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SLS KI Synapse

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A Serverless application that runs on AWS Lambda exposing a GraphQL interface for maintaining Sprints in Synapse.


Development Setup

  • Install the Serverless Framework
    • npm install -g serverless
    • Configure your AWS credentials by following these directions
  • Install Serverless Plugins:
    • npm install
  • Create and activate a Virtual Environment:
    • pipenv --python3.10
    • pipenv shell
  • Configure environment variables:
    • Copy each file in templates into the project's root directory and edit each file to contain the correct values.
  • Install Python Dependencies:
    • make reqs
  • Run tests.
    • make test


  • Populate SSM with the environment variables. This only needs to be done once or when the files/values change.
    • ./scripts/ --stage <service-stage> --action <import | delete>
      • Example: ./scripts/ --stage production --action import
    • See the Authentication section for generating secrets and API keys.
  • Create the A records in Route53 if using a custom domain. This only needs to be done once for each stage.
    • sls create_domain --stage <stage>
      • Example: - sls create_domain --stage production
    • See serverless-domain-manager for more details on configuring your custom domain.
  • Deploy to AWS
    • Deploy to "development": make deploy_dev
    • Deploy to "staging": make deploy_staging
    • Deploy to "production": make deploy_production


Authentication will be done using API Gateway Lambda Authorizers .

Initially a simple JWT authentication mechanism will be used to secure this service. A more robust authentication system will be implemented at a later date.

A secret will be stored in an environment variable along with a comma separated list of API keys.


The process for allowing a client access to the service is as follows:

  1. Generate a secret key and an API key by running
    • Add the keys to your private.ssm.env.json file.
    • Update SSM: ./scripts/ --stage <service-stage> --action import
  2. Generate a JWT for the client by running Use the secret and API key generated, or a stage to load from the configuration file.

Manual Testing

  • View Logs: sls logs -f graphql --tail

  • Test Queries:

    • Project:

      Create: ./scripts/ tests/handlers/test_json/create_syn_project.json | sls invoke -f graphql --stage development

      Update: ./scripts/ tests/handlers/test_json/update_syn_project.json | sls invoke -f graphql --stage development

      Query: ./scripts/ tests/handlers/test_json/get_syn_project.json | sls invoke -f graphql --stage development

    • Slide Deck:

      Create: ./scripts/ tests/handlers/test_json/create_slide_deck.json | sls invoke -f graphql --stage development

  • Test all four queries with: make man_test_all

  • With curl: curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN_HERE' --data 'QUERY_HERE' ENDPOINT_URL_HERE/graphql

    Example: curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer abcDEF.GhIJv4' --data '{"query": "query GetSynProject($id: String!) { synProject(id: $id) { id name } }","variables": {"id": "syn123456789"}}'