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117 lines (86 loc) · 3.91 KB


File metadata and controls

117 lines (86 loc) · 3.91 KB


  • Support Laravel 5.8


  • Support Laravel 5.7


  • Support Laravel 5.6
  • Added nestedSet and dropNestedSet blueprint macros


  • Support Laravel 5.5
  • Added fixSubtree and rebuildSubtree methods
  • Increased performance of tree rebuilding


  • #217: parent_id, lft and rgt are reset when replicating a node


  • #208: dirty parent and bounds when making a root
  • #206: fixed where has on descendants
  • refactored ancestors and descendants relations


  • Fixed issues related to rebuilding tree when using SoftDeletes and scoping


  • Added whereAncestorOrSelf, ancestorsAndSelf, descendantsOrSelf, whereDescendantOrSelf helper methods
  • #186: rebuild tree removes nodes softly when model uses SoftDeletes trait
  • #191: added whereIsLeaf and leaves method, added isLeaf check on node


  • #75: Converted to trait. Following methods were renamed:
    • appendTo to appendToNode
    • prependTo to prependToNode
    • insertBefore to insertBeforeNode
    • insertAfter to insertAfterNode
    • getNext to getNextNode
    • getPrev to getPrevNode
  • #82: Fixing tree now handles case when nodes pointing to non-existing parent
  • The number of missing parent is now returned when using countErrors
  • #79: implemented scoping feature
  • #81: moving node now makes model dirty before saving it
  • #45: descendants is now a relation that can be eagerly loaded
  • hasChildren and hasParent are now deprecated. Use has('children') has('parent') instead
  • Default order is no longer applied for siblings(), descendants(), prevNodes, nextNodes
  • #50: implemented tree rebuilding feature
  • #85: added tree flattening feature


  • Fixed #42: model becomes dirty before save when parent is changed and using appendTo, prependTo, insertBefore, insertAfter.


  • Added fixTree method for fixing lft/rgt values based on inheritance
  • Dropped support of Laravel < 5.1
  • Improved compatibility with different databases


  • Support Laravel 5.1.9
  • Renamed append to appendNode, prepend to prependNode
  • Renamed next to nextNodes, prev to prevNodes
  • Renamed after to afterNode, before to beforeNode


  • Added query methods whereNotDescendantOf, orWhereDescendantOf, orWhereNotDescendantOf
  • whereAncestorOf, whereDescendantOf and every method that depends on them can now accept node instance
  • Added Node::getBounds that returns an array of node bounds that can be used in whereNodeBetween


  • Added linkNodes method to Collection class


  • Support Laravel 5


  • Added isChildOf, isAncestorOf, isSiblingOf methods


  • Added insertAfter, insertBefore methods.
  • prepend and append methods now save target model.
  • You can now call refreshNode to make sure that node has updated structural data (lft and rgt values).
  • The root node is not required now. You can use saveAsRoot or makeRoot method. New model is saved as root by default.
  • You can now create as many nodes and in any order as you want within single request.
  • Laravel 2 is supported but not required.
  • ancestorsOf now doesn't include target node into results.
  • New constraint methods hasParent and hasChildren.
  • New method isDescendantOf that checks if node is a descendant of other node.
  • Default order is not applied by default.
  • New method descendantsOf that allows to get descendants by id of the node.
  • Added countErrors and isBroken methods to check whether the tree is broken.
  • NestedSet::createRoot has been removed.
  • NestedSet::column doesn't create a foreign key anymore.


  • Collection::toDictionary is now obsolete. Use Collection::groupBy.
  • Laravel 4.2 is required