The multi channel attribution pipeline consists of 4 jobs all running on sagemaker.
The first job takes in raw data at impressions level from S3, clean it, compute features and conversion status at journey level and save the results to S3.
The feature engineering is done using pyspark via the PysparkProcessor object. It takes the impressions dataset (s3://deep-attribution-bucket/raw/impressions.parquet) as input and output three datasets correspond to the train, test and validation set (s3://deep-attribution-bucket/feature_store/set_nm.parquet).
There are two scripts associated with this part the:
- the job script
- the script to lauch the job
parse command line args
load impressions data from S3
uid | timestamp | campaign | conversion
int | int | str | bool
- create a conversion id field for each impressions, an identifier (unique at uid level) that specify which impressions happened in the same journey.
uid | timestamp | campaign | conversion | conversion_id
int | int | str | bool | int
- create a journey id field for each impressions, an unique identifier that specify which impressions happened in the same journey.
uid | timestamp | campaign | conversion | journey_id
int | int | str | bool | bigint
- create a campaign index field for each impressions, an index that specify the order in which impressions have happened at journey level.
uid | campaign | conversion | journey_id | campaign_index_in_journey
int | str | bool | bigint | int
- pad the journey based on the campaign index and the journey_max_length
uid | campaign | conversion | journey_id | campaign_index_in_journey
int | str | bool | bigint | int
- get a campaign nm to one hot index mapper and save it to S3
- get the conversion status at journey level as a DataFrame
conversion_status | journey_id
bool | bigint
- get the campaign at each journey index at journey level as a DataFrame
campaign_nm_at_index_0 | campaign_nm_at_index_* | campaign_nm_at_index_n | journey_id
str | str | str | bigint
- join the results from 8 and 9 together at journey level.
conversion_status | campaign_nm_at_index_0 | campaign_nm_at_index_* | campaign_nm_at_index_n | journey_id
bool | str | str | str | bigint
split the DataFrame into a train (0.8), a test (0.8) and a validation set (0.1).
save the results to S3.
- intance_type: at least ml.c5.xlarge
- instance_count: at least 2
The second job takes in data from the feature_store (train, test, val) at journey level from S3, clean it, one hot encode the features and save the results to S3.
The processing is done using sklearn via the SklearnProcessor object. It takes the feature store dataset (s3://deep-attribution-bucket/feature_store/set_nm.parquet) as input and output three datasets correspond to the train, test and validation set (s3://deep-attribution-bucket/feature_store_preprocessed/set_nm.parquet).
There are two scripts associated with this part the:
- the job script
- the script to lauch the job
parse command line args
load the campaign nm to one hot index mapper from S3.
- transform the mapper into a list where each campaign_nm is at the specified index (categories).
["campaign_nm_1", ..., "campaign_nm_*", ..., "campaign_nm_n"]
initialize the one hot encoder using categories
iterate over the set_nms
load set
conversion_status | campaign_nm_at_index_0 | campaign_nm_at_index_* | campaign_nm_at_index_n | journey_id
bool | str | str | str | bigint
- one hot encode the set campaign_nm_at_index_*
[0, 0, ..., 1],
[0, 0, ..., 1]
], shape=(m, n))
m: nb_obs
n: nb_campaigns*journey_max_len
- format the results
conversion_status | campaign_nm_at_index_0_is_campaign_nm_1 | campaign_nm_at_index_*_is_campaign_nm_* | journey_id
bool | bool | bool | bigint
- save the results to S3
- intance_type: at least ml.c5.xlarge
- instance_count: at least 2
The third job load data from the feature store preprocessed (train, test, val in s3://deep-attribution-bucket/feature_store_preprocessed/set_nm.parquet) using a generator (tensorflow.keras.utils.Sequence) and train the model, optimize the hyperparameters and save the trained attention model to S3 (s3://deep-attribution-bucket/model/).
You can read more on the model and the attention model here
There are five scripts associated with this part the:
- the model implementation script
- the data generator implementation script
- the oversampling implementation script
- the training job script
- the script to launch training
parse command line args
get the number of campaigns from the campaign name to one hot index mapper
initialize the model with the passed hyperparameters
initialize the data generator for each set
fit the model
evaluate the model
write the evaluation metrics to S3
save the attention model to S3
- intance_type: at least ml.m5.2xlarge
- instance_count: at least 2
The fourth job load the training data from the feature store preprocessed (s3://deep-attribution-bucket/feature_store_preprocessed/train.parquet), predict the attention values for each journeys and save the results to S3 (s3://deep-attribution-bucket/attention_report/attention_score.parquet).
There is one script associated with this part the:
- the prediction script
get the number of campaigns from the campaign name to one hot index mapper
load the training data
conversion_status | campaign_nm_at_index_0_is_campaign_nm_1 | campaign_nm_at_index_*_is_campaign_nm_* | journey_id
bool | bool | bool | bigint
- format the training data for prediction
[0, 0, ..., 1],
[0, 0, ..., 1],
[0, 0, ..., 1],
[0, 0, ..., 1],
], shape=(m, n, l))
m: nb_obs
n: journey_max_len
l: nb_campaigns
- predict the attention scores for the training data
[111345753525, 0.32 ..., 0.0],
[111345753523, 0.15 ..., 0.12]
], shape=(m, n))
m: nb_obs
n: journey_max_len + 1
- format the results as pd.DataFrame
attention_at_index_0 | attention_at_index_* | attention_at_index_n | journey_id
float | float | float | bigint
- save the attention score to S3
- intance_type: at least ml.c5.xlarge
- instance_count: at least 2
The fourth job load the training data from the feature store (s3://deep-attribution-bucket/feature_store/train.parquet), load the attention score from the attention report (s3://deep-attribution-bucket/attention_report/attention_score.parquet) join them together on the journey_id field, compute the total and average attention by campaigns and save the results to S3 (s3://deep-attribution-bucket/attention_report/campaign_attention.parquet).
There are two scripts associated with this part the:
- the job script
- the script to launch the job
- load the campaigns at journey level from the feature store
conversion_status | campaign_nm_at_index_0 | campaign_nm_at_index_* | campaign_nm_at_index_n | journey_id
bool | str | str | str | bigint
- load the attention scores at journey level from the attention report
attention_at_index_0 | attention_at_index_* | attention_at_index_n | journey_id
float | float | float | bigint
- unpivot the campaigns at journey level on the journey id
campaign_nm | campaign_nm_index_in_journey | journey_id
str | int | bigint
- unpivot the attention scores at journey level on the journey id
attention | campaign_nm_index_in_journey | journey_id
int | int | bigint
- create an impression_id field for the unpivoted campaigns
campaign_nm | impression_id
str | bigint
- create an impression_id field for the unpivoted attentions
attention | impression_id
float | bigint
- join the two DataFrames on the impression_id
attention | impression_id | campaign_nm | impression_id
float | bigint | str | bigint
- compute the total attention by campaign
total_attention | campaign_nm
float | str
- compute the average attention by campaign
average_attention | campaign_nm
float | str
- join the total and average attention on the campaign_nm
average_attention | campaign_nm | total_attention
float | str | float
- save the results to S3
- intance_type: at least ml.c5.xlarge
- instance_count: at least 2