to write a group
    • Alias: ::setrank or ::group or ::rank
    • Read or write the group of the specified player.
    • Only users of the rank Admin or above may change a player's rank.
    • You may never change a players rank to be equal to or greater than your own.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player is targeted.
  • setstats
    • Usage: ::setstats [player] [level] to set all of the specified player's stats to the specified level.
    • Usage: ::setstats [player] to set all of your stats to the specified level
    • Usage: ::setstats [player] [level] [stat] to set the specified player's specified stat to the specified level.
    • Usage: ::setstats [level] [stat] to set your specified stat to the specified level
    • Alias: ::stats or ::stat or ::setstat or ::setstats
    • Set the specified stats of the specified player to the specified level.
    • Accepts name or stat id of the specified stat.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player is targeted.
    • If no stat is specified, then all stats are modified.
  • setcurrentstats
    • Usage: ::setcurrentstats [player] [level] to set all of the specified player's stats to the specified level.
    • Usage: ::setcurrentstats [player] to set all of your stats to the specified level
    • Usage: ::setcurrentstats [player] [level] [stat] to set the specified player's specified stat to the specified level.
    • Usage: ::setcurrentstats [level] [stat] to set your specified stat to the specified level
    • Alias: ::currentstats or ::currentstat or ::setcurrentstat or ::curstat or ::curstats or ::setcurstat or ::setcurstats
    • Set the specified current stats of the specified player to the specified level.
    • Accepts name or stat id of the specified stat.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player is targeted.
    • If no stat is specified, then all stats are modified.
  • setxpstats
    • Usage: ::setxpstats [player] [experience] to set all of the specified player's stats to the specified experience.
    • Usage: ::setxpstats [player] to set all of your stats to the specified experience
    • Usage: ::setxpstats [player] [experience] [stat] to set the specified player's specified stat to the specified experience.
    • Usage: ::setxpstats [experience] [stat] to set your specified stat to the specified experience
    • Alias: ::xpstats or ::xpstat or ::setxpstat or ::setxpstats or ::setxp
    • Set the specified current stats of the specified player to the specified experience.
    • Accepts name or stat id of the specified stat.
    • If no player is specified, then the current player is targeted.
    • If no stat is specified, then all stats are modified.

Player Moderator Commands

  • gmute
    • Usage: ::gmute [name] (time in minutes, -1 or exclude for permanent)
    • Mutes the specified player from global chat.
    • Moderators are only allowed to mute for up to 2 hours.
    • Player Moderators are only allowed to mute for up to 1 hour.
    • You can not mute a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • ungmute
    • Usage: ::ungmute [name]
    • Unmutes the specified player from global chat.
    • You can not unmute a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • mute
    • Usage: ::mute [name] (time in minutes, -1 or exclude for permanent)
    • Moderators are only allowed to mute for up to 2 hours.
    • Player Moderators are only allowed to mute for up to 1 hour.
    • Mutes the specified player from both in game and global chat.
    • You can not mute a staff member of equal or greater rank.
  • unmute
    • Usage: ::unmute [name]
    • Unmutes the specified player
  • alert
    • Usage: ::alert [player] [message]
    • Sends the specified player an alert box message.
  • set_icon
    • Usage: ::set_icon [integer] (0 for regular player, -1 to reset)
    • Changes the player's chat prefix icon (crown)
  • redhat
    • Usage: ::redhat
    • Alias: ::rhel
    • Temporarily overlays unobtainable Zamorak hat as well as Zamorak robes on the player
  • robe
    • Usage: ::robe [color]
    • Alias: ::setrobe [color
    • Alias: ::setrobes [color]
    • Temporarily overlays robes of a specified color on the player
  • becomeNpc
    • Usage: ::becomenpc [npc name]
    • Alias: ::morph [npc name]
    • Alias: ::morphnpc [npc name]
    • Alias: ::become [npc name]
    • Temporarily replaces the player sprites with a NPC (scaled to the size of the player)
  • restoreHumanity
    • Usage: ::restorehumanity
    • Alias: ::resetappearance
    • Resets the player to display the regular player sprites
  • becomeGod
    • Usage: ::becomegod
    • Alias: ::become god
    • Temporarily sets the player sprite to a mix of random player and NPC sprites at once
  • speakTongues
    • Usage: ::speaktongues
    • Translates player chat messages to random characters while enabled

Regular Player Commands

  • gang
    • Usage: ::gang
    • Shows which gang you are in: Black Arm, Phoneix, or none.
  • wilderness
    • Usage: ::wilderness
    • Shows server wilderness rules.
  • c
    • Usage: `::c [message]
    • Send message to clan chat.
    • Clans must be enabled to use this command.
    • You must be in a clan to use this command.
  • joinclan
    • Usage: ::joinclan [clan name]
    • Allows a player to request to join a clan.
  • clanaccept
    • Usage: ::clanaccept
    • Accept an invication to a clan.
    • Clans must be enabled to use this command.
    • You must be NOT be in a clan to use this command.
  • claninvite
    • Usage: ::claninvite [name]
    • Send a clan invitation to the specified player.
    • Clans must be enabled to use this command.
    • You must be in a clan to use this command.
    • You must be a clan leader to send invites.
  • clankick
    • Usage: ::clankick [name]
    • Clans must be enabled to use this command.
    • You must be in a clan to use this command.
    • You can not kick the clan leader.
    • You must be a clan general or clan leader to kick from the clan.
  • partyaccept
    • Usage: ::partyaccept [name]
    • Accepts a player's party join request
  • leaveparty
    • Usage: ::leaveparty
    • Causes the player to leave the current party
  • gameinfo
    • Usage: ::gameinfo
    • Shows your coordinates and total time played.
  • event
    • Usage: ::event
    • Join the currently running server PK Event.
    • You can not participate in PK Events while you are jailed.
    • You can not join PK Events while you are in the wilderness.
    • You must meet the PK Event requirements to join.
  • g
    • Usage: ::g [message]
    • Alias: ::pk
    • Send a message to global or PK chat.
    • ::g is for global and ::pk is for PK chat.
    • You can only send one global chat message per 15 seconds.
  • p
    • Usage: ::p [message]
    • Send a message to party members chat.
  • online
    • Usage: ::online
    • Shows the number of players currently online
  • uniqueonline
    • Usage: ::uniqueonline
    • Shows the number of players with a unique IP address currently online.
  • onlinelist
    • Usage: ::onlinelist
    • Shows a list of online players.
  • groups
    • Usage: ::groups
    • Alias: ::ranks
    • List the permissions groups available on the server.
  • time
    • Usage: ::time
    • Alias: ::date or ::datetime
    • Shows the current date and time of the server.
  • commands
    • Usage: ::commands
    • Shows a list of the Regular Player commands.
  • toggleglobalchat
    • Usage: ::toggleglobalchat
    • Toggles seeing global chat received via Global$ friend.
  • toggleblockchat
    • Usage: ::toggleblockchat
    • Toggles the block of seeing all chat messages, including from friends.
  • toggleblockprivate
    • Usage: ::toggleblockprivate
    • Toggles the block of seeing all private messages, including from friends.
  • toggleblocktrade
    • Usage: ::toggleblocktrade
    • Toggles the block of receiving all trade requests, including from friends.
  • toggleblockduel
    • Usage: ::toggleblockduel
    • Toggles the block of receiving all duel requests, including from friends.
  • shareloot
    • Usage: ::shareloot
    • Toggles loot sharing for the party.
  • shareexp
    • Usage: ::shareexp
    • Toggles experience sharing for the party.
  • kills
    • Usage: ::kills
    • Displays the top NPC kill counts for the player
  • qoloptout
    • Usage: ::qoloptout
    • Allows the player to permanently opt out of QoL features for their account.
  • qoloptoutconfirm
    • Usage: ::qoloptoutconfirm
    • Confirms permanent QoL opt out for the player's account.
  • certoptout
    • Usage: ::certoptout
    • Allows the player to permanently opt out of being able to use item certs.
  • certoptoutconfirm
    • Usage: ::certoptoutconfirm
    • Confirms permanent opt out of being able to use item certs.