The benchmarking feature of Neural Compressor is used to measure the model performance with the objective settings; the user can get the performance of the models between the float32 model and the quantized low precision model in the same scenarios that they configured in Yaml. Benchmarking is always used after a quantization process.
The following examples show how to use benchmarking.
evaluation: # optional. required if user doesn't provide eval_func in neural_compressor.Quantization.
accuracy: # optional. required if user doesn't provide eval_func in neural_compressor.Quantization.
topk: 1 # built-in metrics are topk, map, f1, allow user to register new metric.
batch_size: 30
root: /path/to/evaluation/dataset # NOTE: modify to evaluation dataset location if needed
size: 256
size: 224
ToTensor: {}
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
performance: # optional. used to benchmark performance of passing model.
cores_per_instance: 4
num_of_instance: 7
batch_size: 1
root: /path/to/evaluation/dataset # NOTE: modify to evaluation dataset location if needed
size: 256
size: 224
ToTensor: {}
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
The above example config two sub-fields named 'accuracy' and 'performance' which indicates that the benchmark module will get the accuracy and performance of the model. The user can also remove the performance field to only get model accuracy or performance. It's flexible enough to configure the benchmark you want.
In this case, configure your dataloader and Neural Compressor will construct an evaluation function to run the benchmarking. The user can also register the postprocess transform and metric to get the accuracy.
dataset = Dataset() # dataset class that implement __getitem__ method or __iter__ method
from neural_compressor.experimental import Benchmark, common
evaluator = Benchmark(config.yaml)
evaluator.dataloader = common.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size)
# user can also register postprocess and metric, this is optional
evaluator.postprocess = common.Postprocess(postprocess_cls)
evaluator.metric = common.Metric(metric_cls)
results = evaluator()
Benchmark class also support Benchmark_Conf class as it's argument:
dataset = Dataset() # dataset class that implement __getitem__ method or __iter__ method
from lpot.experimental import Benchmark, common
from lpot.conf.config import Benchmark_Conf
conf = Benchmark_Conf(config.yaml)
evaluator = Benchmark(conf)
evaluator.dataloader = common.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size)
# user can also register postprocess and metric, this is optional
evaluator.postprocess = common.Postprocess(postprocess_cls)
evaluator.metric = common.Metric(metric_cls)
results = evaluator()
Refer to the Benchmark example.