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The repository contains the code for solving two different student arrangement problems used at the Uebungsgrupppenverwaltung of the Physikalische Fakultaet, Uni Heidelberg.

Author: Konstantin Neureither,

The arrangement optimizations that can be solved are:

  • Division of students into bubbles, respecting their individual preferences. (called by a script)
  • Divisions of students into professor meetings, also using student preferences. (stand-alone using json input data)

Both algorithms are based on a min-cost-flow graph implementation and use the ortools frame work provided by Google.

Student Bubble Optimization

The optimization can be found in The function solve_bubble_optimization(preferences, bubble_capacities, preference_costs) can just be imported into the webinterface or in another program. and contain some examples as well as a test comparing different preference cost vectors.

The graph that is modelled can be described like:

Graph Student Optimization

Meet-Your-Prof Optimization

The Meet-Your Prof optimization code can be found in as well as in classes/ The former implements the json data read of professors and the preferences and uses the function of the student bubble optimisation to solve a graph problem that looks similar as the former one.

In a second step, the memeber count of the dates is optimized, as we only want to allow dates that contain six students. Therefore, the Professor class from classes/ is needed. It handles the students that were assigned to one professor and can be used to swap students aroudn between different professors. The algorithm tries to fill up as many dates as possible, by putting the dates that are not full into a queue (sorted by number of students). From that, always the first and last are extracted and the students from the last added to the students to the first. This is continued until the queue is only contains one or no item.

The algorithm has one problem, namely that it is by chance possible, that a student is added twice to the same prof, which leads to one student having one date less or two dates with the same prof. At this is an edge case (having in mind, that there are 40 profs and more than 100 students) this behaviour is accepted.