- IND - indistinguishibility - to distinguish ciphertexts of two messages
- OWF - onewaysness - to decrypt a message
- EUF - (weak) existencial unforgeability - to find a new valid pair
was not send to sign oracle - SUF - strong existential unforgeability - to find a new valid pair
was not output by sign oracle
- PASS - nothing
- CPA - encryption
- CCA - decryption except a target message
- CMA - chosen message attack - gives a signatre of a message
- EBC - electronic codebook
- CBC - ciphertext chaining - natural option
- CTR - counter mode
- GCM - galois counter mode
- OFB - output feedback - stream cipher
- XEX,XTS - drives
- OCB - offset codebook mode - input & output masks, one-round AEAD
- CFB - cipher feedback - =OFB but xoring plaintext additionally
- DDH - distinguishing Diffie-Helman
- CDH - computational Diffie-Helman
- DL - discrete logarithm
- MPC - multiparty computation
- FE - functional encryption
- FHE - fully homomorphic encryption
- SFHE - somewhat homomorphic encryption
- KEM - key encaptulation mechanism
- DEM - data encaptulation mechanism
- FDH - full domain hash - hash and sign based signature
- OAEP - E(m) = f_{pk}({m|0^t⊕G(R)}||{R⊕H(m|0^t⊕G(R) )})