Releases: klaasnicolaas/home-assistant-glow
Happy New Year! 🥂
In this release you can use the button component to restart the glow or reset the total energy entity. For those who used the API service in the past to reset the total_energy entity, (Breaking) please note that the service name has changed to: esphome.[DEVICE_NAME]_reset_total_energy
🚨 Breaking changes
- #106 Add buttons to the Glow! @klaasnicolaas
✨ New features
- #104 Tweet on releases @klaasnicolaas
- #101 Add daily energy sensor @klaasnicolaas
- #106 Add buttons to the Glow! @klaasnicolaas
🧰 Maintenance
- #105 Add code of conduct and contributing info @klaasnicolaas
📚 Documentation
- #105 Add code of conduct and contributing info @klaasnicolaas
⬆️ Dependency updates
- #92 Bump esphome/build-action from 1.0.1 to 1.1 @dependabot
What’s changed
This release brings a very nice feature, it is now possible to install Home Assistant Glow via ESP web tools!
Visit the website: and use the install button at the bottom.
✨ New features
- #90 ✨ Create a GH pages website @klaasnicolaas
🚀 Enhancements
- #89 #88 Fix entity_category by removing extra tags @frimtec
- #90 ✨ Create a GH pages website @klaasnicolaas
What’s changed
- #80 Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.5 to 2.4.0 @dependabot
✨ New features
- #73 Add reset service @estevez-dev
🐛 Bug fixes
- #75 Fix an indentation issue @cherokee93
📚 Documentation
- #69 Update @m-s-e
- #72 update @PranavKrishnan007
⬆️ Dependency updates
- #68 Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 @dependabot
🐛 Bug fixes
- #52 Update home_assistant_glow.yaml @pschneider87
📚 Documentation
- #43 Added some details on the large batch of faulty diodes that seem to c… @nygellyndley
- #50 📚 Update the documentation @klaasnicolaas
What’s changed
There is a breaking change because after updating your Glow, it will no longer come online in Home Assistant. I recommend manual download and upload the compiled file on the Glow's web server page. After this, your Glow will become available again in the ESPHome dashboard. (If this didn't work, delete and re-add the Glow to Home Assistant)
🚨 Breaking changes
- #36 Remove underscores from device name @klaasnicolaas
🐛 Bug fixes
- #36 Remove underscores from device name @klaasnicolaas
🚀 Enhancements
- #35 Change the red light behaviour @klaasnicolaas
What’s changed
- #6 Update home_assistant_glow.yaml @stevetz
- #25 Repo maintenance @klaasnicolaas
🚨 Breaking changes
- #26 Configuring the pulse rate on top @klaasnicolaas
✨ New features
- #26 Configuring the pulse rate on top @klaasnicolaas