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The repository contains the Khyron Realm Game made with Unity using Darkrift 2 Networking.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/khyron-realm/khyron-realm-game.git
- Open project in Unity
More detailes can be found on Wiki
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
|-- Animations
|-- Editor
|-- Fonts
|-- Materials
| | -- Shaders
|-- Meshes
|-- Plugins
| | -- RainbowAssets
|-- Prefabs
| | -- Buttons
| | -- Icons
| | -- Robot
|-- Resources
| | -- Blocks
| | -- Buttons
| | -- IconFolders
| | -- Map
| | -- Panels
| | -- Resources
| | -- Robots
| | -- UI
|-- Scenes
|-- Scriptable Objects
| | -- Mine Resources
| | -- Player
| | -- Prices
| | -- Robots
|-- Scripts
| |-- Auxiliary Methods
| | |-- AuxiliaryMethods.cs # Auxiliary methods that have universal meaning
| | |-- ObjectPooling.cs # Pools objects for different purposes
| |
| |-- Bidding
| | |-- ActivateScanning.cs # Activates the scanning procedure and handle inputs
| | |-- ScanMine.cs # It is responsable for discovering one area as user requested
| | |-- StartAuction.cs # Start the auction and takes care of time
| |
| |-- Camera Actions
| | |-- PanPinch.cs # Script for moving the camera using touch input
| | |-- UserTouch.cs # Fundamental touch operations simplifiend in methods
| |
| |-- Canvas
| | |-- CanvasHelper.cs # Helps to resize the canvas to fit in safe area of the phone
| |
| |-- Convert
| | |-- ConvertResources.cs # Used for converting resources into energy [Converting floor]
| |
| |-- GameErrors
| | |-- RaiseGameError.cs # Displays on the screen the error that happened {Not enough resources etc}
| |
| |-- Manager Scripts
| | |-- GameManager # Manage game settings during gameplay
| |
| |-- Mine
| | |-- Mine Creation Tools
| | |-- ShapeTheMine.cs # Tool used to shape the mine [Only in unity editor used]
| | |-- Values Generation
| | |-- GridGeneratePositions.cs # Generate blocks for the whole 2d array in the map [Only in unity editor used]
| | |-- GridHiddenValues.cs # Generate the hidden values for the blocks in the mine
| | |-- GridVisibleValues.cs # Generate the visible values for the blocks in the mine
| | |-- MineEnergyEstimates.cs # An estimated price of the mine in energy
| | |-- MineGenerator.cs # Generates the mine [Instantiate tilemap]
| | |-- MineTouched.cs # Detect if mine is touched and Invokes an event
| | |-- RefreshMineValues.cs # Refresh the seeds and coefficients for mine generation
| | |-- ShowMineDetails.cs # Shows more buttons and details about the mine [Enter button, refresh button]
| |
| |-- Networking
| | |-- Auction
| | | | -- AuctionRoom.cs # Auction room structure
| | | | -- AuctionManager.cs # Auction Manager for handling the auction
| | | | -- Bid.cs # Bid structure
| | | | -- Player.cs # Player structure
| | |-- Chat
| | | | -- ArrayPrefs.cs # Array methods
| | | | -- ChatGroup.cs # Chat group structure
| | | | -- ChatManager.cs # Chat Manager for handling the chat
| | | | -- ChatMessage.cs # Chat message structure
| | | | -- Filter.cs # Chat filter
| | | | -- MessageType.cs # Message type
| | |-- Friends
| | | | -- FriendsManager.cs # Friends Manager for handling friends
| | |-- Headquarters
| | | | -- BuildTask.cs # Build task structure
| | | | -- HeadquartersManager.cs # Headquarters Manager for handling hq
| | | | -- PlayerData.cs # Player data structure
| | | | -- Resource.cs # Resource structure
| | | | -- Robot.cs # Robot structure
| | |-- Launcher
| | | | -- DarkriftServerConnection.cs # Methods for connecting to the server
| | | | -- NetworkManager.cs # Manager for the client connection
| | | | -- Singleton.cs # Singleton class for the network manager
| | |-- Login
| | | | -- LoginManager.cs # Manager for authenticating the user
| | | | -- Rsa.cs # Login types class
| | | | -- Rsa.cs # RSA encryption method
| | |-- Mines
| | | | -- Mine.cs # Mine structure
| | | | -- MineGenerator.cs # Mine generator
| | | | -- MinePlugin.cs # Mine Plugin for handling the mines
| | | | -- MineScan.cs # Mine scan structure
| | | | -- ResourcesData.cs # Resources data structure
| | |-- MongoDBConnector
| | | | -- DataLayer.cs # Data layer for MongoDB database
| | | | -- MongoDBPlugin.cs # MongoDB Plugin for handling MongoDB
| | |-- Tags
| | | | -- AuctionTags.cs # Tags for auction rooms
| | | | -- ChatTags.cs # Tags for game messages
| | | | -- FriendsTags.cs # Tags for login messages
| | | | -- HeadquartersTags.cs # Tags for headquarters messages
| | | | -- LoginTags.cs # Tags for login messages
| | | | -- MineTags.cs # Tags for mines
| | | | -- Tags.cs # Tags structure
| |
| |-- Panels
| | |-- BidsDisplayUI.cs # Displays the bids in the AuctionScene
| | |-- ChangeScreen.cs # Used to change screens in the same scene [HQ -- > Map --> HQ]
| | |-- ClosePanelUsingBackground.cs # Used to close any panel touching the background [Outside of panel]
| | |-- Confirm.cs # Confirmation panel used to make further verification of user decisions
| | |-- OpenPanel.cs # Open the desired panel if gameObject is touched
| | |-- ProgressBar.cs # Handle progress bar values and adjust the visuals for it
| |
| |-- Pay Operations
| | |-- PayRobots.cs # Used to make a transaction or refund regarding robots [Build robot --> pay energy]
| |
| |-- Robot
| | |-- DeployRobots.cs #
| | |-- HallOfFameInstantiateRobots.cs # Instantiate panel with robots and
| | |-- RobotManagerUIForMine.cs # Instantiate buttons in the mine with all trained robots
| | |-- RobotLevelingUp.cs # Takes care of robots leveling up
| | |-- RobotManager.cs #
| | |-- RobotPlayerProgress.cs # Struct that store the level and state [lock/unlocked] of the robot
| | |-- RobotsUnlocking.cs # Unlocks the robot for user
| |
| |-- Save
| | |-- Persistent Data Across Scenes
| | |-- GetMineGenerationData.cs # Static class with data that persist across scenes
| | |-- GetRobotsTrained.cs # Static class with data that persist across scenes
| | |-- GetTimeTillAuctionEnds.cs # Static class with data that persist across scenes
| | |-- Serializable Class For Storage Data
| | |-- MineData.cs # Serializable class that have the data about the mine | Used to be save in binary format
| | |-- TimeData.cs # Serializable class that have data about the auction time | Used to be save in binary format
| | |-- Values
| | |-- ISaveOperations.cs # Interface for basic SAVE and LOAD operations of any data
| | |-- MineValues.cs #
| | |-- TimeValues.cs #
| | |-- SaveSystem.cs # Saves and Load data
| |
| |
| |-- Scenes Management
| | |-- ChangeScenes.cs #
| |
| |-- Scriptable Objetcts
| | |-- Mine
| | |-- MineResources.cs #
| | |-- MineShape.cs # Create SO that stores the shape of the mine
| | |-- Player
| | |-- LevelsThresholds.cs # SO with all the levels threshold in xp for leveling up
| | |-- Resources
| | |-- GameResources.cs #
| | |-- PriceToBuildOrUpgrade.cs # Used for storing the price in resources [4 resources] of any operation
| | |-- Robots
| | |-- Robot.cs #
| | |-- RobotLevel.cs #
| | |-- StatusRobot.cs #
| |
| |-- Stores
| | |-- ResourcesOperations.cs # Operations of removing and adding with the resources [all 4]
| | |-- StatBarsOperations.cs # Manage values and what is displayed on the stat bars of resources
| | |-- StatsOperaions.cs # Manage operations of level and Xp
| | |-- StoreDataPlayerStats.cs #
| | |-- StoreDaraResources.cs #
| |
| |-- Tiles Data
| | |-- DataOfTile.cs #
| | |-- StoreAllTiles.cs #
| | |-- TilesRule.cs #
| |
| |-- Timer
| | |-- Timer.cs # Keeps track of the time during a process
| |
| |-- Train
| | |-- BuildRobots.cs #
| | |-- BuildRobotsOperations.cs #
| | |-- RobotsInBuilding.cs #
| | |-- RobotsInBuildingOperations.cs #
| | |-- StoreRobots.cs #
| |
| |-- Upgrade
| | |-- UpgradeRobots.cs #
|-- Sounds
|-- Tiles
|-- *********************************************************************************************************************************************
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- Darkrift example Darkrift2_Boilerplate
- Project Template adapted from Othneil Drew / Best-README-Template.