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Repository files navigation


sena.nvim is my personal neovim setup for Python, Rust and Web development. Thanks to all the amazing open source contributors of neovim and all the plugins we used for making this bloated and dumb setup possible!




The image support only works on unix like system with kitty terminal and imagemagic installed. I will add cross platform support soon.

Custom Live Server Plugin

  • A custom live server plugin for managing local development servers
  • List and manage currently open live server ports using Telescope
  • Start or open a live server with <leader>ls

Plugin Management

  • Uses Packer.nvim for plugin management
  • Includes a wide range of plugins for various functionalities

LSP and Language Support

  • LSP support for Python, Rust, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Lua
  • Easy addition of support for other languages

File Exploration

  • Neovim-Neo-Tree for visual file exploration
  • BarBar ( bufferline ) for buffer management

Git Integration

  • Gitsigns for showing git status and information

Productivity Features

  • Telescope for fuzzy finding and file navigation
  • Treesitter for improved syntax highlighting and code understanding
  • Auto-pairing and auto-tagging
  • Commenting and uncommenting with keybinds
  • Color picker for easy color selection


  • Custom theme (Rose Pine) with theme picker support
  • Lualine for a customizable status line
  • BarBar ( bufferline ) for buffer management


  • The perfomance might be slow, cause we are currently not lazy loading plugins and there are a lot of plugins cause it's a bloated setup.


The leader key is set to <space>.


Keybind Action
<A-h>, <A-j>, <A-k>, <A-l> Move between windows
<A-S-Tab> Move to previous buffer
<A-Tab> Move to next buffer
<C-n> Go to next buffer
<C-p> Go to previous buffer
<leader>c Close current buffer
<leader>u Toggle undotree

File Management

Keybind Action
<A-f> Focus on Neovim-Neo-Tree
<A-e> Toggle Neovim-Neo-Tree

Live Server

Keybind Action
<leader>ll List live servers
<leader>ls Start or open a live server


Keybind Action
<leader>ff Find files
<leader>gf Find git files
<leader>fw Fuzzy find words in project directory


Keybind Action
gD Go to declaration
gd Go to definition
K Show hover information
gi Go to implementation
<C-k> Show signature help
<space>wa Add workspace folder
<space>wr Remove workspace folder
<space>rn Rename symbol
<space>f Format file


Keybind Action
]c Go to next hunk
[c Go to previous hunk
<leader>hs Stage hunk
<leader>hr Reset hunk
<leader>hS Stage buffer
<leader>hu Undo stage hunk
<leader>hR Reset buffer
<leader>hp Preview hunk
<leader>hb Blame line
<leader>tb Toggle current line blame
<leader>hd Diff this
<leader>hD Diff this ~
<leader>td Toggle deleted


Keybind Action
<leader>mp Markdown preview
<leader>mps Stop Markdown preview

Color Picker

Keybind Action
<leader>w Pick color
<c-` Insert picked color


Keybind Action
s Flash jump
S Flash treesitter
r Remote flash
R Treesitter search


Keybind Action
<leader>cc Toggle comment (line)
<leader>cu Toggle comment (block)

Quick Tips

Beautiful Code Screenshots

Want to share a beautiful snippet of your code? Here's a fun little trick:

  1. Enter Visual Mode by pressing V while in Normal Mode.
  2. Select the part of your code you want to capture.
  3. Run the CarbonNow command, and voilà~! A new browser tab will open, showing your selected code with customizable styles.
  4. From there, you can tweak the design to your liking and share a gorgeous image of your code with the world!

Thanks to and ellisonleao/carbon-now.nvim for making this possible ;)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone ~/.config/nvim
  2. Install Packer:

    git clone --depth 1\
  3. Start Neovim and run :PackerSync to install all plugins. The configuration is split into several files for better organization:


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open issues or pull requests.


This setup is built on top of many amazing open-source projects and plugins. Special thanks to all the contributors of Neovim and the various plugins used in this configuration.


This project is licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal License. See the LICENSE file for details.