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--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ Welcome to the LASP Developer's Guide!
:maxdepth: 1
+ programming_languages/index
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+Programming Languages
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ python/index
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+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ terminology
+ packaging_and_distribution
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+> **Warning:** More information is needed to complete this guideline.
+# Python Packaging and Distribution
+Examples of Python packaging and distribution options and how to use them.
+## Purpose
+> **Warning** Need to add an explanation of how this guideline supports DS workflows, meets internal and external
+> policies, and aids in collaboration and our overall success
+## Options
+The options for Python packaging and distribution that we often see used at LASP are:
+- [PyPI](#packaging-for-pypi--pip-install-)
+- [Conda](#packaging-for-conda--conda-install-)
+## Packaging for PyPI (`pip install`)
+### PyPI resources:
+- [PyPI Help Page](https://pypi.org/help/)
+- [Setting up a PyPI account](https://pypi.org/account/register/)
+- [Getting a PyPI access token](https://pypi.org/help/#apitoken)
+### Built-In (`build` + `twine`)
+> **Warning**: Need to add introductory paragraph that summarizes Built-In
+#### How to use Built-In
+Python Packaging User Guide: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/
+The link below is a fairly complete tutorial. There are also instructions there for using various other build tools:
+#### Built-In resources
+- [Python Packaging User Guide](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/)
+#### Setuptools Example – Library Package
+ setup.py
+Setup file for the science data processing pipeline.
+The only required fields for setup are name, version, and packages. Other fields to consider (from looking at other
+projects): keywords, include_package_data, requires, tests_require, package_data
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+# Reads the requirements file
+with open('requirements.txt') as f:
+ requirements = f.read().splitlines()
+ name='my_py_library',
+ version='0.1.0',
+ author='Jane Doe, John Doe, This is just a str',
+ author_email='jane.doe@lasp.colorado.edu',
+ description='Science data processing pipeline for the instrument',
+ long_description=open('README.md', 'r').read(), # Reads the readme file
+ python_requires='>=3.8, <4',
+ url='https://some-git.url',
+ classifiers=[
+ "Natural Language :: English",
+ "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering",
+ "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
+ "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X",
+ "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux",
+ ],
+ packages=find_packages(exclude=('tests', 'tests.*')),
+ package_data={
+ "my_py_library": [
+ "some_necessary_config_data.json",
+ "calibration_data/*"
+ ]
+ },
+ py_modules=['root_level_module_name',],
+ install_requires=requirements,
+ entry_points={
+ 'console_scripts': [
+ 'run-processing=my_py_library.cli:main', # package.module:function
+ ]
+ }
+### Poetry
+> **Warning**: Need to add introductory paragraph that summarizes Poetry
+[Poetry Build and Publish Docs](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#build)
+How to Publish to PyPI from Poetry
+poetry lock
+poetry install
+poetry version
+poetry build
+poetry publish # You will be prompted for your PyPI credentials if you don't provide the environment variables
+#### Poetry Project Configuration Example – Library Package
+ pyproject.toml
+ ```
+ # pyproject.toml
+ # See: https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/
+ [tool.poetry]
+ name = "my_python_package"
+ version = "0.1.0"
+ description = "Science data processing library and applications for some instrument."
+ authors = [ # Alphabetical
+ "Jane Doe ",
+ "John Doe "
+ ]
+ # Configure private PyPI repo to download packages
+ [[tool.poetry.source]]
+ name = "lasp-pypi" # This name will be used in the configuration to retrieve the proper credentials
+ url = "https://artifacts.pdmz.lasp.colorado.edu/repository/lasp-pypi/simple" # URL used to download your private packages
+ # Dependency specification for core package
+ [tool.poetry.dependencies]
+ python = "^3.9"
+ astropy = "^4.2.1"
+ h5py = "^3.3.0"
+ numpy = "^1.21.0"
+ spiceypy = "^4.0.1"
+ lasp-packets = "1.2"
+ requests = "^2.26.0"
+ SQLAlchemy = "^1.4.27"
+ psycopg2 = "^2.9.2"
+ cloudpathlib = {extras = ["s3"], version = "^0.6.2"}
+ # Development dependencies
+ [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies]
+ pytest-cov = "^2.12.1"
+ pylint = "^2.9.3"
+ responses = "^0.14.0"
+ pytest-randomly = "^3.10.2"
+ moto = {extras = ["s3"], version = "^2.2.16"}
+ # Script entrypoints to put in installed bin directory
+ [tool.poetry.scripts]
+ sdp = 'my_python_package.cli:main'
+ # Poetry boilerplate
+ [build-system]
+ requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
+ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
+ ```
+## Packaging for Conda (`conda install`)
+> **Warning**: Need a volunteer to expand on Conda
+### How to install and use Conda
+> Conda Develop:
+> There is a conda subcommand called `conda develop`, but it is not actively maintained. The maintainers of
+conda recommend using `pip install` to install an editable package in development mode.
+> See: https://github.com/conda/conda-build/issues/1992
+## Useful Links
+Here are some helpful resources:
+- [Python Packaging User's Guide](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/)
+- [The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python - Packaging your Code](https://docs.python-guide.org/shipping/packaging/)
+- [The Sheer Joy of Packaging](https://python-packaging-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html)
+- [Package Python Projects the Proper Way with Poetry](https://hackersandslackers.com/python-poetry-package-manager/)
+- [Poetry Documentation](https://python-poetry.org/docs/)
+- [Setuptools Documentation](https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/)
+- [Building conda packages from scratch](https://conda.io/projects/conda-build/en/latest/user-guide/tutorials/build-pkgs.html)
+Credit: Content taken from a Confluence guide written by Gavin Medley
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+# Python Terminology
+Some Python terminology that a user might encounter, particularly when working through this Python guide.
+## Purpose
+Like all programming languages, Python has some terminology that is unique to it and it is helpful to have that language
+explained. This page may be updated over time so that it holds the most useful terminology to those that use this
+developer's guide.
+### Library Packages vs Applications vs Scripts
+Python is a highly flexible interpreted language. This means it's easy to get started, quick to write, and easy to run.
+Unfortunately, this also means it's very easy to write code that works in one context but not in others or code that is
+robust but isn't designed to be inherited.
+**Package**: A `python` package, intended for redistribution, containing objects that serve as building blocks for
+other developers to use. Examples are `numpy`, `pytest`, and `sqlalchemy`.
+> **Note** While most people think of a Python package as the above definition, a Python "package" is technically
+> any directory containing an `__init__.py` file.
+**Application**: A python project (which may or may not be a packaged distribution) that provides specific and possibly
+configurable functionality. Examples are Poetry, the AWS CLI, the Conda CLI, the Green Unicorn WSGI HTTP server, any
+Django "app".
+**Script**: Pretty much anything else written in Python. One could arguably say that a Script is just a trivial Application
+with little configuration or portability. Scripts are usually run with `python my_script.py argv`. They tend to be
+difficult to maintain, update, or distribute.
+**Packaging Tooling**: Not only managing a local environment, but also providing tooling for developing, building, and
+distributing python packages for other users. While Conda does support this use case (it's how one creates and
+distributes conda packages to `conda-forge`), Poetry and `setuptools` are much easier to develop with (for PyPI) and Poetry
+boasts a similar dependency resolver to Conda. One major drawback to Conda in packaging is that there is no notion of an
+"editable install" so the developer is forced to build and test end user functionality (e.g. script entrypoints) over
+and over instead of simply making code changes in place.
+## Useful Links
+Helpful links to additional resources on the topic
+Credit: Content taken from a Confluence guide written by Gavin Medley
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index c5f567d..c99d67d 100644
--- a/guideline_template.md
+++ b/guideline_template.md
@@ -13,4 +13,6 @@ An explanation of the options available for this guideline (could be one or more
Detailed instructions or general guidance for implementation of the guideline
## Useful Links
-Helpful links to additional resources on the topic
\ No newline at end of file
+Helpful links to additional resources on the topic
+Credit: Content taken from a Confluence guide written by