- AM1
- PM3
- Length: Å
- Energy: eV
- Temperature: Kelvin
- Time: femtosecond
- Force: eV/Å
- Velocity: Å/femtosecond
# Perform Molecular Dynamics with batch of systems, see test8.py
# For furthur usage, see examples in tests/test*
import torch
from seqm.seqm_functions.constants import Constants
from seqm.XLBOMD import XL_BOMD
# torch setting
if torch.cuda.is_available():
device = torch.device('cuda')
device = torch.device('cpu')
# Specify SEQM parameters
seqm_parameters = {
'method' : 'AM1', # AM1, MNDO, PM3
'scf_eps' : 1.0e-6, # unit eV, SCF converging threshold
'scf_converger' : [2,0.0], # converger used for scf loop
# [0, 0.1], [0, alpha] constant mixing, P = alpha*P + (1.0-alpha)*Pnew
# [1], adaptive mixing
# [2], adaptive mixing, then pulay
'sp2' : [True, 1.0e-5], # whether to use sp2 algorithm in scf loop,
#[True, eps] or [False], eps for SP2 conve criteria
'elements' : [0,1,6,8], # element atomic number, ascending order
'learned' : [], # learned parameters name list, e.g ['U_ss'],
# name lists in seqm.basics.parameterlist
# if empty, loaded from ./seqm/params,
# otherwise provide dictionary for modules Energy, Force or MD, see test5.py
# or provide callable function for modules, f(species, coordinates), which return a same type dictionary as in test5.py
'pair_outer_cutoff' : 1.0e10, # consistent with the unit on coordinates
# Prepare configurations
# Note configurations are prepared in batch mode, i.e. first dimension: molecules
#example with two molecule systems
# [O, C, H, H]
# species in descending order
species = torch.as_tensor([[8,6,1,1],[8,6,1,1]],dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
coordinates = torch.tensor([
[0.014497970281389074, 3.208059797520201e-05, -1.0697192468126102e-07],
[1.3364260161590171, -3.26283382508022e-05, 8.510168803526663e-07],
[1.7576599286132542, 1.0395080227523756, -5.348699492766755e-07],
[1.757558154681721, -1.039614513603968, 2.8473584469483316e-06]
[0.014497970281389074, 3.208059797520201e-05, -1.0697192468126102e-07],
[1.3364260161590171, -3.26283382508022e-05, 8.510168803526663e-07],
[1.7576599286132542, 1.0395080227523756, -5.348699492766755e-07],
[1.757558154681721, -1.039614513603968, 2.8473584469483316e-06]
], device=device)
# Prepare some constant parameters
const = Constants().to(device)
# Setup Molecular Dynamics Engine
#md = Molecular_Dynamics_Basic(seqm_parameters, timestep=1.0).to(device)
#md = Molecular_Dynamics_Langevin(seqm_parameters, timestep=1.0, damp=100.0, T=300.0, output={'molid':[0, 1], 'thermo':1, 'dump':10, 'prefix':'md'}).to(device)
md = XL_BOMD(seqm_parameters, timestep=1.0, k=9).to(device)
# Initialize velocities (can also be provided)
velocities = md.initialize_velocity(const, coordinates, species, Temp=300.0)
# NVE or NVT
#coordinates, velocities, accelaration = md.run(const, 20, coordinates, velocities, species)
coordinates, velocities, accelaration, P, Pt = md.run(const, 20, coordinates, velocities, species)
- ./test1.py : example to get Fock matrix, energy etc, and backward
- ./test2.py : example to get force
- ./test3.py : example for geometry optimization
- ./test4.py : example for molecular dynamcies (NVE, NVT)
- ./test5.py : example for how to add trained parameters for the calculation
- ./test6/test6.py : example to verify the force computed from the code
- ./test7/test7.py : example to verify the gradient on parameters
- ./test8.py : XL-BOMD
- ./test9.py : NVE, compared with test8.py
- ./test10 : Nanostar 884 atoms, XL-BOMD
- ./test11.py : test scf_backward recursive formula
- ./test12.py : second order gradient
- ./test13 : check gradient of orbital energy on parameters
- ./test14 : check gradient of orbital energy on coordinates
- ./test15 : check the second order gradients, test with gradient of force on coordinates
seqm : seqm module
├── basics.py : collections of classes for perform basic operations
├── MolecularDynamics.py : geometry optimization and NVE and Langevin Molecular Dyanmics
├── params : MNDO/AM1/PM3 parameters
└── seqm_functions
├── cal_par.py : compute dipole/qutrupole charge separation and additive terms rho1 and rho2
├── constants.py : store some constant parameters
├── data_loader.py : load and prepare dataset from numpy array, not updated
├── diag.py : diagonalization functions, where pseudo_diag is not used
├── diat_overlap.py : get overlap integrals
├── energy.py : compute various energy terms
├── fock.py : construct Fockian matrix
├── hcore.py : construct Hcore
├── pack.py : functions to deal with the padding in batch of matrix
├── parameters.py : load parameters from structured csv files as in ./params
├── scf_loop.py : perform SCF procedure
├── SP2.py : single particle density matrix expansion algorithm SP2
├── two_elec_two_center_int_local_frame.py : compute two electron two center integrals in local frame for each pair of atoms
└── two_elec_two_center_int.py : rotate and get two electron two center integrals in global frame
class Parser : prepare data in the form for other parts, similar to ./seqm/seqm_functions/data_loader
class Pack_Parameters : combine parameters provided (like from ML) with other required ones loaded from ./params/
class Hamiltonian : assemble functions in seqm/seqm_functions, perform SCF and construct Fockian
class Energy : get energies based on Hamiltonian (total energy, heat of formation, nuclear energies, etc)
class Force : use torch.autograd.grad to get gradient of total energy on coordinates to get force
class Geometry_Optimization_SD : geometry optimization with steepest descend
class Molecular_Dynamics_Basic : NVE MD
class Molecular_Dynamics_Langevin : NVT with Langevin thermostat
class Geometry_Optimization_SD_LS : geometry optimization using linear search based on steepest descend, not finished
class Molecular_Dynamics_Nose_Hoover : NVT with Nose Hoover, not finished
class EnergyXL : get energies based on XL-BOMD
class ForceXL : get force with XL-BOMD
class XL_BOMD : module to perform XL-BOMD
- Atoms in molecules are sorted in descending order based on atomic number
- 0 padding is used for atoms in molecules
NH3 ==> [7,1,1,1], H2O ==> [8,1,1,0]
- indexing for atoms works with or without padding atom
[[7,1,1,1],[[7,1,1,0],[7,1,1,1]] ==> index [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11]
[[7,1,1,1],[[7,1,1,0],[7,1,1,1]] ==> index [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
- Benchmark convergence criteria eps for SCF and SP2, eps_sp2 will affect number of iterations for SCF
- in general set converger=[2], combining adaptive mixing and pulay seems takes fewest iterations
- when on GPU, use SP2, on CPU don't use SP2, but benchmark to check
- For molecules with degeneracy, use convergers=0 or 2, and turn on
seqm.seqm_functions.diag.CHECK_DEGENERACY = True