Student project for Algorithms & Data Structures. There are two implemented algorithms: Dijkstra and Prim. It is console application written in C# and .NET.
I am using MSAGL.
You need file like below
# number of Nodes
Nodes = 4
# every node is made of 3 different variables (id, X coordinate, Y coordinate)
1 0 50
2 30 56
3 45 32
4 50 23
# number of Edges
Edges = 5
# every edge is made of 3 different variables (id, begin Node, end Node)
# in the same time begin Node is end Node but in different direction (2 way edge: A->B == B->A)
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 3 4
4 4 2
5 1 3
Every line with '#' sign will be ignored, so you can use it easly like // in C# to comment something. Do not start ID of Nodes and Edges from 0. It's numbered from 1. Number after '=' sign is the number of Nodes or Edges that graph contains.