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File metadata and controls

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Push docker image to ACR via CLI

  • Create resource group:

    • $rgName="rg-acr-practice"
    • $location="westus"
    • az group create -n $rgName -l $location
  • Create Azure Container Registry (ACR)

    • $acrName="pkolosovregistry"
    • az acr create -g $rgName -n $acrName --sku "Basic"
  • Build docker image

    • $acrUrl="$"
    • $repo="acr-practice-repository"
    • $tag="latest"
    • docker build -t "$acrUrl/${repo}:$tag" .
  • Run container locally to test

  • Define password using service principal (requires AD permissions)

    • $acrRegistryId=$(az acr show -n $acrName --query "id" -o tsv)
    • $principalName="testsp"
    • $password=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac -n $principalName --scopes $acrRegistryId --role "acrpush" --query "password" -o tsv)
  • Define username using service principal

    • $username=$(az ad sp list --display-name $principalName --query "[].appId" -o tsv)
  • Login to ACR with credentials

    • docker login $acrUrl -u $username -p $password
    • OR: az acr login -n $acrName
  • Push image to ACR repository

    • docker image push -a "$acrUrl/${repo}"
    • OR: docker push "$acrUrl/${repo}:$tag"
  • Delete resource group

    • az group delete -n $rgName --yes

Deploy container to app service

  • Create an App Service plan

    • $planName="acr-container-plan-f1"
    • az appservice plan create -g $rgName -n $planName --sku "F1" --is-linux
  • Create app service

    • $appName="app-container-deploy"
    • $image="$acrUrl/${repo}:$tag"
    • az webapp create -g $rgName -n $appName --plan $planName --deployment-container-image-name $image
  • Configure app service port

    • az webapp config appsettings set -g $rgName -n $appName --settings WEBSITES_PORT=80
  • Enable the system-assigned managed identity for the web app

    • $identityId=$(az webapp identity assign -g $rgName -n $appName --query "principalId" -o tsv)
  • Retrieve your subscription ID

    • $subId=$(az account show --query "id" -o tsv)
  • Grant the managed identity permission to access the container registry

    • $scope="/subscriptions/$subId/resourceGroups/$rgName/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/$acrName"
    • az role assignment create --assignee $identityId --scope $scope --role "AcrPull"
  • Configure your app to use the managed identity to pull from Azure Container Registry

    • $id="/subscriptions/$subId/resourceGroups/$rgName/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/$appName/config/web"
    • az resource update --ids $id --set properties.acrUseManagedIdentityCreds=True
  • Deploy image to app service

    • az webapp config container set -g $rgName -n $appName --docker-custom-image-name $image --docker-registry-server-url "https://$acrUrl"
  • Turn on container logging

    • az webapp log config -g $rgName -n $appName --docker-container-logging filesystem
  • Enable the log stream

    • az webapp log tail -g $rgName -n $appName

Configure continuous deployment

  • Enable CI/CD in App Service

    • $cicdUrl=$(az webapp deployment container config -g $rgName -n $appName --enable-cd "true" --query "CI_CD_URL" -o tsv)
  • Create a webhook in your container registry using the CI_CD_URL you got from the last step

    • $hookName="appserviceCD"
    • az acr webhook create -n $hookName --registry $acrName --uri $cicdUrl --actions push --scope "${repo}:$tag"
  • Test if your webhook is configured properly, ping the webhook and see if you get a 200 OK response

    • $eventId=$(az acr webhook ping -n $hookName --registry $acrName --query "id" -o tsv)
    • az acr webhook list-events -n $hookName --registry $acrName --query "[?id=='$eventId'].eventResponseMessage"