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YAML in four minutes. |
Mon Dec 19 2022 09:23:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
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yaml-in-four-minutes |
software-development, cloud-computing, yaml, codenewbies |
The YAML language is serialized much like XML and JSON often used to create configuration files with any programming language. Data can be transferred using YAML using a common format. YAML files have an extension of either .yml or .yaml, both of which work. YAML is human-readable.
YAML means Yaml Ain’t Markup Language. In recent years, configuration files have become increasingly popular in this format. With YAML, there are a few key differences between XML and JSON.
YAML uses line separation and indentation, while JSON and XML use special characters.
user services:
name: Collins Boit
job: Software Developer
- Java
- Typescript
JSON objects are delimited by curly brackets ([ ]), therefore they appear as the first and last lines of a request. Except for the last pair, a JSON object contains one or more pairs of key-value pairs separated by commas.
"name": "Collins Boit",
"job": "Software Developer",
"skills": ["Java", "Typescript"]
For instance, the angle bracket ( < >) identifies the beginning of an element start- or end-tag. These special characters are represented by entities in XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<name>Collins Boit</name>
<job>Software Developer</job>
Configuration files: YAML is often used as a configuration file format because it is easy to read and write, and it can support complex data structures. For example, a web server might use a YAML file to store its configuration settings.
Infrastructure as code: YAML is often used in infrastructure as code (IaC) tools such as Ansible and Terraform, where which are the infrastructure and configuration for cloud-based systems.
Build scripts: YAML is often used in build scripts, such as those used in continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, to define the steps involved in building and deploying software.
Data storage: YAML is sometimes used as a simple data storage format, especially for storing data that needs to be human-readable and easy to edit.
Application localization: YAML is sometimes used to store localization strings for applications, allowing them to be easily translated into different languages.
In YAML, indentation is used to indicate nesting.
The key-value pairs are separated by a colon (:).
# Key-values are represented using the following syntax
# <key>: <value> where <key> represents name and <value> represents data, the space is mandatory
key: value
3. The list element is indented one level below the parent element and is denoted by a hyphen (-).
# The items in the following list will be treated as unique
- ElementOne
- ElementTwo
- ElementThree
4. Dictionary elements are indented one level below their parent elements and are denoted with a colon (:).
- ElementOne
- ElementTwo
- ElementThree
5. Normally, strings do not need to be quoted, but if they contain special characters or begin with certain characters, such as @, |, or >, then they should be quoted.
# In general, you don't need quotes.
# Use quotes to force a string, e.g. if your key or value is 10 but you want it to return a String and not a Fixnum, write '10' or "10".
# Use quotes if your value includes special characters, (e.g. :, {, }, [, ], ,, &, *, #, ?, |, -, <, >, =, !, %, @, \).
# Single quotes let you put almost any character in your string, and won't try to parse escape codes. '\n' would be returned as the string \n.
# Double quotes parse escape codes. "\n" would be returned as a line feed character.
# The exclamation mark introduces a method, e.g. !ruby/sym to return a Ruby symbol.
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19109912/yaml-do-i-need-quotes-for-strings-in-yaml
6. The notation for inline lists and dictionaries can be indicated with brackets ([] and {}) or with commas and curly braces (flow style).
os: [ubuntu, windows]
# and
- { name: 'Collins', age: 23 }
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