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172 lines (148 loc) · 8.2 KB

Semi-Empirical Methods Implemented:

  1. MNDO
  2. AM1
  3. PM3



  • Length: Å
  • Energy: eV
  • Temperature: Kelvin
  • Time: femtosecond
  • Force: eV/Å
  • Velocity: Å/femtosecond

Runing script:

# Perform Molecular Dynamics with batch of systems, see
# For furthur usage, see examples in tests/test*
import torch
from seqm.seqm_functions.constants import Constants
from seqm.XLBOMD import XL_BOMD

# torch setting
if torch.cuda.is_available():
    device = torch.device('cuda')
    device = torch.device('cpu')

# Specify SEQM parameters
seqm_parameters = {
                   'method' : 'AM1',  # AM1, MNDO, PM3
                   'scf_eps' : 1.0e-6,  # unit eV, SCF converging threshold
                   'scf_converger' : [2,0.0], # converger used for scf loop
                                         # [0, 0.1], [0, alpha] constant mixing, P = alpha*P + (1.0-alpha)*Pnew
                                         # [1], adaptive mixing
                                         # [2], adaptive mixing, then pulay
                   'sp2' : [True, 1.0e-5],  # whether to use sp2 algorithm in scf loop,
                                            #[True, eps] or [False], eps for SP2 conve criteria
                   'elements' : [0,1,6,8], # element atomic number, ascending order
                   'learned' : [], # learned parameters name list, e.g ['U_ss'], 
                        # name lists in seqm.basics.parameterlist  
                        # if empty, loaded from ./seqm/params, 
                        # otherwise provide dictionary for modules Energy, Force or MD, see
                        # or provide callable function for modules, f(species, coordinates), which return a same type dictionary as in
                   'pair_outer_cutoff' : 1.0e10, # consistent with the unit on coordinates

# Prepare configurations
# Note configurations are prepared in batch mode, i.e. first dimension: molecules
#example with two molecule systems
# [O, C, H, H]
# species in descending order
species = torch.as_tensor([[8,6,1,1],[8,6,1,1]],dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
coordinates = torch.tensor([
                   [0.014497970281389074, 3.208059797520201e-05, -1.0697192468126102e-07],
                   [1.3364260161590171, -3.26283382508022e-05, 8.510168803526663e-07],
                   [1.7576599286132542, 1.0395080227523756, -5.348699492766755e-07],
                   [1.757558154681721, -1.039614513603968, 2.8473584469483316e-06]
                   [0.014497970281389074, 3.208059797520201e-05, -1.0697192468126102e-07],
                   [1.3364260161590171, -3.26283382508022e-05, 8.510168803526663e-07],
                   [1.7576599286132542, 1.0395080227523756, -5.348699492766755e-07],
                   [1.757558154681721, -1.039614513603968, 2.8473584469483316e-06]
                 ], device=device)

# Prepare some constant parameters
const = Constants().to(device)

# Setup Molecular Dynamics Engine
#md =  Molecular_Dynamics_Basic(seqm_parameters, timestep=1.0).to(device)
#md =  Molecular_Dynamics_Langevin(seqm_parameters, timestep=1.0, damp=100.0, T=300.0, output={'molid':[0, 1], 'thermo':1, 'dump':10, 'prefix':'md'}).to(device)
md = XL_BOMD(seqm_parameters, timestep=1.0, k=9).to(device)

# Initialize velocities (can also be provided)
velocities = md.initialize_velocity(const, coordinates, species, Temp=300.0)

# NVE or NVT
#coordinates, velocities, accelaration =, 20, coordinates, velocities, species)

coordinates, velocities, accelaration, P, Pt =, 20, coordinates, velocities, species)

Testing Example: /tests/test*.py

  1. ./ : example to get Fock matrix, energy etc, and backward
  2. ./ : example to get force
  3. ./ : example for geometry optimization
  4. ./ : example for molecular dynamcies (NVE, NVT)
  5. ./ : example for how to add trained parameters for the calculation
  6. ./test6/ : example to verify the force computed from the code
  7. ./test7/ : example to verify the gradient on parameters
  8. ./ : XL-BOMD
  9. ./ : NVE, compared with
  10. ./test10 : Nanostar 884 atoms, XL-BOMD
  11. ./ : test scf_backward recursive formula
  12. ./ : second order gradient
  13. ./test13 : check gradient of orbital energy on parameters
  14. ./test14 : check gradient of orbital energy on coordinates
  15. ./test15 : check the second order gradients, test with gradient of force on coordinates


seqm : seqm module
├── : collections of classes for perform basic operations
├── : geometry optimization and NVE and Langevin Molecular Dyanmics
├── : XL-BOMD
├── params : MNDO/AM1/PM3 parameters
└── seqm_functions
   ├── : compute dipole/qutrupole charge separation and additive terms rho1 and rho2
   ├── : store some constant parameters
   ├── : load and prepare dataset from numpy array, not updated
   ├── : diagonalization functions, where pseudo_diag is not used
   ├── : get overlap integrals
   ├── : compute various energy terms
   ├── : construct Fockian matrix
   ├── : construct Hcore
   ├── : functions to deal with the padding in batch of matrix
   ├── : load parameters from structured csv files as in ./params
   ├── : perform SCF procedure
   ├── : single particle density matrix expansion algorithm SP2
   ├── : compute two electron two center integrals in local frame for each pair of atoms
   └── : rotate and get two electron two center integrals in global frame
class Parser : prepare data in the form for other parts, similar to ./seqm/seqm_functions/data_loader
class Pack_Parameters : combine parameters provided (like from ML) with other required ones loaded from ./params/
class Hamiltonian : assemble functions in seqm/seqm_functions, perform SCF and construct Fockian
class Energy : get energies based on Hamiltonian (total energy, heat of formation, nuclear energies, etc)
class Force : use torch.autograd.grad to get gradient of total energy on coordinates to get force
class Geometry_Optimization_SD : geometry optimization with steepest descend
class Molecular_Dynamics_Basic : NVE MD
class Molecular_Dynamics_Langevin : NVT with Langevin thermostat
class Geometry_Optimization_SD_LS : geometry optimization using linear search based on steepest descend, not finished
class Molecular_Dynamics_Nose_Hoover : NVT with Nose Hoover, not finished
class EnergyXL : get energies based on XL-BOMD
class ForceXL : get force with XL-BOMD
class XL_BOMD : module to perform XL-BOMD


  1. Atoms in molecules are sorted in descending order based on atomic number
  2. 0 padding is used for atoms in molecules
   NH3 ==> [7,1,1,1], H2O ==> [8,1,1,0]
  1. indexing for atoms works with or without padding atom
   [[7,1,1,1],[[7,1,1,0],[7,1,1,1]]  ==> index [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11]
   [[7,1,1,1],[[7,1,1,0],[7,1,1,1]]  ==> index [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]


  1. Benchmark convergence criteria eps for SCF and SP2, eps_sp2 will affect number of iterations for SCF
  2. in general set converger=[2], combining adaptive mixing and pulay seems takes fewest iterations
  3. when on GPU, use SP2, on CPU don't use SP2, but benchmark to check
  4. For molecules with degeneracy, use convergers=0 or 2, and turn on seqm.seqm_functions.diag.CHECK_DEGENERACY = True


Zhou, Guoqing, et al. "Graphics processing unit-accelerated semiempirical Born Oppenheimer molecular dynamics using PyTorch." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 16.8 (2020): 4951-4962.