A minimilast game console with an attiny85, a 5 buttons ad keyboard, a 8x7 segments red led (with max7219 controller) and a buzzer (optional).
I made it to simulate a game I had when I was young : "battlestar galactica - space alert" , from Mattel (just like I remember it, not as it really was)
The first prototype : https://youtu.be/K5pQh2IcPR4
The final prototype : https://youtu.be/7Ir9gm09HzU
You can take a look a the wiring(x).jpg pictures to have an idea of how to connect the parts :
For the 8*7 led segment :
DIN -> PB1
CS -> PB3
CLK -> PB4
Keyboard out -> A1/PB2
Buzzer + -> PB0
How to play:
The game starts automatically (the high score is displayed for 2 seconds, taken from the eeprom)
Push the button 1 to 4 to move the missile
Push button 5 to shoot
You have 5 lives (==)(four dashes representing the shields, disapearing when shot, and one last chance when the 4 are lost) at the botton and the missile is the '|' that moves.
Aliens are going from top to bottom and each time an alien reaches bottom you lose a life/shield.
Up to 3 aliens can go down.
We can imagine other games , when and if I make other games, I'll post them. If some other people make games with it, let me know