Change Log
-- liab-upload no longer updates node's config attributes, and only updates node's code -- use of util.inspect in liab-test fixed to display complete result object
-- liab-test will now utilizes util.inspect to display deep objects
-- liab-upload command will now update the node name if it has changed
-- Updating parsing of config flags to use if ('some_key' in ProjectConfigs) to test if key exists rather than check if object populated.
-- error message update and parsing report_buidler boolean flag from config.json
-- minor fixes for liab-init and liab-upload
-- devConfig created only when using liab init -e dev and not in liab create. liab init for a production environment does not create the file
- development id's for creating, initializing, and uploading nodes in development environment obtained through devCongif.json file which will now be ignored in liabnodes.
- only index.js, package.json, and config.json checked at top level of node directory. all other files (including filters.js) must be placed in lib directory of node.
- New gulp task to add lib folder to dis/. Cleanup now will remove all files AND folders from dist/
- fix liab-upload success message. '/upload' is now returning an updated node object, rather than success message
- testEvent now dynamically loads what is assigned in test.json.
- node domain names can now be added to project config files
- liab-upload will now look for a filters.js file to include in the dist
- Now sending package.json and config.json to LIAB. Minor fix for local dev uploading
- Fix: existing node properties won't be overwritten with null when uploading, if the properties exist on server but not in config.json
- Node description, expressions, and keys can now be added to config.json and updated on the server when "liab upload" is called.
- Added check for in "init" command. Will prompt usage of "upload" command if Id exists.
- Updated exports.handler boilerplate code to reflect Lambda Node.js v4 runtime changes
- Added "host" property to "event" argument
- Support for new "callback" argument in event.handler (only Node.js v4 Lambda runtime)
- Removed "dotenv" dependency for projects
- Updated liab-test to look for test cases in test.json, rather than being passed through command line
- The test event in liab-test now contains a "bot" property to pass test bot objects into the node
- Added config.json to store project info
- Happy birthday to me. What'd I get? A timer in the test method!
- Improved handling of different environments; use -e CLI option to send request to localhost
- New package name round 2! Hello, LIAB!
- init command saves the node's id to projects .env file
- upload command now uses update /nodes/{NODE_ID}/upload route
- test command now works with promises
- new init command decouples creation of node on server with updating of node
- New package name! Hello, Nerul.
- Package.json repo url now sent to Elf on upload
- Added lib/ to array of files in package.json
- Fixed bug with upload command
- Added "open [name]" command