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Running locally

If you wish to run this 100% locally, you'll need to update a few pieces of the code, and download extra software. Because this application was built on top of the LangChain framework, modifying the code to run locally is simple.


To run locally, we'll employ Ollama for LLM inference and embeddings generation. For the vector store we'll use Chroma, a free open source vector store. For the record manager, we'll use a simple PostgreSQL database. And finally, to run Chroma and PostgreSQL you'll need to install Docker.



To download and manage Docker containers with a GUI, you can download OrbStack here. Once setup, we can install Chroma and PostgreSQL.


To download and start a Docker container running Chroma, first clone the official Chroma repository:

git clone

Next, navigate into the cloned repository and start the Docker container:

cd chroma
docker-compose up -d --build

That's it! Now, if you open OrbStack you should see a container named "Chroma" running.

Chroma Container


First, pull the PostgreSQL image:

docker pull postgres

Then, run this command to start the image.

docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres

Change "mysecretpassword" to your desired password.

Once finished you should see a second container running in OrbStack named "postgres"

Chroma and PostgreSQL Container


To download Ollama, click here and select your operating system to download. Follow along with their onboarding setup.

Next, download the following models:

  • mistral: This model will be used for question rephrasing and answer generation.
  • nomic-embed-text: We'll use this model for embeddings generation.

Code changes

Ingest script

To update your ingest script to run using Chroma and your locally running PostgreSQL image, you only need to modify a few lines of code. First, navigate to the /backend/src/ingest.ts file.

Then, find the ingestDocs function and update the first if statement to instead check for your PostgreSQL database credentials.

DATABASE_NAME="your-db-name" # Replace this with your database name.

You'll also need to create a database inside your PostgreSQL container:

docker exec -it postgres createdb -U postgres your-db-name

Next, find the getEmbeddingsModel and replace its contents with an OllamaEmbeddings instance:

import { OllamaEmbeddings } from "@langchain/community/embeddings/ollama";

function getEmbeddingsModel(): Embeddings {
  return new OllamaEmbeddings({
    model: "nomic-embed-text",

For our databases, we'll want to set one more environment variable to track our collection name (similar to the index name for Weaviate):

COLLECTION_NAME="your-collection-name" # Change this to your collection name

Directly below where this function is invoked, you can delete the WeaviateStore class instantiation and replace it with a Chroma class instantiation:

import { Chroma } from "@langchain/community/vectorstores/chroma";

const vectorStore = new Chroma(embeddings, {
  collectionName: process.env.COLLECTION_NAME

Then, update the record manager namespace:

const recordManager = new PostgresRecordManager(
    postgresConnectionOptions: connectionOptions,

Finally, you can delete the Weaviate specific stats code at the end of the function (this is just for logging info on how many items are stored in the database).

API Endpoints

Next, we need to update the API endpoints to use Ollama for local LLM inference, and Chroma for document retrieval.

Navigate to the /api/chat/stream_log endpoint.

First, find the getRetriever function and remove the if statement checking for Weaviate environment variables, the Chroma LangChain.js integration does not require any!

Then, replace the Weaviate specific code with Chroma and Ollama embeddings:

import { Chroma } from "@langchain/community/vectorstores/chroma";
import { OllamaEmbeddings } from "@langchain/community/embeddings/ollama";

const embeddings = new OllamaEmbeddings({
  model: "nomic-embed-text",
const vectorstore = await Chroma.fromExistingCollection(
    collectionName: process.env.COLLECTION_NAME

Finally, find the POST function and replace the if statements with a single llm variable instantiation:

import { ChatOllama } from "@langchain/community/chat_models/ollama";

const llm = new ChatOllama({
  model: "mistral"

Now you're done! You can run the application 100% locally with just two commands:

  1. Ingest docs:
cd ./backend && yarn build && yarn ingest
  1. Start the Next.js application:
cd ./frontend && yarn build && yarn start