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35 lines (31 loc) · 1.98 KB

File metadata and controls

35 lines (31 loc) · 1.98 KB

Duplicate files


  • Stuff in commission/from-homedir and TPC12
  • Stuff in commission/selftrigger-debug/Nov16 and TPC12
  • One file (selftriggering-packet-2022_11_17_03_26_CET.h5, 1.3GB) from commission/selftrigger-debug/converted in commission/selftrigger-debug/Nov16


  • Stuff in commission/from-homedir and TPC12
  • Stuff in commission/selftrigger-debug/Nov16 and commission/selftrigger-debug (These files all seem to be of the same size)
  • Stuff in commission/selftrigger-debug/Nov16 and TPC12


  • Does selftrigger-binary-2022_11_21_03_34_CET.h show up in TPC12? Is someone copying files from ~/PACMANv1rev4/commission to /data/LArPix/Module2_Nov2022/TPC12?

To do

Move truncated duplicates to _trash

See list of duplicates above

Also in packetized

Make symlinks in packetized to files that are already packetized

From commission, cooldown, TPC12 (Start with just TPC12… in progress) Remember to chmod

Submit packetizer_job for binary pedestal files

Reinitialize packetizer_job for self-triggered files

Do a filesystem scan of packetized rather than using the .done file

Deal with files that raise an OSError in h5py.File

grep OSError /global/cfs/cdirs/dune/users/mkramer/data/packetizer/2022-11-27.pedestal/dumplog.txt

Some awful command lines

while true; do clear; du -h --max-depth=1 /global/cfs/cdirs/dune/www/data/Module2/packetized; cat input.txt.done | awk '$3 == 0 {print $2}' | sed 's!Module2!Module2/packetized!' | sed 's/h5/packet.h5/' | xargs ls -lh | sed 's/:/0/' | sort -r -k 8; sleep 30; done

for f in $(awk '$3 == 0 {print $2}' input.txt.done); do fout_tmp=$(echo $f | sed 's!Module2!Module2/packetized!' | sed 's/h5$/packet.h5/'); fout=$(echo $fout_tmp | sed 's/packetized/packetized.good/'); mkdir -p $(dirname $fout); mv $fout_tmp $fout; done

while true; do clear; find packetized -type f | wc -l; echo; du -h --max-depth=1 packetized.tmp; sleep 30; done