See 106B_Final_Project_Report.pdf to more information about this project.
Commands you can run:
- Enable Sawyer:
rosrun intera_interface -e
- Tuck the arm:
roslaunch intera_examples sawyer_tuck.launch
- Publish Logitech webcam:
roslaunch grasper sawyer_webcam.launch
- Publish Realsense webcam:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch mode:=Manual color_width:=1280 \ color_height:=720 depth_width:=1280 depth_height:=720 align_depth:=true \ depth_fps:=30 color_fps:=30
- Add realsense TF to Rviz
<!-- rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.05 0.035 0.05 0 -0.70710678 0 0.70710678 /right_hand /camera_link 1000 --> rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.062 0.022 0.045 0 -0.7154594 0.0313995 0.6979484 /right_hand /camera_link 1000 rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.064 0.0245 0.043 0 -0.7155149 0.0250545 0.6981481 /right_hand /camera_link 1000
- Start MoveIt: (run both in different terminals)
rosrun intera_interface roslaunch sawyer_moveit_config sawyer_moveit.launch electric_gripper:=true
- Run grasper
rosrun grasper
- Put point on robot
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher -0.008 -0.0445 0.069 0 0 0 1 /right_gripper_base /asdf 1000