Author Info | Configuration |
-Ben Edmunds | -Config Options |
-GitHub | Class Functions |
Basic Info | - login() |
-License | - logout() |
-GitHub Repo | - register() |
Introduction | - create_user() |
-Server requirements | - update() |
-Installation | - update_user() |
-Upgrading | - delete_user() |
-Loading the Library | - forgotten_password() |
- forgotten_password_check() | |
- logged_in() | |
- is_admin() | |
- in_group() | |
- username_check() | |
- email_check() | |
- identity_check() | |
- is_max_login_attempts_exceeded() | |
- get_attempts_num() | |
- increase_login_attempts() | |
- clear_login_attempts() | |
- user() | |
- users() | |
- group() | |
- groups() | |
- get_users_groups() | |
- add_to_group() | |
- remove_from_group() | |
- create_group() | |
- update_group() | |
- delete_group() | |
- messages() | |
- messages_array() | |
- set_message_delimiters() | |
- errors() | |
- errors_array() | |
- set_error_delimiters() | |
- trigger_events() | |
- set_hook() |
Toggle Table of Contents
Documentation › Author : Ben Edmunds
Ion Auth › Documentation
Ion Auth is a simple and lightweight authentication library for the CodeIgniter framework
Ion Auth is released under the Apache License v2.0. You can read the license here:
Ion Auth 3 needs CodeIgniter 3 and PHP 5.6.
It should work on 5.3.7 as well, but we strongly advise you NOT to run
such old versions of PHP, because of potential security and performance
If running an old PHP version, you may need
- Download the latest version:
- Copy the files from this package to the correspoding folder in your application folder. For example, copy Ion_auth/config/ion_auth.php to system/application/config/ion_auth.php.
- You can also copy the entire directory structure into your third_party/ folder. For example, copy everything to /application/third_party/ion_auth/
- Run the appropriate SQL file from the /sql directory.
The default login is:
- Email:
- Password: password
- Download the latest version:
- Overwrite "libraries/ion_auth.php" and "models/ion_auth_model.php" with the new versions.
- Overwrite "language/*" with the news versions.
- Check "config/ion_auth.php" for evolution.
Upgrading from Ion Auth 2? Check the file in the package.
You load Ion Auth just link any other library:
Do make sure to load your database connection first, that can be loaded manually or autloaded.
You can also autoload the library.
Ion Auth is extremely configurable.
To change configuration options simply edit the config/ion_auth.php file or pass an array when loading the library.
- tables['groups'] Default is 'groups'
The table name to use for the groups table. - tables['users'] Default is 'users'
The table name to use for the users table. - tables['users_groups'] Default is 'users_groups'
The table name to use for the users groups table. - tables['login_attempts'] Default is 'login_attempts'
The table name to use for the login attempts table. - join['users'] Default is 'user_id'
Users table column you want to join WITH. - join['groups'] Default is 'group_id'
Group table column you want to join WITH.
hash_method Default is 'bcrypt'
The method to hash the password before storing in database. You can choose between bcrypt (from PHP 5.3) or argon2 (from PHP 7.2)
Argon2 is recommended by expert (it is actually the winner of the Password Hashing Competition).
Passwords are automatically salted before hashing (everything is stored in the same 'password' column).
For more information, check the password_hash function help. -
Bcrypt-specific options:\
- bcrypt_default_cost Default is 10
This defines how strong the encryption will be.
However, higher the cost, longer it will take to hash (CPU usage). So adjust this based on your server hardware. - bcrypt_admin_cost Default is 12
Same as bcrypt_default_cost, but for users in the admin group.
It is recommended to have a stronger hashing for administrators.
You should benchmark your server to find the best cost value. It is recommended to have a hash taking at least 100ms (500ms for administrators).
This can be done easily with this little script for bcrypt.
It is not recommended (in 2018) to use a value less than 10. - bcrypt_default_cost Default is 10
Argon2-specific options:\
- argon2_default_params Default is ['memory_cost' => 1
<< 12, 'time_cost' => 2, 'threads' => 2]
This is an array containing the options for the Argon2 algorithm. The following keys can be set:
['memory_cost']: Maximum memory (in kBytes) that may be used to compute the Argon2 hash. The spec recommends setting the memory cost to a power of 2.
['time_cost']: Number of iterations (used to tune the running time independently of the memory size). This defines how strong the encryption will be.
['threads']: Number of threads to use for computing the Argon2 hash. The spec recommends setting the memory cost to a power of 2. - argon2_admin_params Default is ['memory_cost' => 1 <<
14, 'time_cost' => 4, 'threads' => 2]
Same as argon2_default_params, but for users in the admin group.
It is recommended to have a stronger hashing for administrators.
You should benchmark your server to find the best parameters. It is recommended to have a hash taking at least 100ms (500ms for administrators).
This can be done easily with this little script for argon2.
The argon2 algorithm doesn't have bad parameters (even with time_cost at 1) but remember that longer the hashing, stronger the security. - argon2_default_params Default is ['memory_cost' => 1
<< 12, 'time_cost' => 2, 'threads' => 2]
- site_title
The title of your site, used for email. - admin_email Default is ''
Your administrator email address. - default_group Default is 'members'
Name of the default user group. - admin_group Default is 'admin'
Name of the admin group. - identity Default is 'email'
Column to use for uniquely identifing user/logging in/etc. Usual choices are 'email' OR 'username', but any unique key from your table can be used as identity.
IMPORTANT: If you are changing it from the default (email), update the UNIQUE constraint in your DB. - min_password_length Default is '8'
Minimum length of passwords.
This minimum is not enforced directly by the library.
The controller should define a validation rule to enforce it.
See the Auth controller for an example implementation.
Additional note: the library will fail for empty password or password size above 4096 bytes.
This is an arbitrary (long) value to protect against DOS attack. - email_activation Default is 'false'
TRUE or FALSE. Sets whether to require email activation or not. - manual_activation Default is 'false'
TRUE or FALSE. Sets whether to require manual activation (probably by an admin user) or not. - remember_users Default is 'true'
TRUE or FALSE. Sets whether to enable 'remember me' functionality or not. - user_expire Default is '86500'
Sets how long to remember the user for in seconds. Set to zero for no expiration. - user_extend_on_login Default is 'false'
TRUE or FALSE. Extend the users session expiration on login. - track_login_attempts Default is 'false'
Track the number of failed login attempts for each user or ip (see track_login_ip_address option). - track_login_ip_address Default is 'true'
Track login attempts by IP Address, if FALSE will track based on identity. - maximum_login_attempts Default is 3
Set the maximum number of failed login attempts. This maximum is not enforced by the library, but is used by $this->ion_auth->is_max_login_attempts_exceeded(). The controller should check this function and act appropriately. If set to 0, there is no maximum. - forgot_password_expiration Default is 1800
Number of seconds before a forgot password request expires. If set to 0, requests will not expire.
30 minutes to 1 hour are good values (enough for a user to receive the email and reset its password).
You should not set a value too high (or 0), as it could lead to security issue! - recheck_timer Default is 0
The number of seconds after which the session is checked again against database to see if the user still exists and is active.
Leave 0 if you don't want session recheck. if you really think you need to recheck the session against database, we would recommend a higher value, as this would affect performance.
- remember_cookie_name Default is 'remember_code'
Cookie name for the "Remember me" feature.
- email_type Default us 'html'
Email content type.
- email_templates Default is 'auth/email/'
Folder where the email view templates are stored. - email_activate Default is 'activate.tpl.php'
Filname of the email activation view template. - email_forgot_password Default is 'forgot_password.tpl.php'
Filname of the forgot password email view template.
- message_start_delimiter Default is '<p>'
Starting delimiter for messages. - message_end_delimiter Default is '</p>'
Ending delimiter for messages. - error_start_delimiter Default is '<p>'
Starting delimiter for errors. - error_end_delimiter Default is '</p>'
Ending delimiter for errors.
NOTE: Methods available in the model are called through the controller using PHP5 magic. You should never use ion_auth_model->method() in your applications.
Logs the user into the system.
- 'Identity' - string REQUIRED. Username, email or any unique value in your users table, depending on your configuration.
- 'Password' - string REQUIRED.
- 'Remember' - boolean OPTIONAL. TRUE sets the user to be remembered if enabled in the configuration.
- boolean. TRUE if the user was successfully logged in FALSE if the user was not logged in.
$identity = '';
$password = '12345678';
$remember = TRUE; // remember the user
$this->ion_auth->login($identity, $password, $remember);
Logs the user out of the system.
Register (create) a new user.
- 'Identity' - string REQUIRED. This must be the value that uniquely identifies the user when he is registered. If you chose "email" as $config['identity'] in the configuration file, you must put the email of the new user.
- 'Password' - string REQUIRED.
- 'Email' - string REQUIRED.
- 'Additional Data' - multidimensional array OPTIONAL.
- 'Group' - array OPTIONAL. If not passed the default group name set in the config will be used.
- mixed. The ID of the user if the user was successfully created, FALSE if the user was not created.
$username = 'benedmunds';
$password = '12345678';
$email = '';
$additional_data = array(
'first_name' => 'Ben',
'last_name' => 'Edmunds',
$group = array('1'); // Sets user to admin.
$this->ion_auth->register($username, $password, $email, $additional_data, $group)
create_user is an alternate method for register() method.
Update a user.
- 'Id' - integer REQUIRED.
- 'Data' - multidimensional array REQUIRED.
- boolean. TRUE if the user was successfully updated FALSE if the user was not updated.
$id = 12;
$data = array(
'first_name' => 'Ben',
'last_name' => 'Edmunds',
'password' => '123456789',
$this->ion_auth->update($id, $data)
update_user() is an alternate method for update() method.
Delete a user.
- 'Id' - integer REQUIRED.
- boolean. TRUE if the user was successfully deleted FALSE if the user was not deleted.
$id = 12;
Resets a users password by emailing the user a reset code.
- 'Identity' - string REQUIRED. (as defined in config/ion_auth.php)
- boolean. TRUE if the users password was successfully reset FALSE if the users password was not reset.
- this example assumes you have 'email' selected as the identity in config/ion_auth.php
//Working code for this example is in the example Auth controller in the github repo
function forgot_password()
$this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email Address', 'required');
if ($this->form_validation->run() == false) {
//setup the input
$this->data['email'] = array('name' => 'email',
'id' => 'email',
//set any errors and display the form
$this->data['message'] = (validation_errors()) ? validation_errors() : $this->session->flashdata('message');
$this->load->view('auth/forgot_password', $this->data);
else {
//run the forgotten password method to email an activation code to the user
$forgotten = $this->ion_auth->forgotten_password($this->input->post('email'));
if ($forgotten) { //if there were no errors
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', $this->ion_auth->messages());
redirect("auth/login", 'refresh'); //we should display a confirmation page here instead of the login page
else {
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', $this->ion_auth->errors());
redirect("auth/forgot_password", 'refresh');
Check to see if the forgotten password code is valid.
- 'Code' - string REQUIRED.
- object / bool. Returns the user record if valid, return FALSE if invalid.
$user = $this->ion_auth->forgotten_password_check($code);
if ($user)
//display the password reset form
Check to see if a user is logged in.
- boolean. TRUE if the user is logged in FALSE if the user is not logged in.
if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in())
Check to see if the currently logged in user is an admin.
- 'id' - integer OPTIONAL. If a user id is not passed the id of the currently logged in user will be used.
- boolean. TRUE if the user is an admin FALSE if the user is not an admin.
if (!$this->ion_auth->is_admin())
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'You must be an admin to view this page');
Check to see if a user is in a group(s).
- 'Group ID or Name' - string REQUIRED. Integer or array of strings and integers.
- 'User ID' - integer OPTIONAL. If a user id is not passed the id of the currently logged in user will be used.
- 'Check All' - bool OPTIONAL. Whether to check if user is in all groups, or in any group.
- boolean. TRUE if the user is in all or any (based on passed param), FALSE otherwise.
Check to see if the username is already registered.
- 'Username' - string REQUIRED.
- boolean. TRUE if the user is registered FALSE if the user is not registered.
# single group (by name)
$group = 'gangstas';
if (!$this->ion_auth->in_group($group))
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'You must be a gangsta to view this page');
# single group (by id)
$group = 1;
if (!$this->ion_auth->in_group($group))
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'You must be part of the group 1 to view this page');
# multiple groups (by name)
$group = array('gangstas', 'hoodrats');
if (!$this->ion_auth->in_group($group))
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'You must be a gangsta OR a hoodrat to view this page');
# multiple groups (by id)
$group = array(1, 2);
if (!$this->ion_auth->in_group($group))
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'You must be a part of group 1 or 2 to view this page');
# multiple groups (by id and name)
$group = array('gangstas', 2);
if (!$this->ion_auth->in_group($group))
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'You must be a part of the gangstas or group 2');
# multiple groups (by id) and check if all exist
$group = array(1, 2);
if (!$this->ion_auth->in_group($group, false, true))
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'You must be a part of group 1 and 2 to view this page');
Check to see if the email is already registered.
- 'Email' - string REQUIRED.
- boolean. TRUE if the user is registered FALSE if the user is not registered.
//This is a lame example but it works. Usually you would use this method with form_validation.
$username = $this->input->post('username');
$password = $this->input->post('password');
$email = $this->input->post('email');
$additional_data = array(
'first_name' => $this->input->post('first_name'),
'last_name' => $this->input->post('last_name'),
if (!$this->ion_auth->email_check($email))
$group_name = 'users';
$this->ion_auth->register($username, $password, $email, $additional_data, $group_name)
Check to see if the identity is already registered.
- 'Identity' - string REQUIRED.
- boolean. TRUE if the user is registered FALSE if the user is not registered.
//This is a lame example but it works.
$user = $this->ion_auth->user();
$data = array(
'identity' => $this->input->post('identity'),
'first_name' => $this->input->post('first_name'),
'last_name' => $this->input->post('last_name'),
if ($data['identity'] === $user->username || $data['identity'] === $user->email || $this->ion_auth->identity_check($data['identity']) === FALSE)
$this->ion_auth->update_user($user->id, $data)
If login attempt tracking is enabled, checks to see if the number of failed login attempts for this identity or ip address has been exceeded. The controller must call this method and take any necessary actions. Login attempt limits are not enforced in the library.
- 'Identity' - string REQUIRED.
- boolean. TRUE if maximum_login_attempts is exceeded FALSE if not or if login attempts not tracked.
$identity = '';
if ($this->ion_auth->is_max_login_attempts_exceeded($identity))
$this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'You have too many login attempts');
Returns the number of failed login attempts for this identity or ip address.
- 'Identity' - string REQUIRED.
- int. The number of failed login attempts for this identity or ip address.
$identity = '';
$num_attempts = $this->ion_auth->get_attempts_num($identity);
If login attempt tracking is enabled, records another failed login attempt for this identity or ip address. This method is automatically called during the login() method if the login failed.
- 'Identity' - string REQUIRED.
$identity = '';
$password = '12345678';
if ($this->ion_auth->login($identity, $password) == FALSE) {
Clears all failed login attempt records for this identity or this ip address. This method is automatically called during the login() method if the login succeded.
- 'Identity' - string REQUIRED.
$identity = '';
$password = '12345678';
if ($this->ion_auth->login($identity, $password) == TRUE) {
Get a user.
- 'Id' - integer OPTIONAL. If a user id is not passed the id of the currently logged in user will be used.
stdClass Object (
[id] => 1
[ip_address] =>
[username] => administrator
[password] => 59beecdf7fc966e2f17fd8f65a4a9aeb09d4a3d4
[email] =>
[activation_code] => 19e181f2ccc2a7ea58a2c0aa2b69f4355e636ef4
[forgotten_password_code] => 81dce1d0bc2c10fbdec7a87f1ff299ed7e4c9e4a
[remember_code] => 9d029802e28cd9c768e8e62277c0df49ec65c48c
[created_on] => 1268889823
[last_login] => 1279464628
[active] => 0
[first_name] => Admin
[last_name] => Account
[company] => Some Corporation
[phone] => (123)456-7890
$user = $this->ion_auth->user()->row();
echo $user->email;
Get the users.
- 'Group IDs, group names, or group IDs and names' - array OPTIONAL. If an array of group ids, of group names, or of group ids and names are passed (or a single group id or name) this will return the users in those groups.
- model object
$users = $this->ion_auth->users()->result(); // get all users
$users = $this->ion_auth->users(1)->result(); // get users from group with id of '1'
$users = $this->ion_auth->users('members')->result(); // get users from 'members' group
$users = $this->ion_auth->users(array('admin','members'))->result(); // get users from 'admin' and 'members' group
$users = $this->ion_auth->users(array('admin',4,'members'))->result(); // get users from 'admin' group, 'members' group and group with id '4'
$users = $this->ion_auth->users(1)->result(); // get users from group with id of '1'
$users = $this->ion_auth->users('members')->result(); // get users from 'members' group
$users = $this->ion_auth->users(array('admin','members'))->result(); // get users from 'admin' and 'members' group
$users = $this->ion_auth->users(array('admin',4,'members'))->result(); // get users from 'admin' group, 'members' group and group with id '4'
Get a group.
- 'Id' - integer REQUIRED.
- object
$group_id = 2;
$group = $this->ion_auth->group($group_id)->result();
Get the groups.
- array of objects
$groups = $this->ion_auth->groups()->result();
Get messages.
- string
$id = 12;
$data = array(
'first_name' => 'Ben',
'last_name' => 'Edmunds',
if ($this->ion_auth->update_user($id, $data))
$messages = $this->ion_auth->messages();
echo $messages;
$errors = $this->ion_auth->errors();
echo $errors;
Get messages as an array.
- array
- 'Langify' - boolean OPTIONAL. TRUE means that the messages will be langified.
$id = 12;
$data = array(
'first_name' => 'Ben',
'last_name' => 'Edmunds',
if ($this->ion_auth->update_user($id, $data))
$messages = $this->ion_auth->messages_array();
foreach ($messages as $message)
echo $message;
$errors = $this->ion_auth->errors_array();
foreach ($errors as $error)
echo $error;
Get all groups a user is part of.
- 'Id' - integer OPTIONAL. If a user id is not passed the id of the currently logged in user will be used.
stdClass Object (
[id] => 1
[name] => admins
[description] => Administrator
$user_groups = $this->ion_auth->get_users_groups($user->id)->result();
Add user to group
- 'Group_id' - integer or array REQUIRED.
- 'User_id' - integer REQUIRED.
- boolean. TRUE if the user was added to group(s) FALSE if the user is not added to group(s).
// pass an array of group ID's and user ID
$this->ion_auth->add_to_group(array('1', '3', '6'), $user_id);
// pass a single ID and user ID
$this->ion_auth->add_to_group(1, $user_id);
Remove user from group(s)
- 'Group_id' - NULL, integer or array REQUIRED. NULL will remove the user from all groups.
- 'User_id' - integer REQUIRED.
- boolean. TRUE if the user was removed from group(s) FALSE if the user is not removed from group(s).
// pass an array of group ID's and user ID
$this->ion_auth->remove_from_group(array('1', '3', '6'), $user_id);
// pass a single ID and user ID
$this->ion_auth->remove_from_group(1, $user_id);
// pass NULL to remove user from all groups
$this->ion_auth->remove_from_group(NULL, $user_id);
Create a group
- 'group_name' - string REQUIRED.
- 'group_description' - string.
- brand new group_id if the group was created, FALSE if the group creation failed.
// pass the right arguments and it's done
$group = $this->ion_auth->create_group('new_test_group', 'This is a test description');
$view_errors = $this->ion_auth->messages();
$new_group_id = $group;
// do more cool stuff
Update details of a group
- 'group_id' - int REQUIRED.
- 'group_name' - string REQUIRED.
- 'additional_data' - array.
- boolean. TRUE if the group was updated, FALSE if the update failed.
// source these things from anywhere you like (eg., a form)
$group_id = 2;
$group_name = 'test_group_changed_name';
$additional_data = array(
'description' => 'New Description'
// pass the right arguments and it's done
$group_update = $this->ion_auth->update_group($group_id, $group_name, $additional_data);
$view_errors = $this->ion_auth->messages();
// do more cool stuff
Remove a group. Removes the group details from the configured 'groups' table. Users belonging to the group are stripped of this status (references to this group are removed from users_groups), but user data itself remains untouched.
- 'group_id' - int REQUIRED.
- boolean. TRUE if the group was deleted, FALSE if the delete failed.
// source this from anywhere you like (eg., a form)
$group_id = 2;
// pass the right arguments and it's done
$group_delete = $this->ion_auth->delete_group($group_id);
$view_errors = $this->ion_auth->messages();
// do more cool stuff
Set the message delimiters.
- 'Start Delimiter' - string REQUIRED.
- 'End Delimiter' - string REQUIRED.
$id = 12;
$data = array(
'first_name' => 'Ben',
'last_name' => 'Edmunds',
if ($this->ion_auth->update_user($id, $data))
$messages = $this->ion_auth->messages();
echo $messages;
$errors = $this->ion_auth->errors();
echo $errors;
Get the errors.
- string
$id = 12;
$data = array(
'first_name' => 'Ben',
'last_name' => 'Edmunds',
if ($this->ion_auth->update_user($id, $data))
$messages = $this->ion_auth->messages();
echo $messages;
$errors = $this->ion_auth->errors();
echo $errors;
Get error messages as an array.
- array
- 'Langify' - boolean OPTIONAL. TRUE means that the error messages will be langified.
$id = 12;
$data = array(
'first_name' => 'Ben',
'last_name' => 'Edmunds',
if ($this->ion_auth->update_user($id, $data))
$messages = $this->ion_auth->messages_array();
foreach ($messages as $message)
echo $message;
$errors = $this->ion_auth->errors_array();
foreach ($errors as $error)
echo $error;
Set the error delimiters.
- 'Start Delimiter' - string REQUIRED.
- 'End Delimiter' - string REQUIRED.
$id = 12;
$data = array(
'first_name' => 'Ben',
'last_name' => 'Edmunds',
if ($this->ion_auth->update_user($id, $data))
$messages = $this->ion_auth->messages();
echo $messages;
$errors = $this->ion_auth->errors();
echo $errors;
Set a single or multiple functions to be called when trigged by trigger_events(). See an example here:
- 'Event' - string REQUIRED.
- 'Name' - string REQUIRED.
- 'Class' - string REQUIRED.
- 'Method' - string REQUIRED.
- 'Arguments' - Array OPTIONAL.
class Accounts extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
make sure we loaded ion_auth2
The following does not need to go in __construct() it just needs to be set before
you trigger_events().
$event = 'socialpush';
$class = 'Accounts';
$args = array('this is the content of the message', 'billy');
$name = 'activate_sendmail';
$method = 'email';
$this->ion_auth->set_hook($event, $name, $class, $method, $args);
$name = 'call_Twitter';
$method = 'twitter';
$this->ion_auth->set_hook($event, $name, $class, $method, $args);
$name = 'call_MailChimp_API';
$method = 'mailchimp';
$this->ion_auth->set_hook($event, $name, $class, $method, $args);
$name = 'call_Facebook_API';
$method = 'facebook';
$this->ion_auth->set_hook($event, $name, $class, $method, $args);
$name = 'call_gPlus_API';
$method = 'gplus';
$this->ion_auth->set_hook($event, $name, $class, $method, $args);
public function Post_Message($one)
public function email($content, $who)
return true;
public function twitter($content, $who)
return true;
public function mailchimp($content, $who)
return true;
public function facebook($content, $who)
return true;
public function gplus($content, $who)
return true;
Call Additional functions to run that were registered with set_hook().
- 'Name' - String or Array REQUIRED.