**NOTE: This is work in progress! Currently, you can record an instrument (or use the piano sound) and play using...
- a QWERTY keyboard ('white keys' = QWERTYUI, 'black keys' = '23 567')
- Thingy:52 (accelerometer & button) (Web Bluetooth)
- empiriKit|MOTION (accelerometer & touch bar) (Web USB)
- midi keyboard (WebMIDI)
- (in progress) virtual keyboard/screen touch
- (in progress) Gamepad API support
A simple sampler built with lit-html & lit-element
- WebAudio (recording and playback)
- WebMIDI (controller)
- WebUSB (empiriKit, controller)
- WebBluetooth (Thingy:52, controller)
Desktop and Mobile supportDONEPWADONE- Visual trimming/filtering of recordings
- Storing/Loading sounds (indexeddb)
- Storing/loading wavetable instruments
- Simple UI for configuring external controllers
- Using device sensors & touch when no external controllers available
- Virtual touch piano (1 - 1.5 octave)
- Dynamically tie controllers to actions (midi, variable, binary)
- Create wavetable instruments from trimmed samples.
- Create QR code of wavetable instrument (if possible) for local sharing.
- https://www.sitepoint.com/using-fourier-transforms-web-audio-api/
- http://www.softsynth.com/webaudio/gainramp.php
- http://blog.chrislowis.co.uk/2013/06/10/playing-multiple-notes-web-audio-api.html
- https://www.keithmcmillen.com/blog/making-music-in-the-browser-web-audio-midi-envelope-generator/
- https://codepen.io/skoyah/pen/dePEGJ
- https://css-tricks.com/animating-layouts-with-the-flip-technique/
- http://jsbin.com/lenapigo/1/edit?html,css,js,output ( progress/seek in audio )
- https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2014/07/Blob-support-for-IndexedDB-landed-on-Chrome-Dev
- https://googlechrome.github.io/samples/web-bluetooth/automatic-reconnect-async-await.html
- https://webaudiodemos.appspot.com/AudioRecorder/index.html
- Should modules (~ drivers) output midi signals to the main app?
- Previously known usb and ble devices should regain same config (if there are no conflicts)
- Could have an 80s style: http://www.color-hex.com/color-palette/28164
- Use easing curve from material design: https://material.io/design/motion/speed.html#easing