Single header C99 compiler (TCC)
Entire core of TCC compiler in one file. Including all architectures. 52000 LOC
Including my modifications and improvements.
It may be painful to deal with complex build systems and files may harm code navigation and/or understanding. Many people prefer single header libraries, and this is just that, entire compiler is here.
The most simple command will be
For Unix
gcc tinycc.c -ldl -lpthread
or bootstrap:
tcc tinycc.c -ldl -lpthread
For win32
gcc tinycc.c
or more explicit, both commands equalent, x86 is default.
gcc tinycc.c -DTCC_TARGET_PE -DTCC_TARGET_I386
For win64
gcc tinycc.c -DTCC_TARGET_PE -DTCC_TARGET_X86_64
You can add compile defines options youself, look into the file and see what is available or what you need.
#include <windows.h> /*or on unix*/ #include <stdlib.h>
//This declaration is required to make printf external.
int printf(char *format, ...);
//See tinycc.c on how to do argc and argv
int _start()
MessageBox(NULL, NULL, "Hello World", 0); //windows only
printf("Hello World\n"); //crt is usable
return 1;
To include CRT on windows link library using -luser32 for example. This will link to a dll using user32.def file in ./lib For reference refer to tinycc.c file.
tcc test.c -luser32
Have not tested on Arm, riscv64 but it should work unless i screwed up.
- Add intel assembly support (initial parser done)
- Add vector instructions support.