- Supplications related to the athān
- Supplications at the start of the Ṣalāh (prayer)
- While bowing in Ṣalāh (Rukūʿ)
- Upon rising from Rukūʿ
- Supplications while in Sujūd (prostation in Ṣalāh)
- Supplications between sajdatayn (two prostrations)
- Supplication for Sajdah (prostration) due to recitation of Qurʾān
- Dua of Tashahhud
- Dua for the Prophet () after the Tashahhud
- Supplication to be said after the last Tashahhud and before the Taslīm
- Remembrance after the Taslīm
- Supplication for seeking guidance in forming a decision or choosing the proper course, etc... (al-Istikhārah)
- Remembrance said in the morning and evening
- Remembrance before sleeping
- Supplication when turning over during the night
- Upon experiencing unrest, fear, apprehensiveness, and the like during sleep
- Upon seeing a bad dream
- Duʿā Qunūt al-Witr
- Remembrance immediately after the Taslīm of the Witr Ṣalāh
- Supplication for anxiety and sorrow
- Supplication for one in distress
- Upon encountering an enemy or those of authority
- For fear of the oppression of rulers
- Against enemies
- When afraid of a group of people
- Supplication for one afflicted with doubt in his faith
- Settling a debt
- Supplication for one afflicted by whispering in prayer or recitation
- Supplication for one whose affairs have become difficult
- Upon committing a sin
- Supplications for expelling the devil and his whisperings
- Supplication when stricken with a mishap or overtaken by an affair
- Congratulations on the occasion of a birth
- Placing children under Allah's protection
- When visiting the sick
- Excellence of visiting the sick
- Supplication of the sick who have renounced all hope of life
- Instruction for one nearing death
- Supplication for one afflicted by a calamity
- When closing the eyes of the deceased
- Supplication for the deceased at the funeral prayer
- Supplication for the deceased child at the funeral prayer
- Condolence
- Placing the deceased in the grave
- After burying the deceased
- Visiting the graves
- Supplication said during a wind storm
- Supplication upon hearing thunder
- Supplication for rain
- Supplication when it's raining
- Supplication after rain
- Asking for skies
- Upon sighting the crescent moon
- Upon breaking fast
- Supplication before eating
- Upon completion of a meal
- Supplication of the guest for the host
- Supplication said to one offering a drink or to one who intended to do that
- Supplication said when breaking fast in someone's home
- Supplication said by one fasting when presented with food and does not break his fast
- If insulted while fasting
- Supplication said upon seeing the early or premature fruit
- Supplication said upon sneezing
- What to say to a kāfir who praises Allāh after sneezing
- Supplication said to the newlywed
- The groom's supplication on the wedding night or when buying an animal
- Supplication before sexual intercourse
- When angry
- Supplication said upon seeing someone in trial or tribulation
- Remembrance said at a sitting, gathering, etc...
- Supplication for the expiation of sins said at the conclusion of a sitting, gathering, etc...
- Replying to a supplication of forgiveness
- Supplication said to one who does you a favor
- Protection from the Dajjāl
- Supplication said to one who pronounces their love for you for Allāh's sake
- Supplication said to one who has offered you some of his wealth
- Supplication said to the debtor when his debt is settled
- Supplication for fear of Shirk
- Returning a supplication after having bestowed a gift or charity upon someone
- Forbiddance of ascribing things to omens
- Supplication said when mounting an animal or any means of transport
- Supplication for travel
- Supplication upon entering a town, village, etc...
- When entering a market
- Supplication for when the mounted animal or means of transport stumbles
- Supplication of the traveler for the resident
- Supplication of the resident for the traveler
- Remembrance while ascending and descending
- Prayer of the traveler as dawn approaches
- Stopping or lodging somewhere
- When returning from travel
- Supplication after receiving good or bad news
- Excellence of sending prayers upon the Prophet ()
- Excellence of spreading the Islamic greeting
- How to reply to the Salām of a Kāfir
- Supplication after hearing a rooster crow or a donkey bray
- Supplication upon hearing the barking of dogs at night
- Supplication said for one you have insulted
- The etiquette of praising a fellow Muslim
- For the one who has been praised
- The Talbiyah for the one doing Ḥajj or ʿUmrah
- The Takbīr when passing the Black Stone
- Between the Yemenī corner and the Black Stone
- When at Mount Safa and Mount Marwa
- On the day of ʿArafah
- At the Sacred Site (al-Mashar al-Ḥaram) [CHECK #238]
- Supplication for throwing a pebble at the Jamarāt
- What to say at times of amazement and delight
- What to do upon receiving pleasant news
- What to say and do when feeling some pain in the body
- What do say when in fear of inflicting something or someone with evil eye
- What to say when startled
- When slaughtering or offering a sacrifice
- What is said to ward off deception of the obstinate Shayṭāns
- Seeking forgiveness and repentance
- Excellence of al-Tasbih, al-Tahmid, al-Tahlil, and al-Takbīr
- How the Prophet () made Tasbīh [#266 ʿAmr/More detail, maybe?]
- General and beneficial rules