First time using c++, my main language i used before was python.
U been warned !!!!
I got bored waiting on 2017 / epoch for Arma3... So i decided to write up an C++ Extension for Arma3server.
- Multi-Part Messages (i.e if output > outputsize set by arma)
- Multi-Threading Sync / ASync Commands
- Supports Mysql / SQlite / ODBC (via Poco Library)
- C++ Compiler
- Poco Library http://pocoproject.org/ (note some more db features in 1.5 branch)
- Boost Library http://www.boost.org/
Please note conf-main.ini + sqlite database if u are using one,
both need to be in your arma3 directory and not @extdb.
Its my todo list to fix
Windows sdk 7.1 + VS2010sp1 + libboost 1.55.0 + poco-1.4.6p4 + tbb42_20140601oss Using VS2010sp1 due to bug with boost + vs2013 (fix already in dev boost version). Didn't feel it was worth time to figure out if bug would effect code
- 32bit libraries of boost_filesystem boost_system boost_thread
- 32bit Poco-1.4.6p4
Check your distro version of poco i.e poco-1.4.6p4
Ubuntu is using debian stable version of poco (its abit old).
Download latest version, compile + build + install into /usr/local etc ... (Readup on checkinstall, will make it easier to remove it in the future)
To compile type "make extdb"
cp extdb.so over to arma3 u can put into seperate directory if u like i.e @extdb or just dump it into arma3 directory
Will revisit issue later to see if i can come with solution.. When i used libpoco classloader, it seems to cause arma3server to not be able to load dll for some reason :(
As in like to use thier malloc, system thanks