Deterministic replay of concurrent Java programs using monitoring oriented programming.
The ultimate goal of this project is to come up with a specification language that can describe the runtime behavior of a given program at the non-deterministic points of its execution, and efficiently enforcing the specified behavior at runtime without any modification to java virtual machine.
This way, a developer can specify exactly how a program should behave during the runtime without any modification to the source code. An automatic tool can also observe execution of a program and generate such an specification.
- Install Maven.
- Install RV-Predict.
- Run
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=path/to/rv-predict/lib/rv-predict.jar -DgroupId=com.runtimeverification.rvpredict -DartifactId=root -Dversion=1.3-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar
- Go to the project's root and run
mvn package
##Use: ReplayMOP get as input a replay specification (.rs) and outputs a java intrumentation agent (.jar). You can then run your program with the agent and get the specified behavior. For example if you normally run your program this way:
java MyClass
You only need to change it to this:
java -agent:/path/to/generated/agent.jar MyClass
If you want to write an specification manually, refer to the examples (e.g this) to get familiar with the language. In order to generate the agent from a specication run:
java -jar:/path/to/replayMOP/target/release/ relplayMop.rsParser /path/to/replay/
If everything goes well, it generates the agent (spec.jar