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SkyNet Scraper

Scrape urls and stores results. Allows to get the results later.

Following API is exposed by this application:

  • Submit scrape jobs:

    • POST /scrape-jobs/
    • json body: {"url": "url_to_scrape"}
    • returns a unique job id (if accepted)
  • Get result of scrape jobs:

    • GET /scrape-jobs/:jobid
    • returns json: { url, title, date, content } if jobId is valid

Following ports are exposed by docker image:

  • 8080: REST service
  • 15672: RabbitMQ monitoring (guest:guest)
  • 5672: RabbitMQ (for debugging)
  • 6379: Redis (for debugging)


  • An app server to provide REST end-points
  • de-duplication of urls through redis (in memory db)
  • RabbitMQ as message bus to distribute work (scraping)
  • stores result in HSQL DB. (currently runs in memory mode)
  • docker to build app image
  • docker-compose to layer other services (RabbitMQ & redis for now) and for swarm deployments (could be)

PS: none of the servers are tweaked for performance or for use case.

PS: scaling of services is not planned in docker-compose (runs as single server mode at the moment)

PS: workers are not tuned either (number of workers, message prefetch, ack/nack, ...)

Want to see it in action ?


  • java 8
  • maven
  • docker

Build & run

./mvnw package -DskipTests=true
docker-compose up

Use POSTMAN or similar tools to interact with the REST endpoints. Shell in whcih docker-compose is running will show app logs.