A very simplistic manga reader with integrated OCR.
OCR-Manga has a few dependencies you will need:
- Python 3.x
- tkinter
- Most distributions have tkinter available in their package repositories
- Tesseract
- You will also need the jpn data files
- Most distributions have both Tesseract and various language data available in their package repositories.
- pillow
- pyocr
- magic
- myougiden
- rarfile
Install pip, Tk, and Tesseract:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-tk tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-jpn
Install pip, Tk, and Tesseract:
sudo pacman -S python-pip tk tesseract tesseract-data-jpn
Make sure you have tk
in your USE flags for Python 3. You'll also need to
either have ja
in your L10N or specify l10n_ja
as an USE flag for Tesseract.
Install pip and Tesseract:
sudo emerge -a dev-python/pip app-lang/tesseract
sudo pip install pillow pyocr python-magic myougiden rarfile
./Reader.py /path/to/manga
The manga can be a zip, rar, tar, or just a plain old directory.
Contributions are welcomed and accepted. It is required that all pull requests be PEP 0008 formatted.