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Create Linux VM using CLI

Login and subscription management

  • Login to your account via CLI

    • az login --use-device-code
  • Check available subscriptions

    • az account subscription list
  • Check default subscription you have active

    • az account list -o table
  • Change subscription if necessary

    • az account set --subscription "name or id"

Create VM itself

  • Create resource group

    • $rgName="rg-ubuntu-vm-cli"
    • $location="westus"
    • az group create -n $rgName -l $location
  • Generate RSA key pair in current directory

    • mkdir ./.ssh
    • ssh-keygen -f "./.ssh/id_rsa"


  • Create VM providing public key
    • $vmName="vm-ubuntu-cli"
    • $vmImage="UbuntuLTS"
    • $adminUsername="razumovsky_r"
    • $sshKeyPath="~/.ssh/"
    • az vm create -g $rgName -n $vmName --image $vmImage --admin-username $adminUsername --authentication-type "ssh" --ssh-key-value $sshKeyPath


  • Open SSH port of the VM

    • az vm open-port -g $rgName -n $vmName --port "22"
  • Check IP address of the VM

    • az vm list-ip-addresses -g $rgName -n $vmName -o table
  • Define IP address variable

    • $ipAddress=$(az vm list-ip-addresses -g $rgName -n $vmName --query '[].{[0].ipAddress}' -o tsv)
    • echo $ipAddress
  • Connect to the VM via SSH

    • ssh $adminUsername@$ipAddress


Delete resource group

  • az group delete -n $rgName --yes