In this document we go over how the backend is structured. Currently, it serves two related but distinct purposes:
- It provides a matchmaking functionality, where players join lobbies with other players hoping to start a game or create their own so others can join.
- Once a game starts, it acts as the authoritative server for it. It receives players' actions, updates the game state according to the rules of the game, then sends it back to players. We'll call this the gameplay functionality.
Having a p2p solution is not possible due to potential cheats and due to connectivity problems between cellphones. The server is responsible of coordinating state between clients and banning cheaters.
The architecture of the server should be as simple as possible.
- 1 process per player
- 1 game_state process
- N+1 processes in total with N being the number of players
- Clients send messages to the
process - Game state processes all messages in order
- The
, which is the clock of the game, is updated and the game state process sends a small delta update to all the players with the changes that were realized during the tick.
Most of the work is done during 3 where collision is detected, powers get consumed, crates get spawned or assigned to a client, damage and death are resolved.
- Go to 1.
We aim for the API provided to clients during a game to be as simple as possible:
- move(joystick_values): Allows a player to move through the board by providing joystick values corresponding to the direction of movement.
- use_skill(skill_name, joystick_values): Accepts joystick values for skill direction along with the skill name.
- refresh: Used to request the entire game state.
Additionally, the server can communicate various messages to the clients:
- game_started: Indicates the start of the game.
- game_finished: Signals the end of the game.
- state_update: Contains all the information about the game
- player_joined: Indicates a player joining the game.
- ping_update: Used to inquire about the server's ping.
For matchmaking to work, players should be able to join a game, which will automatically start once the lobby is full or we reach a time limit (whichever happens first).
There is a single process taking care of the matchmaking, the MatchingCoordinator
. This process is responsible for keeping track of a queue that receives all players that press the play button, launching a new game when it reaches the max capacity for a game or the time limit is reached (launching the game with bots).
When the game starts, each player connects to the server through a websocket. The server spawns a new process for each connection, which we'll call PlayWebSocket
. This process is responsible for handling the connection and relaying messages between the player and the game. We'll go into more detail about this later.
participant Player1
participant Server
participant MatchingSupervisor
participant MatchingSession
Player1->>Server: Create lobby
Server->>MatchingSupervisor: Create matchmaking session
MatchingSupervisor->>MatchingSession: Start child
MatchingSession->>MatchingSupervisor: PID
MatchingSupervisor->>Player1: Session ID (Encoded PID)
participant Player2
participant Server
participant MatchingSupervisor
participant MatchingSession
Player2->>Server: List lobbies
Server->>MatchingSupervisor: list_session_ids()
MatchingSupervisor->>Player2: [TKSvPBC9iiXaKrqxigozgYLja71X2s9txQPPqDznj, ...]
Player2->>Server: Join Lobby TKSvPBC9iiXaKrqxigozgYLja71X2s9txQPPqDznj
Server->>MatchingSession: call(matchmaking_session_pid, :add_player, player)
MatchingSession->>Server: OK
Server->>Player2: Lobby joined
Player1->>Server: Start game TKSvPBC9iiXaKrqxigozgYLja71X2s9txQPPqDznj
Server->>MatchingSession: call(matchmaking_session_pid, :start_game)
MatchingSession->>MatchingSession: Broadcast {:game_started, matchmaking_session_id, players}
MatchingSession->>MatchingSession: Terminate
When a game starts, two things happen:
- A game session is spawned by a
. ThisArena
starts a new childRunner
process, which holds the entire game's state and the logic to update it according to the players' actions. The PID of thisRunner
is encoded in a human friendly format and called thegame_session_id
. - Every player connects to the game through websocket under the
path. Each player's connection is handled by a separate cowboy websocket process, defined in thePlayWebSocket
module. On startup, the process saves the runner's PID so it can communicate with it. Inside the game, a player is the same as a websocket connection.
Let's go over the main gameplay flow. Let's say player_1
wants to move to the right one square. To do this, they send a JSON
frame over the socket that looks like this:
{"action": "move_with_joystick", "value": "{angle}"}
The corresponding PlayWebSocket
process picks it up, decodes it, then sends a message to the Runner
with the player's action like this:
GenServer.cast(runner_pid, {:move, user_id, action})
The Runner
's appropriate handler eventually picks up this message, which in this case looks like this:
def handle_cast({:move, user_id, %Move{angle: angle}, timestamp}, state) do
player_id = state.user_to_player[user_id] || user_id
game_state = Arena.move_player(state.game_state, player_id, angle)
state =
Map.put(state, :game_state, game_state)
|> put_in([:player_timestamps, user_id], timestamp)
{:noreply, state}
Every action handler updates the game state accordingly. We're managing game
updates through a tick rate. The runner sends a message to itself every 30ms and
does a broadcast of the new state. Currently, this is being done on the handler
that matches with :game_tick
You'll notice the websocket_init
function on the PlayWebSocket
process does (among other things) the following:
:ok = Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(Arena.PubSub, "game_play_#{game_id}")
This allows the socket processes to receive state updates they can then relay to the player.
Below are two diagrams summarizing the whole flow.
participant Player (Unity Client)
participant Server
participant Arena
participant Runner
participant PlayerWebSocket
Player (Unity Client)->>Server: Start Game
Server->>Arena: Start Runner
Arena->>Runner: Spawn child
Runner->>Arena: Runner PID
Arena->>Server: PID
Server->>Player (Unity Client): game_session_id
Player (Unity Client)->>Server: ws://.../play/:game_session_id
Server->>PlayerWebSocket: Handle connection
PlayerWebSocket->>PlayerWebSocket: PubSub.subscribe( game_session_topic)
participant Player (Unity Client)
participant PlayerWebSocket
participant Runner
Player (Unity Client)->>PlayerWebSocket: {"action": "move", "value": "right"}
PlayerWebSocket->>Runner: cast(runner_pid, {:play, player_id, {:move, :right}})
Runner->>Runner: Move player (update internal state)
Runner->>PlayerWebSocket: Broadcast(game_session_topic, {:game_update, new_state})
PlayerWebSocket->>Player (Unity Client): new_state
In the architecture walkthrough above, we glossed over how the game state is handled. This state is kept inside the Runner
process, but state transitions (players moving, attacking, etc) are computed in Rust. To call Rust code from Elixir we use Rustler, which allows us to write NIF
s; a way to call low level performant code inside the Erlang VM. You can read more about them here and here.
All the Rust game state code is located inside the native/gamestate
directory. The functions exposed to Elixir are all in the
file. Here's the function that we call to move players around the map:
fn move_player(game: GameState, player_id: u64, direction: Direction) -> GameState {
let mut game_2 = game;
game_2.move_player(player_id, direction);
The associated Elixir function is inside the Arena.Game
def move_player(_a, _b, _c), do: :erlang.nif_error(:nif_not_loaded)
The magic that makes this call Rust underneath is all inside this use
use Rustler, otp_app: :arena, crate: "gamestate"
Every Rust Struct has a corresponding Elixir struct that it maps to; calling the Elixir functions is transparent to someone using the API.