diff --git a/public/story-formats/harlowe-3.3.4/format.js b/public/story-formats/harlowe-3.3.4/format.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2867c5e9d..000000000 --- a/public/story-formats/harlowe-3.3.4/format.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -window.storyFormat({"name":"Harlowe","version":"3.3.4","author":"Leon Arnott","description":"The default story format for Twine 2, with numerous programming features and a rich passage editor. No HTML, JS or CSS experience required. Consult its documentation.","image":"icon.svg","url":"http://twinery.org/","license":"Zlib","proofing":false,"source":"\n\n
."):"")},unclosedHook:function unclosedHook(e){return"This marks all of the remaining code in the passage as being inside a hook."+h.hook(e)},verbatim:"This is verbatim markup. Place text between matching pairs and amounts of `
marks, and Harlowe will ignore the markup within, instead displaying it as-is.",unclosedCollapsed:function unclosedCollapsed(e){return h.collapsed(e)},collapsed:function collapsed(e){e=e.type;return"This is ".concat("unclosedCollapsed"===e?"unclosed ":"","collapsed whitespace markup. All sequences of consecutive whitespace within ").concat("unclosedCollapsed"===e?"the remainder of the passage ":"the {
and }
marks"," will be replaced with a single space. You can use this to space out your code and keep your passage readable.<br>
tag.")},escapedLine:"This is an escaped line break mark. This removes the line break before or after it from the displayed passage.",twineLink:function twineLink(e){e=e.passage;return'This is a link to the passage "'.concat(e,'". Links, like hooks and commands, can have changer values attached to the left.')},br:"",url:"",variable:"This is a story-wide variable. After this has been set to a data value, it can be used anywhere else in the story. Use these to store data values related to your story's game state, or changers that are commonly used. "+a,tempVariable:"This is a temp variable. It can be used in the same passage and hook in which it's first set to a data value. Use these to store values temporarily, or that won't be needed elsewhere. "+a,macroName:function macroName(e,a){a=_slicedToArray(a,2)[1];return h.macro(a)},grouping:"Use these grouping brackets to ensure operations are performed in a certain order. Code in brackets will be computed before the code adjacent to it.",property:function property(e){var a=e.type,e=e.name;return(e?"This retrieves the data stored at the `".concat(e,"` ").concat(e.match(/^\d+(?:th|nd|st|rd)(?:last)?(?:to\d+(?:nth|nd|st|rd)(?:last)?)?$/g)?"position".concat(e.includes("to")?"s":""):"name"," of the container value on the ").concat(a.startsWith("belonging")?"right":"left",".").concat(r(e.anchor,"(".concat(e.name,": ").concat(e.sig,") -> ").concat(e.returnType)),"
")}).join(", "),""):"","
Use the ".concat((document.querySelector('[aria-label^="Coding tooltips"],[title^="Coding tooltips"]')||{}).innerHTML||"tooltip"," toolbar button to toggle these popups!")):"")+"