A generator is a function that generates output whenever you call it and remembers the current state untill the next call is made
A simple example of a generator is range()
function in python
# this code will freeze you pc if it generates the entire list
# and saves it to memory
#but it doesn't
The reason is this creates a generator which calculates next element every time you call it
To create a generator we have to write our expression inside parenthesis '()'.
n = 10
# this creates a generator that gives even i upto n
gen = (i for i in range(n) if i%2 == 0)
for i in gen:
# this creates a list that contains even i upto n
# as this creates the entire list at once it's not a generators
# you can call it one line for-loops
# also known as list comprehensions
l = [i for i in range(n) if i%2 == 0]
To create more powerfull generators you can use this technique
Program to calculate fibonacci
# normal method
def fibo(n):
f0 = 0
f1 = 1
for i in range(n-2):
temp = f1
f1 = f1+f0
f0 = temp
# generator method
def fibo(n):
f0 = 0
yield f0
f1 = 1
yield f1
for i in range(n-2):
temp = f1
f1 = f1+f0
f0 = temp
yield f1
- Generators consume more time but are memory efficient and do not blow up your ram by calculating everything before hand.
- Normal method is faster but consumes more ram memory.