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sds100 edited this page Apr 17, 2019 · 17 revisions


  1. Download this file or copy the raw text for it from here.

  2. You will see something like this on each line...
    <string name="no_key_maps">You haven\'t created any keymaps!</string>

    or maybe something like this...
    <string name="ime_service_label" translatable="false">Key Mapper Input Method</string>

    Translate the text after the >. For example, translate You haven\'t created any keymaps! in the first line above. If the line has translatable=false, DON'T translate it.

  3. Email me the translated strings.xml file at and state which language it is translated to. I can probably figure out which language it is but just want to be sure.

  4. Thank you. 😁

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