Turns an original image file into multiple cropped/scaled ones - client side.
We use it to resize an image to multiple versions (small, medium, large) before uploading it to an external store-only server. The image is chosen through a file input, and uploaded as a file, hence the need to convert it from and to a file.
- The crop function will scale aspect fill (css
background-size: cover;
style) the image to the desired size. - If the image is too small, it will cut it (while keeping center at center) to match the destination proportions.
- If the image contains transparancy, or the fillModeContain flag is set, it will scale aspect to contain instead (css
background-size: contain;
var sizes = [{ w:400, h:400 },{ w:120, h:120 },{ w:60, h:60 }];
imageFileToCroppedImageFiles(file, sizes, function (files) {
var allFiles = { original:file, default:files[0], medium:files[1], small:files[2] };
// All files ready
aspectContainImageCrop(image, size[, fillModeContain]) -> Image
imageFileToCroppedImageFiles(file, sizes, callback, fillModeContain) -> callback(files)
getImageFromSrc(src, callback) -> callback(image)
getImageFromFile(file, callback) -> callback(image)
dataURItoBlob(dataURI) -> Blob
(Where fillModeContain is eigther null (auto, contain if transparent bg), true (force contain), false (force cover))
Feel free to contribute, and to open issues/requests.
Original creator: Leonard Pauli,
Date: 18/3-2015,
License: MIT