Releases: kubesphere/console
Releases · kubesphere/console
v4.1.2 🌈
What's Changed
- fix: sync image to aliyuns repo by @redscholar in #4282
- feat: add extension console by @ks-ci-bot in #4285
- ci: add workflow_dispatch trigger to main.yaml by @donniean in #4295
- ci: add .github/workflows/sync-to-kse.yml by @donniean in #4294
- fix: set initial value of isRemoteExtensionLoading to true by @donniean in #4296
- ci: update .github/workflows/sync-to-kse.yml by @donniean in #4297
- ci: fix TARGET_BRANCH in .github/workflows/sync-to-kse.yml by @donniean in #4298
- fix: Fix devops bugs by @yazhouio in #4299
- ci: add setup for Git in sync-to-kse.yml workflow by @donniean in #4301
- fix: fix the issue of checking licenses in ks by @donniean in #4303
- build: add KUBESPHERE_EDITION constant to config files by @donniean in #4304
- sync images to huaweicloud by @pixiake in #4305
- feat: Add KUBESPHERE_EDITION constants to globals config by @yazhouio in #4308
- chore: update v3dist by @donniean in #4310
- chore: remove useless API by @donniean in #4311
- chore: disable kapis/ by @donniean in #4312
- add oci protocol to share/UrlInput by @lingbohome in #4307
- chore: update v3dist by @donniean in #4313
- chore: improve page error messages by @donniean in #4314
- enhancement: application text adjust by @Leioy in #4316
- fix: Filter clusters by status of ready in kubectl modal by @yazhouio in #4317
- chore: update v3dist for composed apps page by @donniean in #4319
New Contributors
- @pixiake made their first contribution in #4305
- @lingbohome made their first contribution in #4307
- @Leioy made their first contribution in #4316
Full Changelog: v4.1.1...v4.1.2
v4.1.1 🌈
What's Changed
- fix: Form can't save when creating a workload by @weili520 in #3416
- fix: Path parsing error in windows environment by @ifgao in #3420
- fix: Render wrong form item while multiple branch by @EliChen95 in #3427
- Setting the hostpath is required when mounting the hostpath storage volume to an application by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3411
- fix: canary release is invalid, when multiple operating systems are selected by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3426
- fix:the associated hpa hasn't been deleted when use the command line to delete the deployment by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3430
- fix: Restore source data while reselect and changing back to source type by @EliChen95 in #3428
- fix: Fix the valide of referer url by @harrisonliu5 in #3425
- fix: docs in pipeline page 404 not found by @PrajwalBorkar in #3433
- fix: Wrong "volumeBindingMode" params when I add PVC by @weili520 in #3434
- feat: Support for modifying the number of data per page of table by @weili520 in #3435
- docs: Update UI text of creation/update time by @patrickluoyu in #3436
- docs: modify git commit command line and add signature reference documentation by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3432
- fix: Optimize the 'Application governance' parameter on the app details page by @weili520 in #3440
- fix: Workspace members with only the 'App Template Viewing' permission are allowed to replace Helm charts by @weili520 in #3441
- fix: Display the type of each workload on the app details page by @weili520 in #3444
- fix: Remove the 'App' field on the composed app details page by @weili520 in #3443
- fix: The node terminal is always showing connecting status by @weili520 in #3447
- feat: add feishu in notification and update the version of notification api by @harrisonliu5 in #3438
- feat: Support batch stop workloads by @weili520 in #3452
- fix: Missing openelb annotation hint when creating service of type loadbalancer by @weili520 in #3456
- refactor: Avoid using API tojson and tojenkinsfile by @bunnymiao in #3450
- feat: Support to set helm and kustomize parameters of an application by @EliChen95 in #3454
- fix: Update OpenELB check url by @weili520 in #3458
- fix: Add monitoring items to the custom monitoring panel, and the monitoring indicators display errors by @weili520 in #3459
- fix: incorrect parameters were created by glusterfs storageclass by @weili520 in #3442
- fix: Status icon not show in multi-cluster deployment by @weili520 in #3457
- docs: Update UI text by @patrickluoyu in #3461
- fix: Fix the External services cause the "Services" page to crash by @harrisonliu5 in #3455
- fix: The gidMax and gidMin in the storage class GlusterFs are not format checked by @weili520 in #3467
- fix: For single-cluster environments, the 'Update kubeconfig' button should be canceled. by @weili520 in #3468
- feat: Support to edit continuous deployments settings by @EliChen95 in #3464
- fix: Fix the key is not display in LoadBalancer by @harrisonliu5 in #3460
- fix: When accessing an edge node, the page is blank and no content is displayed by @weili520 in #3448
- docs: Update UI text. by @patrickluoyu in #3470
- feat: Add reminder to sync locales files in command before compiling by @harrisonliu5 in #3462
- fix: Modify the route of the dashboard when another role login in. by @harrisonliu5 in #3471
- docs: Change 'grayscale release job' to 'grayscale release task' by @patrickluoyu in #3472
- docs: Update UI text of log search by @patrickluoyu in #3474
- docs: Update UI text of grayscale release by @patrickluoyu in #3488
- fix: When you do not select key or path to save, there is no prompt information on the page. by @weili520 in #3489
- fix: Replace atob for encod encryption in login by @harrisonliu5 in #3490
- docs: Change 'Details' to 'Attributes' by @patrickluoyu in #3510
- fix: Update delete text for storageclass by @weili520 in #3511
- fix: Display volume template info in statefulsets setting modal by @weili520 in #3522
- docs: Update UI text of image builders by @patrickluoyu in #3523
- docs: Fix bug of UI text by @patrickluoyu in #3529
- docs: Update UI text for release 3.3.1 by @patrickluoyu in #3525
- New Crowdin updates by @ks-crowdin-bot in #3431
- fix: Add empty message in image builder create modal by @harrisonliu5 in #3524
- docs: Fix bug of UI text by @patrickluoyu in #3535
- docs: Update UI text of project deletion by @patrickluoyu in #3539
- fix: application's updatetime always is current time by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3451
- fix: traffic allocation fails after taking over traffic in the canary release modal. by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3473
- refactor: Replace the labelsData api with the nodelabels api by @bunnymiao in #3512
- fix: Avoid the being deleting Pipelines on the list page by @bunnymiao in #3513
- clear non ascii char in user.extraname by @supu2 in #2190
- New Crowdin updates by @ks-crowdin-bot in #3536
- fix: Modify the cluster module key of edge node by @harrisonliu5 in #3545
- fix: Modify the api of get cluster list in different user login by @harrisonliu5 in #3549
- fix: User with cluster view role, view storage class details error by @weili520 in #3553
- fix: Fix ingress monitoring data time unit by @iawia002 in #3547
- fix: misbehaving when editing or deleting an image of the same name by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3543
- fix: inaccurate container missing validation hints by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3554
- feat: Support CD directory recurse by @EliChen95 in #3558
- fix: Give the cluster view role when a list of clusters can be obtained by @harrisonliu5 in #3562
- fix: Support the logs wrapping by @ChroNusscar in #3408
- fix: Table pgaesize scroll style by @weili520 in #3573
- fix: OAuth login state error by @EliChen95 in #3564
- fix: Missing openelb annotation hint when editing service of type loadbalancer by @weili520 in #3578
- fix: Get snapshotclass api warning by @weili520 in #3580
- fix: When you do not select key or path to save, you cant save it by @weili520 in #3579
- fix: Fix the limit not change in pagination by @harrisonliu5 in #3581
- fix: App review list page settings pagination fault by @weili520 in #3587
- fix: Fix some bugs with testing in rc0 by @harrisonliu5 in #3589
- docs: Update UI text of 'Add Cluster' by @patrickluoyu in #3593
- feat: Support load pipeline steps by api by @EliChen95 in #3592
- fix: Fix the query param of role template in role detail page by @harrisonliu5 in #3597
- fix: failed to create routing rules in ipv6 and ipv4 dual-stack environment by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3577
- fix: Fix router data is incorrect after canceling editing by @harrisonliu5 in
v3.4.1 🌈
What’s Changed
- Revert "fix: Fix the text description of deleting expired branches in a multi-branch pipeline setup is inaccurate." (#4248) @yazhouio
- feat: Add imagebuilder in DevOps module (#4203) @Ganbingkun
- fix: fix the tag version of image after the tag is selected (#4228) @harrisonliu5
- Fix Api Documentation Link (#4192) @lamadome
- New Crowdin updates (#4154) @ks-ci-bot
🚀 Features
- feat: add github action (#4229) @littleBlackHouse
- [ks-3.4.1]feat: Devops pipeline run detail page add params tab (#4212) @yazhouio
- fix: Appdeploy schemaform support select (#3415) @SongJXin
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: remove the how to modify platform info in base info (#4252) @harrisonliu5
- fix: HPA api response 404 (#4249) @donniean
- feat: update zh document link in config.yaml (#4244) @donniean
- revert: recovery kubeconfig type when create credential (#4245) @donniean
- fix: resolved ProjectSelectModal styles problem (#4242) @donniean
- fix: fix the devops page is block (#4240) @harrisonliu5
- fix: fix the window have scroller when it have hpa card (#4238) @harrisonliu5
- fix: Fix error in AppStore (#4234) @nyuxiao
- fix(action): change main runtime. (#4235) @littleBlackHouse
- fix(action): change image-registry and tag retrieval method (#4232) @littleBlackHouse
- fix: The 0 in pvc autosizer input can not be deleted (#4227) @harrisonliu5
- doc: Fix Storage Class translation mistakes (#4186) @Hanmo123
- fix: Optimize the tag input to automatically fill in the value when it loses focus (#4225) @harrisonliu5
- fix: Fix devops pipeline too large run logs (#4221) @yazhouio
- fix: Fix deploy the app by template not get the detail (#4224) @harrisonliu5
- fix: Remove kubeconfig type when create credential (#4222) @yazhouio
- fix: Add link at pipeline run log list to detail page (#4220) @yazhouio
- fix: notify message before run pipeline (#4219) @yazhouio
- fix: [devops 3.4.1] fix devops pipeline run log (#1772) (#4218) @yazhouio
- fix: Fix parameters defined in pipeline not passed to jenkins (#4217) @yazhouio
- fix: Set disabled when cluster is not ready or not install devops (#4216) @yazhouio
- feat: Pipeline detail add code repo attr (#4215) @yazhouio
- fix: Fix the status of schedule in pod schedule page (#4214) @harrisonliu5
- fix: Fix the type of number when entering the routing rule path (#4213) @harrisonliu5
- fix: Count table body height for filter button's dropdown content (#4211) @harrisonliu5
- style: Update dashboard history card style (#4210) @harrisonliu5
- fix: fix project gateway not display in cluster (#4209) @harrisonliu5
- fix: No termination seconds in multi project (#1001) (#4207) @yazhouio
- fix: Fix pipeline shell command can't save (#4206) @yazhouio
- doc: Fix a Chinese alias (#4201) @studyingwang23
- fix: support to run in ARM64 environment (#4102) @gunine
- fix:Updating crd resource on ks-console page loses status information (#3866) @yzxiu
- style: fix incorrect style for IsolateInfo and RuleInfo of Network Policy panel (#4180) @nekomeowww
- fix: Update k8s api version (#4190) @harrisonliu5
- fix: Fix error in applications template page (#5873) (#4188) @ic0xgkk
- feat: Cherry pick LADP (#4187) @fuchunlan
- fix: Update opensearch field (#4184) @fuchunlan
- fix: Update the apiVersion of notification config and receiver (#4183) @fuchunlan
- fix: Update monitors charts style to fix TinyArea not show bug (#4182) @fuchunlan
📝 Documentation updates
- dos: fix some words in mistakes (#4226) @harrisonliu5
- fix: Fix the text description of deleting expired branches in a multi-branch pipeline setup is inaccurate. (#4223) @yazhouio
- doc: fix the poc description (#4195) @harrisonliu5
v3.4.1-alpha.1 🌈
[release-3.4] feat: update zh document link in config.yaml (#4247) feat: update zh document link in config.yaml Signed-off-by: donniean <> Co-authored-by: donniean <>
What's Changed
- fix: Form can't save when creating a workload by @weili520 in #3416
- fix: Path parsing error in windows environment by @ifgao in #3420
- fix: Render wrong form item while multiple branch by @EliChen95 in #3427
- Setting the hostpath is required when mounting the hostpath storage volume to an application by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3411
- fix: canary release is invalid, when multiple operating systems are selected by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3426
- fix:the associated hpa hasn't been deleted when use the command line to delete the deployment by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3430
- fix: Restore source data while reselect and changing back to source type by @EliChen95 in #3428
- fix: Fix the valide of referer url by @harrisonliu5 in #3425
- fix: docs in pipeline page 404 not found by @PrajwalBorkar in #3433
- fix: Wrong "volumeBindingMode" params when I add PVC by @weili520 in #3434
- feat: Support for modifying the number of data per page of table by @weili520 in #3435
- docs: Update UI text of creation/update time by @patrickluoyu in #3436
- docs: modify git commit command line and add signature reference documentation by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3432
- fix: Optimize the 'Application governance' parameter on the app details page by @weili520 in #3440
- fix: Workspace members with only the 'App Template Viewing' permission are allowed to replace Helm charts by @weili520 in #3441
- fix: Display the type of each workload on the app details page by @weili520 in #3444
- fix: Remove the 'App' field on the composed app details page by @weili520 in #3443
- fix: The node terminal is always showing connecting status by @weili520 in #3447
- feat: add feishu in notification and update the version of notification api by @harrisonliu5 in #3438
- feat: Support batch stop workloads by @weili520 in #3452
- fix: Missing openelb annotation hint when creating service of type loadbalancer by @weili520 in #3456
- refactor: Avoid using API tojson and tojenkinsfile by @bunnymiao in #3450
- feat: Support to set helm and kustomize parameters of an application by @EliChen95 in #3454
- fix: Update OpenELB check url by @weili520 in #3458
- fix: Add monitoring items to the custom monitoring panel, and the monitoring indicators display errors by @weili520 in #3459
- fix: incorrect parameters were created by glusterfs storageclass by @weili520 in #3442
- fix: Status icon not show in multi-cluster deployment by @weili520 in #3457
- docs: Update UI text by @patrickluoyu in #3461
- fix: Fix the External services cause the "Services" page to crash by @harrisonliu5 in #3455
- fix: The gidMax and gidMin in the storage class GlusterFs are not format checked by @weili520 in #3467
- fix: For single-cluster environments, the 'Update kubeconfig' button should be canceled. by @weili520 in #3468
- feat: Support to edit continuous deployments settings by @EliChen95 in #3464
- fix: Fix the key is not display in LoadBalancer by @harrisonliu5 in #3460
- fix: When accessing an edge node, the page is blank and no content is displayed by @weili520 in #3448
- docs: Update UI text. by @patrickluoyu in #3470
- feat: Add reminder to sync locales files in command before compiling by @harrisonliu5 in #3462
- fix: Modify the route of the dashboard when another role login in. by @harrisonliu5 in #3471
- docs: Change 'grayscale release job' to 'grayscale release task' by @patrickluoyu in #3472
- docs: Update UI text of log search by @patrickluoyu in #3474
- docs: Update UI text of grayscale release by @patrickluoyu in #3488
- fix: When you do not select key or path to save, there is no prompt information on the page. by @weili520 in #3489
- fix: Replace atob for encod encryption in login by @harrisonliu5 in #3490
- docs: Change 'Details' to 'Attributes' by @patrickluoyu in #3510
- fix: Update delete text for storageclass by @weili520 in #3511
- fix: Display volume template info in statefulsets setting modal by @weili520 in #3522
- docs: Update UI text of image builders by @patrickluoyu in #3523
- docs: Fix bug of UI text by @patrickluoyu in #3529
- docs: Update UI text for release 3.3.1 by @patrickluoyu in #3525
- New Crowdin updates by @ks-crowdin-bot in #3431
- fix: Add empty message in image builder create modal by @harrisonliu5 in #3524
- docs: Fix bug of UI text by @patrickluoyu in #3535
- docs: Update UI text of project deletion by @patrickluoyu in #3539
- fix: application's updatetime always is current time by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3451
- fix: traffic allocation fails after taking over traffic in the canary release modal. by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3473
- refactor: Replace the labelsData api with the nodelabels api by @bunnymiao in #3512
- fix: Avoid the being deleting Pipelines on the list page by @bunnymiao in #3513
- clear non ascii char in user.extraname by @supu2 in #2190
- New Crowdin updates by @ks-crowdin-bot in #3536
- fix: Modify the cluster module key of edge node by @harrisonliu5 in #3545
- fix: Modify the api of get cluster list in different user login by @harrisonliu5 in #3549
- fix: User with cluster view role, view storage class details error by @weili520 in #3553
- fix: Fix ingress monitoring data time unit by @iawia002 in #3547
- fix: misbehaving when editing or deleting an image of the same name by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3543
- fix: inaccurate container missing validation hints by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3554
- feat: Support CD directory recurse by @EliChen95 in #3558
- fix: Give the cluster view role when a list of clusters can be obtained by @harrisonliu5 in #3562
- fix: Support the logs wrapping by @ChroNusscar in #3408
- fix: Table pgaesize scroll style by @weili520 in #3573
- fix: OAuth login state error by @EliChen95 in #3564
- fix: Missing openelb annotation hint when editing service of type loadbalancer by @weili520 in #3578
- fix: Get snapshotclass api warning by @weili520 in #3580
- fix: When you do not select key or path to save, you cant save it by @weili520 in #3579
- fix: Fix the limit not change in pagination by @harrisonliu5 in #3581
- fix: App review list page settings pagination fault by @weili520 in #3587
- fix: Fix some bugs with testing in rc0 by @harrisonliu5 in #3589
- docs: Update UI text of 'Add Cluster' by @patrickluoyu in #3593
- feat: Support load pipeline steps by api by @EliChen95 in #3592
- fix: Fix the query param of role template in role detail page by @harrisonliu5 in #3597
- fix: failed to create routing rules in ipv6 and ipv4 dual-stack environment by @zhaohuiweixiao in #3577
- fix: Fix router data is incorrect after canceling editing by @harrisonliu5 in
v3.3.1 🌈
Enhancements & Updates
- Add support for editing credentials of the kubeconfig file in the pipeline UI.(console#3864, @harrisonliu5)
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where Jenkins updates are not synchronized in real time. (ks-devops#837, @chilianyi)
- Fix the cron expression check failure of Jenkins. (ks-devops#784, @LinuxSuRen)
- Fix an issue where users fail to check the CI/CD template.(ks-devops-helm-chart#80, @chilianyi)
- Remove the
tag from the CI/CD template and replacekubernetesDeploy
.(ks-devops-helm-chart#81, @chilianyi) - Fix an issue where pipeline parameters are not updated in time.(console#3864, @harrisonliu5)
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where users fail to create routing rules in IPv6 and IPv4 dual-stack environments.(console#3604, @zhaohuiweixiao)
- Update the OpenELB check URL. (console#3550, @harrisonliu5)
App Store
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where the HTTP cookie is empty while sending the traffic update policy request on the traffic monitor page of an application.(console#3836, @mujinhuakai)
Bug Fixes
- Set
as a required option when users are mounting volumes. (console#3478, @zhaohuiweixiao) - Update storageClass-accessor, so that deleting storage resources no longer requires accessor validation.(kubesphere#5271,@f10atin9)
Bug Fixes
- Fix inaccurate time unit of the monitoring metrics.(console#3557, @iawia002)
- Change the ratio of
to 0.95. (kubesphere#5132, @iawia002)
Authentication & Authorization
Bug Fixes
- Add support for filtering workspace roles using the LabelSelector. (kubesphere#5162, @zhou1203)
- Add support for customizing or randomly setting an initial amdin password.(ks-install#2067,@pixiake)
- Delete annotations in
.(ks-install#2062,@zhou1203) - Fix an issue where
cannot view and manage the configmap, secret, and service account.(ks-install#2082,@zhou1203) - Delete role
.(ks-install#2094,@zhou1203) - Add role
. (ks-install#2095,@zhou1203) - Delete role
. (ks-install#2105,@zhou1203) - Block
. (ks-install#2122,@zhou1203)
KubeEdge Integration
Bug Fixes
- Change the cluster module key from
.(console#3548, @harrisonliu5)
User Experience
- Optimize image building of KubeSphere and the console.(console#3610, @zt1046656665)
- Fix an issue where the key is not display in LoadBalancer. (console#3503, @harrisonliu5)
- Fix an issue where no prompt is displayed when users do not fill in key and value in the LoadBalancer access mode.(console#3499, @weili520)
- Fix an issue where the update time of a service is incorrect on the detail page.(console#3803, @zhaohuiweixiao)
- Fix inaccurate prompt when users are adding an init container.(console#3561, @zhaohuiweixiao)
- Fix an issue where an error occurs while users enter Chinese characters in secret. (console#3774, @moweiwei)
- Add a prompt to remind users to select a language or artifact type when users are building images. (console#3534, @harrisonliu5)
- Fix an issue where the total number of pages is incorrectly displayed.(kubesphere#5201, @yongxingMa)
- Fix an issue where the update time of an application is incorrect. (console#3541, @zhaohuiweixiao)
- Add support for changing the number of items displayed on each page of a table.(console#3486, @weili520)
- Add support for batch stopping workloads. (console#3497, @harrisonliu5)
- Add the creator annotation to ensure information displayed on the pod detail page is consistent with other details pages. (console#3820, @zhaohuiweixiao)
- Fix a 404 issue in Documentation. (console#3484 @PrajwalBorkar)
- Add support for displaying the revision record when the workload type is
.(console#3819, @zhaohuiweixiao) - Add a support page. (console#3832, @yazhouio)
- Fix an issue where the status of a cluster remains true when the cluster fails to join Federation. (kubesphere#5137, @x893675)
- Fix an issue where traffic allocation fails in the canary release mode. (console#3542, @zhaohuiweixiao)
- Add support for duplicate name validation of containers. (console#3559, @zhaohuiweixiao)
- Add support for duplicate name validation of service names. (console#3696, @zhaohuiweixiao)
- Fix an issue where configurations do not take effect when users set the pod request to 0.(console#3827, @harrisonliu5)
- Fix an issue where canary release goes wrong when multiple operating systems are selected.(console#3479, @zhaohuiweixiao)
- Fix an issue where configmap configurations cannot be saved while users are creating a workload.(console#3416,@weili520)
API Changes
- Change the patch type of
.(kubesphere#5217, @zhou1203) - Fix the "No Cluster Available" issue during log search. (console#3555, @harrisonliu5)
v3.3.1-rc.3 🌈
[release-3.3] New Crowdin updates (#3783) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-applicationWorkloads-services-list.js (Chinese Traditional) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-applicationWorkloads-services-list.js (Hindi) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-applicationWorkloads-services-list.js (Turkish) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-applicationWorkloads-services-list.js (Chinese Simplified) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-applicationWorkloads-services-list.js (Polish) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-applicationWorkloads-services-list.js (Lithuanian) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-applicationWorkloads-services-list.js (French) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-applicationWorkloads-services-list.js (Spanish) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-applicationWorkloads-services-list.js (Arabic) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-applicationWorkloads-services-list.js (Korean) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-alertingPolicies-list.js (French) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-clusterStatus.js (Chinese Traditional) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-clusterStatus.js (Hindi) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-clusterStatus.js (Turkish) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-clusterStatus.js (Chinese Simplified) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-clusterStatus.js (Polish) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-alertingPolicies-list.js (Spanish) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-alertingPolicies-list.js (Arabic) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-alertingPolicies-list.js (Korean) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-alertingPolicies-list.js (Lithuanian) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-alertingPolicies-list.js (Polish) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-alertingPolicies-list.js (Turkish) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-alertingPolicies-list.js (Chinese Simplified) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-alertingPolicies-list.js (Chinese Traditional) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-alertingPolicies-list.js (Hindi) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-clusterStatus.js (Lithuanian) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-clusterStatus.js (French) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-clusterStatus.js (Spanish) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-clusterStatus.js (Arabic) * New translations l10n-clusterManagement-monitoring&Alerting-clusterStatus.js (Korean) Co-authored-by: ks-crowdin-bot <>
What's Changed
- docs: Merge from release-3.2 to resolve differences. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2727
- docs: Update locale package. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2728
- fix: Resource Monitor Modal selected time range does not work by @weili520 in #2722
- fix: Failed to create a statefulSet with a volume template added by @weili520 in #2730
- fix: Application deployment fails if we click too fast by @weili520 in #2735
- docs: Update locale package. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2741
- feat: Add an s2i tip for not supporting containerd runtime by @weili520 in #2734
- Add i18n items for the PipelineRun role by @LinuxSuRen in #2669
- fix : modify volume access mode 'ROM' to 'ROX'. by @123liubao in #2751
- fix: Fix the branch name not encode. by @harrisonliu5 in #2753
- Synchronize existing locale files in preparation for UI localization. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2754
- fix: Update gateway setting conflect by @weili520 in #2758
- fix: Gateway time range switch problem by @weili520 in #2759
- docs: Add localization guide. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2766
- New Crowdin updates by @ks-crowdin-bot in #2761
- add build support for multiple platforms by @zryfish in #2764
- fix: Gpu limit validation error by @weili520 in #2765
- fix: Update gateway Replicas error by @weili520 in #2773
- fix: Terminal log 403 error if user not login by @weili520 in #2775
- fix: App categories name is 'all' by @weili520 in #2783
- fix: Fix the wrong url of the harbor image by @harrisonliu5 in #2784
- fix: highlight the matched keywords in the query result of gateway logs by @weili520 in #2778
- docs: Update localization guide. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2781
- fix: Delete update button on gateway page if the gateway doesn't need to update by @weili520 in #2769
- docs: Update EN Locales by @Felixnoo in #2788
- fix: Document link error by @weili520 in #2794
- fix: Fix the url is http need annotations in docker repo secret by @harrisonliu5 in #2795
- feat: Add more support for language configuration by @xuliwenwenwen in #2782
- fix: Hide the operation button that is no run id in pipeline by @harrisonliu5 in #2804
- fix: Fix the null of gateway data in access page of composing app by @harrisonliu5 in #2802
- fix: Fix the link of gateway pod container by @harrisonliu5 in #2807
- New Crowdin updates by @ks-crowdin-bot in #2772
- Fix CVE-2021-28831 by @RolandMa1986 in #2813
- fix: After editing the pipeline configuration, the pipeline disappears by @weili520 in #2814
- docs: Add preview environment address to l10n guide. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2815
- fix: Incorrect information for exceeding the resource limit by @weili520 in #2809
- docs: Update locale package. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2823
- docs: Update l10n guide. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2824
- fix failing docker build by @zryfish in #2825
- docs: Update language options. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2828
- docs: Fix minor issue in localization guide. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2831
- New Crowdin updates by @ks-crowdin-bot in #2822
- fix: Notification condition filter custom tag value validation rules. by @xuliwenwenwen in #2832
- fix: The data is empty when modifying the stateful service during creating apps by @weili520 in #2845
- fix: Update container resource occupation validation strategy by @weili520 in #2846
- fix: Gateway configuration options input error by @weili520 in #2847
- fix: Add environment variables validation and tips by @weili520 in #2843
- fix: Deleted pv still in the table list by @weili520 in #2857
- fix: Update Secrets failed for multi cluster project by @weili520 in #2864
- fix: Update PV table item available action by @weili520 in #2860
- fix: Update configMap failed for multi-cluster project by @weili520 in #2869
- fix: Update application routes failed for multi-cluster project by @weili520 in #2868
- fix: Can't search table data by name by @weili520 in #2865
- fix: Can't validate Image registry information after updating host cluster name in multi-cluster project by @weili520 in #2867
- fix: Gpu tip info error and gpu limit number error by @weili520 in #2863
- fix: Disable PVC expand, clone and create snapshot when it's in pending by @weili520 in #2859
- fix: Add prompt information for button in log search detail page by @weili520 in #2874
- fix: User-defined resource quota and GPU limit are not displayed in the quotas card for the multi-cluster project by @weili520 in #2873
- fix: The number of worker nodes is incorrect by @weili520 in #2878
- fix: Cancel gpu field when edit project quota by @weili520 in #2879
- fix: Delete gpu field when editing project default resource by @weili520 in #2880
- fix: The quantity unit of the container group quota is incorrect by @weili520 in #2881
- fix: Yaml content is not matched with the monitoring template type by @weili520 in #2882
- fix: The replicas count is covered by the operation button when creating a composing Application in the multi-cluster project by @weili520 in #2883
- fix: prompt is missing a period by @weili520 in #2884
- fix: Platform version incorrect by @weili520 in #2887
- fix: Pipeline start time invalid by @weili520 in #2885
- fix: Devops are not shown in grey disabled mode. by @tracer1023 in #2889
- fix: Can't enter PV detail page in member cluster by @weili520 in #2894
- fix: Delete gpu field when creating workload by @weili520 in #2895
- feat: Add shell access to nodes by @lynxcat in #2888
- fix: Error occurs on the console when the time range is not set. by @tracer1023 in #2897
- fix: Fix the data of gateway not have the key of metric.ingress by @harrisonliu5 in #2900
- fix: Invalid API request of listing s2ibuildertemplates in multi-cluster environment by @weili520 in #2901
- fix: Verify devops project name input by @mangoGoForward in #2905
- fix: User can't edit resource limit for workload during create deloyment by @weili520 in #2911
- fix: Block users from submitting updates when gateway configuration verification fails by @weili520 in #2909
- fix: Block users from going to the next step when the metadata validation fails by @weili520 in #2908
- fix: Modify the mouse display mode。 by @tracer1023 in #2896
- fix: Block users submit updates when environment variable verification fails by @weili520 in #2907
- fix: Fix the page block by search image without permission by @harrisonliu5 in #2913
- fix: Webhook token and auth should be required fields by @xuliwenwenwen in #2903
- fix: In the composed app's details page, users cannot customize the time interval for the traffic monitoring by @weil...
What's Changed
- docs: Merge from release-3.2 to resolve differences. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2727
- docs: Update locale package. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2728
- fix: Resource Monitor Modal selected time range does not work by @weili520 in #2722
- fix: Failed to create a statefulSet with a volume template added by @weili520 in #2730
- fix: Application deployment fails if we click too fast by @weili520 in #2735
- docs: Update locale package. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2741
- feat: Add an s2i tip for not supporting containerd runtime by @weili520 in #2734
- Add i18n items for the PipelineRun role by @LinuxSuRen in #2669
- fix : modify volume access mode 'ROM' to 'ROX'. by @123liubao in #2751
- fix: Fix the branch name not encode. by @harrisonliu5 in #2753
- Synchronize existing locale files in preparation for UI localization. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2754
- fix: Update gateway setting conflect by @weili520 in #2758
- fix: Gateway time range switch problem by @weili520 in #2759
- docs: Add localization guide. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2766
- New Crowdin updates by @ks-crowdin-bot in #2761
- add build support for multiple platforms by @zryfish in #2764
- fix: Gpu limit validation error by @weili520 in #2765
- fix: Update gateway Replicas error by @weili520 in #2773
- fix: Terminal log 403 error if user not login by @weili520 in #2775
- fix: App categories name is 'all' by @weili520 in #2783
- fix: Fix the wrong url of the harbor image by @harrisonliu5 in #2784
- fix: highlight the matched keywords in the query result of gateway logs by @weili520 in #2778
- docs: Update localization guide. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2781
- fix: Delete update button on gateway page if the gateway doesn't need to update by @weili520 in #2769
- docs: Update EN Locales by @Felixnoo in #2788
- fix: Document link error by @weili520 in #2794
- fix: Fix the url is http need annotations in docker repo secret by @harrisonliu5 in #2795
- feat: Add more support for language configuration by @xuliwenwenwen in #2782
- fix: Hide the operation button that is no run id in pipeline by @harrisonliu5 in #2804
- fix: Fix the null of gateway data in access page of composing app by @harrisonliu5 in #2802
- fix: Fix the link of gateway pod container by @harrisonliu5 in #2807
- New Crowdin updates by @ks-crowdin-bot in #2772
- Fix CVE-2021-28831 by @RolandMa1986 in #2813
- fix: After editing the pipeline configuration, the pipeline disappears by @weili520 in #2814
- docs: Add preview environment address to l10n guide. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2815
- fix: Incorrect information for exceeding the resource limit by @weili520 in #2809
- docs: Update locale package. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2823
- docs: Update l10n guide. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2824
- fix failing docker build by @zryfish in #2825
- docs: Update language options. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2828
- docs: Fix minor issue in localization guide. by @Patrick-LuoYu in #2831
- New Crowdin updates by @ks-crowdin-bot in #2822
- fix: Notification condition filter custom tag value validation rules. by @xuliwenwenwen in #2832
- fix: The data is empty when modifying the stateful service during creating apps by @weili520 in #2845
- fix: Update container resource occupation validation strategy by @weili520 in #2846
- fix: Gateway configuration options input error by @weili520 in #2847
- fix: Add environment variables validation and tips by @weili520 in #2843
- fix: Deleted pv still in the table list by @weili520 in #2857
- fix: Update Secrets failed for multi cluster project by @weili520 in #2864
- fix: Update PV table item available action by @weili520 in #2860
- fix: Update configMap failed for multi-cluster project by @weili520 in #2869
- fix: Update application routes failed for multi-cluster project by @weili520 in #2868
- fix: Can't search table data by name by @weili520 in #2865
- fix: Can't validate Image registry information after updating host cluster name in multi-cluster project by @weili520 in #2867
- fix: Gpu tip info error and gpu limit number error by @weili520 in #2863
- fix: Disable PVC expand, clone and create snapshot when it's in pending by @weili520 in #2859
- fix: Add prompt information for button in log search detail page by @weili520 in #2874
- fix: User-defined resource quota and GPU limit are not displayed in the quotas card for the multi-cluster project by @weili520 in #2873
- fix: The number of worker nodes is incorrect by @weili520 in #2878
- fix: Cancel gpu field when edit project quota by @weili520 in #2879
- fix: Delete gpu field when editing project default resource by @weili520 in #2880
- fix: The quantity unit of the container group quota is incorrect by @weili520 in #2881
- fix: Yaml content is not matched with the monitoring template type by @weili520 in #2882
- fix: The replicas count is covered by the operation button when creating a composing Application in the multi-cluster project by @weili520 in #2883
- fix: prompt is missing a period by @weili520 in #2884
- fix: Platform version incorrect by @weili520 in #2887
- fix: Pipeline start time invalid by @weili520 in #2885
- fix: Devops are not shown in grey disabled mode. by @tracer1023 in #2889
- fix: Can't enter PV detail page in member cluster by @weili520 in #2894
- fix: Delete gpu field when creating workload by @weili520 in #2895
- feat: Add shell access to nodes by @lynxcat in #2888
- fix: Error occurs on the console when the time range is not set. by @tracer1023 in #2897
- fix: Fix the data of gateway not have the key of metric.ingress by @harrisonliu5 in #2900
- fix: Invalid API request of listing s2ibuildertemplates in multi-cluster environment by @weili520 in #2901
- fix: Verify devops project name input by @mangoGoForward in #2905
- fix: User can't edit resource limit for workload during create deloyment by @weili520 in #2911
- fix: Block users from submitting updates when gateway configuration verification fails by @weili520 in #2909
- fix: Block users from going to the next step when the metadata validation fails by @weili520 in #2908
- fix: Modify the mouse display mode。 by @tracer1023 in #2896
- fix: Block users submit updates when environment variable verification fails by @weili520 in #2907
- fix: Fix the page block by search image without permission by @harrisonliu5 in #2913
- fix: Webhook token and auth should be required fields by @xuliwenwenwen in #2903
- fix: In the composed app's details page, users cannot customize the time interval for the traffic monitoring by @weil...
New Features and Enhancements
New Features
- Add support for filtering Pods by status. (#4434, @iawia002, #2620, @weili520)
- Add a tip in the image builder creation dialog box, which indicates that containerd is not supported. (#2734, @weili520)
- Add information about available quotas in the Edit Project Quotas dialog box. (#2619, @weili520)
- Change the password verification rules to prevent passwords without uppercase letters. (#4481, @live77)
- Fix a login issue, where a user from an LDAP identity provider cannot log in if information about the user does not exist on KubeSphere. (#4436, @RolandMa1986)
- Fix an issue where cluster gateway metrics cannot be obtained. (#4457, @RolandMa1986)
- Fix incorrect access modes displayed in the volume list. (#2686, @weili520)
- Remove the Update button on the Gateway Settings page. (#2608, @weili520)
- Fix a display error of the time range selection drop-down list. (#2715, @weili520)
- Fix an issue where Secret data text is not displayed correctly when the text is too long. (#2600, @weili520)
- Fix an issue where StatefulSet creation fails when a volume template is mounted. (#2730, @weili520)
- Fix an issue where cluster gateway information fails to be obtained when the user does not have permission to view cluster information. (#2695, @harrisonliu5)
- Fix an issue where status and run records of pipelines are not automatically updated. (#2594, @harrisonliu5)
- Add a tip for the kubernetesDeply pipeline step, which indicates that the step is about to be deprecated. (#2660, @harrisonliu5)
- Fix an issue where HTTP registry addresses of image registry Secrets cannot be validated. (#2795, @harrisonliu5)
- Fix the incorrect URL of the Harbor image. (#2784, @harrisonliu5)
- Fix a display error of log search results. (#2598, @weili520)
- Fix an error in the volume instance YAML configuration. (#2629, @weili520)
- Fix incorrect available workspace quotas displayed in the Edit Project Quotas dialog box. (#2613, @weili520)
- Fix an issue in the Monitoring dialog box, where the time range selection drop-down list does not function properly. (#2722, @weili520)
- Fix incorrect available quotas displayed in the Deployment creation page. (#2668, @weili520)
- Change the documentation address to and (#2628, @weili520)
- Fix an issue where Deployment volume settings cannot be modified. (#2656, @weili520)
- Fix an issue where the container terminal cannot be accessed when the browser language is not English, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese. (#2702, @weili520)
- Fix incorrect volume status displayed in the Deployment editing dialog box. (#2622, @weili520)
- Remove labels displayed on the credential details page. (#2621, @123liubao)