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644 lines (464 loc) · 38.4 KB

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Shell wrapper/macro language for rapid automation scripting on Linux and Mac OS

Table of Contents

What does it do?

doShell provides a superset of shell script, geared towards rapid cross-platform (Linux and Mac OS) headfull UI automation.
doShell is foremost targeted, but not limited, to automation of operations involving browsing the web.

This project is a source-to-source (S2S) transpiler and runtime system.

What about Windows? On Windows, i recommend using the excellent AutoHotKey


  • Mimick user-interaction / UI control of (foremost) web browsing operations
  • Shorthand commands to ease operations that differ per platform or are not easily memorable in plain shell script, xdoTool / appleScript, etc.
  • Commands for invoking GUI dialogs (alert, notify, confirm, prompt, select)
  • Scripts can be parameterized via JSON passed at execution time
  • Separation of Concerns/DRY: doShell can import code from other files
  • For infoSec researchers: Browser automation is done by fake user interaction, therefor a completely unsuspicious "vanilla" browser useragent and -footprint (no traces of Selenium in JS window object) is sent while performing automated browser operations
  • As doShell transpiles scripts (instead of just being an interpreter) scripts can also thereafter be improved and extended manually if needed

For quickly getting an idea of doShell's syntax and some of it's abilities, also have a glance at the included script examples.

Mission targets

  1. Ease scripting interactive cross-platform compatible automation
  2. Make it concise:
    1. Commands should be short, but self-explanatory
    2. To avoid bloating automation scripts with sleep commands, related commands imply a plausible successive minimum delay
  3. Don't reinvent the wheel:
    1. Use and combine existing tools (shell script, applescript / xdotool + wmCtrl + zenity, php, node.js)
    2. While there is no dedicated editor, linter or syntax highlightning for doShell: Enable IDEs to identify doShell as shell script

Functional Flow



Running shdo -t transpiles the given doShell script to a new intermediary file

doShell transpiles to intermediary shell script files, which are stored for better performance when repeatedly running the same script. Additional to conventional shell script code, they can contain runtime macros: placeholder-strings for generic content, and runtime variables.
The doShell runtime system replaces runtime macros, -variables and -conditional blocks before the eventual execution.

Transpile and/or run

Run: shdo -r transpiles and runs the given script.
When running an already transpiled * script, the transpilation is skipped.

Run-Clean: shdo -rc transpiles and runs the given script, if existing, an already transpiled intermediary file is overwritten.

Runtime options


Flag Description
#!browser chromium Sets the browser to be used, e.g. chromium or firefox. Default: firefox
#!keep_runtime_file By default, doShell removes the temporary execution code, this flag instructs the runtime system to keep that file
#!remove_transpilation By default, doShell keeps the intermediary code, this flag instructs the runtime system to delete that file
#!slow_motion Insert sleep commands after each line. Helpful for testing scripts in "slow-motion"
#!terminal xterm Linux only: on mac the default terminal is used. Sets the terminal to be used, default: gnome-terminal

Conditional blocks

Though its own commands are cross-platform compatible, doShell provides shorthand commands to easily implement platform specific script variations.


#!/usr/bin/env bash

  #!browser chromium

  #!browser firefox
# ... 

Runtime variables

Arbitrary string replacements to be done at runtime, can be passed JSON-formatted when invoking the doShell interpreter to run a * file.


Replace all occurences of ::FOO:: by bar before running the given file:

shdo -r "{\"::FOO::\":\"bar\"}"

Note: For an optimal ratio of performance and a small file size of the doShell executable, doShell provides only a very simple custom JSON parser: All keys and values therefor must be surrounded by single or double quotes.


Macro Replaced by Replaced during
::DIR:: Absolute path of current file w/o filename Transpilation
::DIR_DOSH:: Absolute path of current running doShell executable w/o filename Runtime
::DIR_EXEC:: Directory path from where doShell was invoked Runtime
::FILE:: Absolute path of current file including the filename Transpilation
::LINE:: Line number in current file Transpilation
::MUTE:: &>/dev/null = silences the preceeding command's STDOUT and STDERR output Runtime
::MUTE_2:: 2>/dev/null = silences the preceeding command's file descriptor output Runtime
::OS:: linux or mac Runtime
::TIMESTAMP:: Current UNIX timestamp Runtime


Mute output

To prevent otherwise verbose commands, from printing their result into the shell, the ::MUTE:: modifier macro (which is simply a shorthand for &>/dev/null). can be appended to otherwise verbose commands.


_setClipboard ""
_replaceBeforeFromClipboard // '' ::MUTE::


Import a specified file:


Invoke PHP and Node.js

Inline PHP:

doShell script can contain inlined PHP (processed during pre-execution parsing, see functional flow diagram)


_php echo time() _/php

Script example on embedding PHP with doShell: examples/

Use node.js modules from within doShell:

Script example for embedding node.js modules within doShell:

Prior to using node modules from within doShell, install the used dependencies, e.g. when using turndown as in examples/

npm init
npm install turndown

String manipulation


Command Description
_extractBetween $VAR before after Extract text excluding but between "before" and "after".*
_replaceAfter $VAR search replace Replace everything after and including the first occurrences of given string
_replaceAll $VAR search replace Replace all occurrences of given string
_replaceBefore $VAR search replace Replace everything before and including the first occurrences of given string
_replaceBetween $VAR before after replacement Replace text including and between "before" and "after"
_replaceFirst $VAR search replace Replace first occurrence of given string
_replaceLast $VAR search replace Replace last occurrence of given string

Strings from files

Command Description
_extractBetweenFromFile path/file before after Extract text excluding but between "before" and "after"
_replaceAfterFromFile path/file search replace
_replaceAllFromFile path/file search replace Replace all occurrences of given string
_replaceBeforeFromFile path/file search replace
_replaceBetweenFromFile path/file before after replacement Replace text including and between "before" and "after"
_replaceFirstFromFile path/file search replace Replace first occurrence of given string
_replaceLastFromFile path/file search replace Replace last occurrence of given string

URL parsing

Command Description
_getSchemeFromUrl $URL Extract scheme from given URL, e.g. http or https
_getHostFromUrl $URL Extract host from given URL, e.g.
_getPathFromUrl $URL Extract path from given URL, e.g. /foo/bar
_getQueryFromUrl $URL Extract query from given URL, e.g. hat=bowler&accessory=cane
_urlEncode $URL URL-Encode given string
_urlDecode $URL URL-Decode given string

Random values

Command Description
myvar=#rand 0 100 Assign var a random value between 0 and 100


Command Description
_appendToClipboard $value Add string to end of clipboard
_getClipboard Output clipboard contents
_loadIntoClipboard filename.txt Load file content into clipboard
_prependToClipboard $value Add string before start of clipboard
_saveClipboard filename.txt Store text from clipboard to file
_setClipboard $value Copy string to clipboard
_setClipboardFromFile path/to/file.txt Copy content of file to clipboard

Invoke copy/paste related key combos

Command Description
_copyAll Select all, than copy
_copyLine Select caret line, than copy
_copyLineInTerminal Select caret line, than copy
_copyInTerminal Varies by OS
_copyPaste "foo" Copy text to clipboard and invoke paste
_copyPasteInTerminal "foo" Copy text to clipboard and invoke paste
_cutAll Select all, than cut
_hitPasteInTerminal Varies by OS

Manipulate strings from clipboard

All manipulation commands on strings from the clipboard output the resulting string.
To over/write the result back to files, you can use the shell redirection operator >.

Command Description
_extractBetweenFromClipboard before after Extract text excluding but between "before" and "after"
_pregMatchAllFromClipboard regex Output all matches of given regex in clipboard content
_replaceAfterFromClipboard search replace Replace everything after and including the first occurrences of given string
_replaceBeforeFromClipboard search replace Replace everything before and including the first occurrences of given string
_replaceAllFromClipboard search replace Replace all occurrences of given string
_replaceBetweenFromClipboard before after replacement Replace text including and between "before" and "after"
_replaceFirstFromClipboard search replace Replace first occurrence of given string
_replaceLastFromClipboard search replace Replace last occurrence of given string

Paste dynamically rendered content

The _pasteRenderedFromFile command enables doShell to render dynamic content from template files, useful for example for inserting parametric JavaScript into the browser console.


#!/usr/bin/env bash

_pasteRenderedFromFile ::DIR::/alert.js "{\"<alert_text>\":\"hello\"}"

alert.js containing: alert('<alert_text>');


  • activate the browser
  • open and focus the dev console
  • load alert.js, replace the string "<alert_text>" by "hello", copy it to the clipboard
  • paste the clipboard (the rendered alert-script) into the dev console
  • run the inserted script from within the console
  • => raise the dynamically scripted alert popup


Command Description
_notify "MESSAGE" Display notification
_alert "MESSAGE" Show alert popup
var=_confirm "MESSAGE" Open Ok/Cancel Dialog, $var contains "Ok" or "Cancel" after
var=_prompt "MESSAGE" Popup with input field
var=_select "Take your pick:" {"Apple", "Banana", "Orange"} Popup with options to select from

Send keystrokes

Hit single key:

Command Description
_hitBackspace Hit backspace key
_hitDown Hit cursor down key
_hitEnter Hit enter key
_hitEnd Hit end key
_hitEsc Hit escape key
_hitF1 Hit F-Key
_hitHome Hit home key
_hitLeft Hit cursor left key
_hitPageDown Hit pageDown key
_hitPageUp Hit pageUp key
_hitRight Hit cursor right key
_hitSpace Hit space bar
_hitTab Hit tabulator key
_hitUp Hit cursor up key

Stroke key combination:

Cursor combos:

Command Linux Mac
_hitModUp CTRL + cursor up ALT + cursor up
_hitSuperUp WIN + cursor up CMD + cursor up
_moveCaretToLineStart Home CMD + cursor left
_moveCaretToLineEnd End CMD + cursor right

Common functional shortcuts:

Command Description
_hitCopy Hit CTRL+C or CMD+c
_hitFindInTerminal Hit CTRL+SHIFT+F or CMD+F
_hitFind Hit CTRL+F or CMD+F
_copyInTerminal Varies by OS
_cut Hit CTRL+X or CMD+x
_hitPaste Hit CTRL+V or CMD+V
_hitPasteInTerminal Varies by OS
_hitSelectAll Hit CTRL+A or CMD+A

Type text:

Command Description
_copyPaste "foo" Copy text to clipboard and invoke paste. *
_type "TEXT" Simulate typing given text on keyboard

* Oftentimes a faster alternative over typing

Browser automation

Note: At the time being doShell was tested using Firefox, but should be easily adaptable to other web browsers.

Toggle browser panels

Command Description
_activateBrowser Launch or bring browser window to front
_closeBrowserTab Hits CTRL+W or CMD+W
_focusBrowserUrl Hits CTRL+L or CMD+L
_focusNextBrowserTab Hits CTRL+TAB or CMD+TAB
_focusPreviousBrowserTab Hits CTRL+SHIFT+TAB or CMD+OPT+TAB
_openBrowserDevConsole Hits CTRL+SHIFT+J or CMD+SHIFT+J (firefox) or CTRL+SHIFT+P / CMD+SHIFT+P in Chrome/Chromium
_openBrowserDevTools Hits CTRL+SHIFT+I or CMD+OPT+I
_openBrowserSettings Hits CTRL+Comma or CMD+Comma
_openNewBrowserTab Hits CTRL+T or CMD+T
#reopenBrowserTab Hits CTRL+SHIFT+W or CMD+SHIFT+W
_openBrowserSource Hits CTRL+U or CMD+U

Load and manipulate URLs

Command Description
_copyBrowserUrl Focus URL, than fire copy key-combination
myVar=_getBrowserUrl Get current URL
_openUrlInNewBrowserTab "" Load given URL in new browser tab

Use devTools and devConsole

Command Description
_openBrowserDevConsole Hits CTRL+SHIFT+J or CMD+SHIFT+J (firefox) or CTRL+SHIFT+P / CMD+SHIFT+P in Chrome/Chromium
_openBrowserDevTools Hits CTRL+SHIFT+I or CMD+OPT+I
_runJs alert('hello') #end_runJs Open and focus devConsole, paste and execute given script
_execDevConsole Hits CTRL+ENTER or CMD+ENTER
_clearDevConsole Clears current commands from devConsole
_copyRenderedBrowserHtml Open devConsole and run JavaScript to retrieve and copy current HTML to clipboard
_pasteRenderedFromFile Helpful for rendering JavaScript dynamically, see rel. example

Communication from browser to runtime system

For communication from web browser back to the runtime system, the system clipboard and file IO can be used. doShell provides built-in commands for manipulation and import / export of text from/to the clipboard.

Terminal automation

Command Description
_activateTerminal Open or bring terminal to front
_openNewTerminalTab Hit CTRL+SHIT+T or CMD+T
_hitFindInTerminal Hit CTRL+SHIFT+F or CMD+F
_copyPasteInTerminal "foo" Copy text to clipboard and invoke paste
_copyPasteInTerminal $VAR Copy text to clipboard and invoke paste
_runInNewTerminal "ls" Run given shell script in new terminal

Functions, iterations, conditions, extensions

doShell is a superset of shell script:
All language constructs of regular shell script can be used within doShell script.

DoShell can invoke all scripts that regular shell scripts can. Therefor there is no limit to extend doShell with arbitrary tools, native or of any language.

Script Examples

The following example scripts can be found under /examples:

File Description Import scripts from other file Use transpiler- and runtime macros Vary code per platform Random value generation String manipulation Manipulation of strings from files Clipboard manipulation commands Parse and encode/decode URL parts Use PHP within doShell script Use of dynamic runtime variables Display an alert popup on the desktop Display a notification on the desktop Display and evaluate the choice of an ok- or cancel- confirmation popup on the desktop Display and evaluate the input of a prompt popup on the desktop Display and evaluate the choice of a selection popup on the desktop Open google in a new browser tab enter a search term and invoke search Get source HTML of website, convert (using Node.js) and output as markdown Open the browser's dev console, insert and run script in it Extract all URLs from HTML source of a web page Replace any domain loaded in browser by "localhost", maintaining rest of URL Replace any domain loaded in browser by domain selected from popup, maintaining rest of URL Load JavaScript template from file, replace contained markers, execute it in browser devConsole



Third Party References

Runtime tools

doShell invokes existing third party tools (and some doShell built-in commands) to perform automation, display dialogs, etc. These vary by platform, not all tools are mandatory (depending on options used within doShell scripts).

Runtime tools on Linux

Tool Description License
PHP Open source general-purpose scripting language PHP License
wmctrl UNIX/Linux command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager GNU General Public License
xddotool Simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows, etc. New BSD license
zenity Execution of GTK dialog boxes from command-line and shell scripts Gnu Lesser General Public License

Runtime tools on Mac

Tool Description License
AppleScript (osascript) Note: Assistive access must be enabled Proprietary (parts available under APSL)
PHP Open source general-purpose scripting language PHP License

As these third party runtime tools are not bundled in any form into doShell, their license liabilities are not affecting doShell.

Third party tools used in examples

Tool Description License
Turndown (Node.js package) Convert HTML into Markdown with JavaScript. MIT License

Build tools and libraries

doShell was built using the following third party libraries and tools:

Library Description License
Clip Library Library to copy/retrieve content to/from the clipboard/pasteboard. MIT License
Tool Description License
Clang A C language family frontend for LLVM Apache License
Cmake Family of tools designed to build, test and package software New BSD License
Cppcheck Static analysis tool for C/C++ code GNU General Public License version 3
cpplint Static code checker for C++ BSD-3 Clause
GCC GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection GNU General Public License version 3

Thanks a lot!

Build Instructions

cmake CMakeLists.txt; make

Code Convention

The source code of the doShell transpiler and interpreter follows the Google C++ Style Guide.


doShell is licensed under The MIT License (MIT)